Log [01] Agito/Mello [1/2]

Aug 04, 2011 16:59

Agito storms into the room, closing the door behind him and taking deep irritated breaths as he went to sit on the bed.

“Fuck!!” he scratches his head, his fingers locking the blue hair between them and softly pulling it.

It was freaking irresponsible to accept Renge there. It had been so in the GrandLine already.

Why the hell was Mello doing the same thing all over again? Renge had no way of defending herself against a real thread, and considering how easily Mello tended to make enemies…

“Fucking dammit” he takes a deep breath, his mind taking the vow that if things got out of hand, he would somehow manage to protect her… and Mello at the same time.

“Having too many fucking people to protect will someday be our fucking death” he grumbled to himself, but after actually rationalizing it, he felt calmer.

His eyes gazed to the room, now that he thought of it, he still hadn’t even seen it properly.

At least this time, he actually had space for his stuff (not that he had that many, but it was better than a corner on the house). The room was quite neutral since they had just moved in, a closet, a couple of drawers, two beds…

Mello had gotten him a bed?!

Agito’s eye was wide open observing the second bed, being this one sort of smaller… but still-

Mello acknowledged him... enough to not make him sleep on the floor anymore.

Mello stood bitching at Renge a bit more and making sure she’d understand the house rules, ignoring Agito’s tantrum. He didn’t care what the brat said; Mello wasn’t willing to allow Renge to post THAT all over Thor. He wanted a low profile, and he already had too many people knowing his name and face; he didn’t need Renge, the social butterfly, to tell everyone about them. He knew perfectly well he just had to shoot her and she’d stop, but truthfully, it wasn’t an option he wanted to follow. As much he hated to admit it, he didn’t truly mind all that much Renge living there - it had happened before. And Thor wasn’t half dangerous as Grand Line, not to mention, renge actually had pretty strong people to protect her, so really - what was the big deal? Besides the fact that his privacy was now breached, but he was sort of used to that since Akito lived there too.

Once he was done, it was time to calm the beast. Mello walked to his and - now Agito’s - room, and crosses his arms, looking at the other as he leaned against the door that closed. “What the hell is up your ass now?”

At the others bitching, Agito blinks and awakes from his thoughts, blankly looking at Mello still with a very ‘wtf’ written in his face.

In a second or two, his face became bright red, and then went to a sort of a cooling down process, in which he turned his face.

“She shouldn’t fucking live with us” he grumbles, but doesn’t add anything else, he wasn’t going to argument his reasoning because he knew pretty well that Mello was conscious of it. Thus why he simply expressed that he didn’t agree with it.

“I know that.” Mello said under his breath, and still frowning. But he soon walked inside the room “But she wants to. And I’m not going to bother further about this matter.” Mello was too soft; he KNEW that and it pissed him off so so much. But no matter what, he just gave in to Renge about certain things; if it was something truly important, he would really say no, but this? Mello didn’t care about this. Not really.

Agito looked down “Does she has a bed in the other room?” one knew that Renge was used to the luxury, and Akito wouldn’t have his friend sleeping on the floor like that.

But his hand instinctively caressed his bed, obviously not wishing to let go of it, even if it was the lamest thing ever to feel that attached to something so simple.

“The apartment has two rooms, so it has two beds. Of course she has a bed.” He looked at Agito touching the bed “I asked some aliens to bring in that one earlier, when Renge arrived” they had enough room, after all. A second bed wouldn’t be a problem.

“Okay then.” His checks flush lightly, one actually managing to see a glimpse of relief in his face.

He gets up, going for his drawer and taking a pyjama’s for himself, obviously assuming that they would simply sleep considering Renge lurking on the room next door.

Mello approached Agito from behind, whispering at his ear “Oh. The bed made you happy? You really have a weird sense of happiness.”

Agito flushed at the comment, but his expression and gestures maintain the mask of normality, he takes his shirt off, picking up the upper part of his pyjama’s.

“What’s so weird about fucking preferring a bed to the floor?” he closes his eyes in an annoyed expression while he buttoned up the pyjama’s.

