So I've got a journal on DreamWidth now, too. I'm not abandoning LJ or anything, so I'm basically going to be crossposting to the two of them, but it's a good backup and stuff. I'm
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Sp far it's good - the original LJ team started it up, so it's essentially a smaller LJ without the owner drama.
There's a function to import all your old entries and stuff from LJ. So, uh, I put in my LJ name and password, clicked some ticky boxes, and there it went!
Comments 9
How did you transfer all of it there?
There's a function to import all your old entries and stuff from LJ. So, uh, I put in my LJ name and password, clicked some ticky boxes, and there it went!
So what's happening with the LJ team?
The current LJ team? Nothing that I know about right now, but there's certainly been lots of drama in the past couple years.
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