In Search of the Wedding Dress

Nov 29, 2007 22:22

Went wedding dress shopping with my friend Carla today which was lots of fun. In addition to being the awesome kind of person who can geek Battlestar Galactica while shopping, she also knows clothes stuff and how to do things. (Sad fact: without her, it is quite probably I would never have been able to *figure out* how to get into some of those ( Read more... )

bsg, wedding, nanowrimo

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Re: I looked at the Six dress caitri November 30 2007, 16:41:36 UTC
Duly noted! One thing is the dresses I liked (including the Six dress which is my #2 fav) aren't wedding dresses--they're evening gowns from a...I guess evening dress store?? I don't know what you'd call it, they had street clothes too though, but they were dressier. At any rate one of the things I liked is they're the sort of thing you just buy at the counter and take home and just take care of by dry cleaning: no alterations, peculiar fabrics, etc.

The one I liked best was a Suze Wong in an ivory that looked like a very light champagne. It was very 20s or 30s style and had kind of a fluttery thing going on past the hip, and patterns of jeweled sequins across the front and back that looked very pretty. Something I really liked? It was the kind of store that indulged in vanity sizing, so I fit perfectly in sizes 4. and. 6. Something I have never done before and am unlikely to do again. Ever. -__- :)


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Re: I looked at the Six dress caitri November 30 2007, 17:28:44 UTC
Nah, I'm just a cheap git who figures that if I'm going to spend three figures (preferably lower three figures) on a dress I should bloody well get to wear it more than once!! We went to a bridal store that had a $99 gown sale: deeply unimpressed. The fabric just isn't nice (and in fact reminds me somehow of like cheap princess costumes when I was a kid), all that stuff to pouf everything makes getting in and out of the thing a pain to climb through, and a lot of them are just not that pretty! The other dress store had softer fabrics like I guess satin or silk--comfy things--and didn't have the layers of pouf. Also to wear their stuff you don't have to invest in a bustier or anything--maybe a pair of boyshorts in fabric that doesn't have VPL--the help lady was suggesting thongs and I'm like "Nooo ( ... )


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