“Nothing. But you make it a big deal just now” His expression told Mello so. The blond pressed his lips against Agito’s ear “tell you what, let’s test how good that bed is.”

The proximity made Agito’s back involuntarily shiver, the younger boy needing to take a deep sigh to restraining his body from any other hint reaction.

“Renge is next door.” He remembered Mello, looking annoyed at the other.

“I’m well aware of that” he said, Mello’s hands landing at Agito’s waist. “That means you’ll need to keep quiet.” Mello already was quiet, so Agito was the one who had to control his voice.

Agito grinded his teeth, he wanted to complain, he wanted to say ‘You fucking know that I can’t hold up that much’.

But yeah, he knew that Mello would just tease him on that.

“Wait a fucking second…” he couldn’t believe he was doing it, but he reached for his drawer in order to fetch an old cloth, which he placed on the night stand.

When things got out of hand, he would place it around his mouth.

Mello observed Agito silently, not saying much at first. But he gave a step back after he saw agito taking out the clothe and put his hand over his jacket’s pocket - he had a serious expression on his face, but really, he was just laying out facts to Agito and no, he wasn’t planning on letting go of sex tonight. “You do realize Renge will be living with us pretty much permanently, right? What are you planning on doing? Refusing to do it every night?” he already refused everynight, anyway. Sort of; not refuse, just complain.

He knew pretty well what Renge’s coming would imply, and he knew that Mello wouldn’t have it going to hotel’s just to have sex without thinking that Renge could be hearing it-

But then again, Agito also realized that using Mello’s libido as an excuse was pretty hypocrisy, he also didn’t want to have restrains on that subject, Mello and him often faced different schedules, having to limit their sex life to whenever the had a break from Renge was quite out of question.

And something that Agito was good at was analysing, he knew his limits quite well.

“No, I am not fucking planning that, but you fucking know as well as I do that I am- not good at controlling myself…” he massages his neck back, looking at the side, his face flushing.

“I know. I hear you scream every night.” Mello didn’t want Renge to hear them either, but she KNEW they had sex - she said so herself, despite Mello refusing to acknowledge he and Agito had a relationship - so by accepting living with them, she knew what she’d be facing.

Well, perhaps not, but Mello was not going to change for her. She was the one who had to adapt, at least to a certain extend. “I was thinking of isolating the room. Soundproof.” This sort of technology was easy to come by on a place like Thor.

“I would fucking pay my part on that” he looks at the other, obviously agreeing with the idea of it.

Agito sit on the bed, looking at the other “But it will fucking take a while to arrange that”

“… Just fucking lock the door for now and fucking cover my mouth with the cloth when things go out of hand…” he grumbled, his eye sort of closed in an irritated expression “for now at least.”

Mello smirked at that and moved to the door, to lock it. After, he approached Agito, his hand taking the blue hair off his face. “See? It’s much easier when you act like you want it too.”

Agito flushed at the other, as usual, he was invaded by that awkwardness that came with Mello opening his mouth about certain subjects.

He sigs, getting up and on his toes, kissing his lover lightly on the mouth, just a start up, an agreement, that he wanted to do it as well. His arms surrounding the others shoulders, aiding him to keep his balance.

“Idiot. Don’t give me half-assed kisses. If you want to kiss me, put effort in it.” And said this, Mello’s hand reached for Agito’s chin, lifting it up and pressing his mouth hard against his lover’s, lips forcing Agito’s mouth to part and take the forceful tongue inside.

Agito smiled, replying with his own mouth pressing against Mello’s mouth, his tongue dancing around the others, tasting his lover, feeling the others movements moving against his.

“Mm” he sighed pleasurably, rubbing his body against his lover and enjoying the heat forming between them.

Mello moved his hands lower towards Agito’s behind, pulling the boy closer do their bodies would glue together. as the kiss continued, the blue eyes closed, and hands delighting themselves  by squeezing the boy’s - still covered - flesh, the older man leaned front and forced his partner to give a step back towards the bed. The bed he had been looking at, yes.

With swift movements, soon Mello made Agito sit, a leather covered leg made sure the boy couldn’t close his legs together, and hands now trapped Agito’s face as the kiss continued.

