| meme; that questionaire thing | it's in your eyes, I can tell what you're thinking

Feb 13, 2008 17:16

01. The next person you'll hold hands with, will it mean anything? If I'm ever going to feel inclined towards that kind of action, most likely.
02. Do you sleep with the TV on? No.
03. Have you ever drank alcohol straight from the bottle? No.
04. Do you think you're old? No.
05. Are you afraid of the dark? No.
06. Do you like your life right now? ... Not in some aspects.
07. When's the last time you chose a bath over a shower? A while ago. I actually prefer showers.
08. Do you knock on wood? No.
09. Do you have good vision? [ snrk ] Yes.
10. Can you hula hoop? I've never tried.
11. Could you ever forgive a cheater? ... It depends on the person.
12. Do you have a job? In Konoha, I do.
13. Do you like to read? Most of the time.
14. Have you ever been suspended or expelled from school? No.
16. Have you ever crawled through a window? Yes.
17. Bitch much? Some might say so.
18. Can you handle the truth? Yes.
19. What was the most recent thing you bought? An orange apron. A Christmas present.
20. Are you listening to music? Yes. Mozart.
21. Where are you? My dorm room.
22. How often do you talk on the phone? ...?
23. Do you have a boyfriend/girlfriend? No.
25. Are you in a complicated relationship? No.
26. Do you hate more than 3 people? ...No. I dislike some.
27. Have you ever tripped someone? No.
28. Name one thing that is always on your mind? No such thing.
32. Have you made a prank phone call? No.
33. Are you sarcastic? Occasionally.
34. Have you ever slapped someone? No.
35. Do looks matter? My own to me, I must admit. It depends.
36. Do you use chap stick? In the worst cases No.
37. Are you too forgiving? Not at all.
38. Do you own something from Hot Topic? ...?
39. Do you own a gun? No.
41. When was the last time you cried? ...A long time ago.
42. Olive Garden? ...I don't like olives.
43. Have you ever been in a castle? Yes.
45. Do you like your hair? Yes.
47. Do you like yourself? ... I try to give myself reason to.
48. Are Were you closer to your mother or father? ... Father.
49. Have you ever stripped? ...... No.
51. Do you chat on MSN often? No.
52. Have you ever broken someone’s heart? Not to my knowledge.
53. Full House or Brady Bunch. ?
54. Did you like your Guidance Counselor in school? ... I'm going to hope we will be getting no such thing.
55. Has anyone ever called you a tease? Not yet.
56. Do you have any scars? Few.
57. Relationships or one night stands? ... Relationship, if I had to choose.
58. Have you seen all the Rocky movies? ...No.
59. Who was the last person to make you cry? ................ ... I don't remember. My family
60. Ever wish upon a star? No.
61. Where is your dad right now? ... Dead.
63. Got Milk? ..No.
64. Last person you text messaged? None.
65. What kind of phone do you have? I don't.
69. What do you smell like? ... Possibly tea.
70. What color are your eyes? Pale lavender.
71. Have you ever done a Chinese fire drill? ... ?
72. What color is your bedroom floor? Here, brown.
73. Do you have a chair in your room? Yes.
75. Do you know someone named Betsy? No.
76. What color is your mom's hair? ... I don't remember.
78. Do you remember singing any songs as a kid? Possibly.
79. Are you married? No.
80. When was the last time you talked to one of your siblings? I have none.
81. Do you play an instrument? ...I'm teaching myself the piano.
82. Do you like fire? ... Depends on the situation.
83. Are you allergic to anything? Amoxicilin. Nothing that needs to be known.
84. Do you have a crush on anyone? ...No.

some angsty past revelations, questionaire, meme

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