Agito gasped between kisses, feeling the other’s leg between his but not fighting it.

His hands dared on the other’s body as well, lowering and exploring the others stomach and chest, feeling Mello up underneath the others top while his kiss intensified.
His back started to feel the pressure about laying down, but as if stubbornly clinging to a position, he kept himself sit, waiting for the other to actually push him down.

Mello didn’t do so until he actually took off Agito’s pyjama’s shirt, letting the boy’s chest fully exposed. Only then he bent towards him and kissed the naked skin - kissed AND bit, obviously - and pressed Agito down. Mello’s hand curiously moved through the chest as well, feeling a nipple and playing with it for a while until the skin was hard.

Agito huffed as the other attacked his nipple and felt up his skin, his hand moving to Mello’s scalp and massaging it while he licked his nipple.

At the same time, his knee raised, gently brushing against Mello inner leg, going upwards to touch on the others crotch and rub it.

The yellow head moved lower towards Agito’s waist. Spreading the legs apart so he could have enough room, with the help of his fingers, mello’s mouth opened the zipper and pulled the boy’s underwear low enough to expose his cock.

The younger boy gives a gasp at that, for a moment his eyes actually going for his own member waiting to be folded and caressed.

As his lover went lower, his leg allowed the body to move on it’s length, his foot moving now, touching the other still covered crotch and now rubbing against it again with a little more pressure, the friction probably starting to be felt even with the leather trousers.

Mello’s blue eyes opened and looked up as he felt Agito moving his foot to stimulate him. He didn’t say anything, though - if he did, Agito would most likely stop anyway - so he just closed them again and took the other’s cock into his mouth, enjoying the feeling if the skin mixing with the pleasure Agito was trying to give him.

Agito actually got surprised with Mello not commenting it, his breathing becoming slightly harsher and his cheeks flushing as the other involves his member with his mouth, his dick growing wet and stiff in the process.

With some skill, he unzipped the others trousers using his feet, his toes curling up and pressing his thumb now against the others black underwear, gently rubbing the others organ behind the fabric.

Mello let it go on as he sucked a couple more of times on Agito’s rod, but finally his hand moved to the boy’s foot and he raised his head to speak “Sorry to tell you, but I don’t have a foot fetish.” Sure, Mello liked the touches, but very much like the kisses, he’d prefer if they were more… needy and not just a foot doing the touching.

Agito flushed as the other said it, not really thought about things that way. Thought, despite his complete embarassement, he raised his torso, looking down on his lover before placing his hands in the others face and pulling Mello to kiss him.

“How about I… fucking rub something different… then?” his hands sort of trembled before actually reaching for his lovers upper tight, pulling it in order for Mello to be forced to sit on his bed and be joined with him in the crotch.

Agito gave a small hump, making that part of them rub on one another.

The blond blinked as he saw Agito moving, and actually looked a bit surprised there at Agito’s movements - he wasn’t truly expecting THAT, from all that Agito could pull off. “What are you even doing?” Mello’s hand reached to wrap around Agito’s waist and bring him closer, though, actually, he leaned forward again and made Agito lay back with the older man on top of him.

At that, the boy obviously freaked out a little “It’s just fucking easier to keep quiet this way” at the pressure the other was placing on him, he layed down, looking at the other on top of him and flushing madly “And this way I can-” he could make Mello feel good without being ridiculized?

His body temperature raised a couple of degrees as he tried to give an answer to Mello, thus he ends up giving up and place his arms around Mello’s shoulders, rubbing his bared front against his dressed one.

“You are an idiot.” Mello’s hands moved so he could hold his body and like that, he rubbed against Agito. How long has it been since they last did it like this? After they started to have actual sex - with penetration - this sort of thing stopped being part of their routine. It was a shame, really, this sort of thing wans’t all that bad and--

Actually… he didn’t exactly have happy memories of that time. Agito left him hanging so many times, he didn’t move at all, he complained during the whole thing. No wonder he stopped doing it, the pleasure he got from it wasn’t enough to cover the annoyance! He better not complain this time.

Mello’s hand reached for Agito’s so he’d touch both their hand members, his own hand also doing so. “Rub them.”

Agito’s memories of that time weren’t so great either, specially by the level of embarrassment they entailed, the way he had learned, the way Mello bitched and discovered his body-

His face flushed, despite on all his arguments, it was sort of hard considering those memories bad…

His hand obeys, placing his hand on the two members and stroking them along side with his lovers hand, the gasps starting to be released from his mouth, but fortunately he wasn’t doing that much noise for now.

Mello closed his eyes as he felt Agito rubbing them, his hand matching the rhythm to do the same. He murmured something incomprehensible and after doing so, his hips begun to move - so he probably did say something in the lines of “I’m going to move”. The blond captured Agito’s mouth along the way, kissing him as his hips begun to move faster.

Agito closed his eyes in sync, hearing the other’s breath and his own intensify, his movements matching his lover along with his hands moving along the members.

His other hand moved from the others top downwards, his fingertips pressing on the others lower back, trying to get a better hold of his lover.

“Mmm…” he controlled his breathing, trying to stop from making a harsher sound, yet, he could feel the signs of his body getting more and more pleasure out of it. Their dicks stiffening in his hand as he stroke them.

The thing about this was that they were silent, so what filled the room were their heavy breathing and small sounds, accompanied by the creaking of the bed and the friction of Mello’s clothes against Agito’s skin. The blond man moved his other hand, landing it on Agito’s head, knowing how much he liked to have his head stroked.

Agito’s became slightly more noisy, he wasn’t moaning, but one could hear his murmur between his teeth as the other began to stroke his scalp.

His hand abandoned Mello’s back and landed on his mouth, giving his best so that the noise didn’t surpass that.

His effort in holding back was making his face appear like he was being bullied.

Mello’s hand left Agito’s hair to pull the boy’s hand off his mouth, however it was quickly replaced with Mello’s lips, this way, not allowing his lover to moan too loud under the kiss they shared. After, the same hand again dug into Agito’s hair, touching his scalp to bring the boy more pleasure, matching with his hips still moving and his other hand still stroking both their members.

Agito kissed the other fiercely, like discharging his frustration and retain in the other, his body moving underneath his lover and getting feral, impulsive, restless.

“MMmmm” he closes his eyes fiercely, trying to retain those sounds that came from his throat, but he knew that his body was quickly going out of his control like that.

As Agito got more and more aggressive, Mello knew what would come next. So he finally stopped the kiss and instead of keep on moving his hips, the blond moved lower between Agito’s legs. As he placed the blond hair behind his ear, mello took Agito’s cock into his mouth, sucking on the head with delight.

Agito wasn’t expecting Mello going low on him and give him a blowjob when he was trying to hold up.

“Ahh” he quickly reaches for his mouth again, looking alarmed at Mello. His body moves, raising his back, his hand reaching to Mello’s hair.

At first he did that motion thinking if stopping his lover, but as the pleasured growed on him, he simply curled and stretches his legs, his face burying itself on Mello’s hair and muffling his sounds with his hand.

“ah…ah…” he breathed out anxiously and in a low tone, his eyes closing in the golden sea as his body began to tremble of pleasure, in a second overflowing and coming inside his lover mouth. His hand cling to his lover hair while his other hand shut his mouth, somehow, Agito managing to not make enough noise to reach the other room.

Mello closed his eyes and took the other’s cum inside his mouth, swallowing what he could without chocking.  Though some of the cum dripped down Agito’s cock after, Mello deep throated him only to take the rest into his mouth and clean the boy fully. He didn’t complain about the hand tugging at his hair either, letting the other’s orgasm dissipate before he raised his head, cleaning the corner of his lips with his thumb “Not bad. You held back pretty well, I’m surprised”.

Agito breathed out heavily, the orgasm and his struggle leaving him breathless for a couple of seconds, before murmuring “Not thanks to you…” very low and roughly.

Even if the tone was sort of grumpy, Agito’s eye’s half closed and he kissed his lovers mouth, not even minding tasting his own cum along with it.

His hand fetches the cloth, when their kiss ends, he places it in Mello’s front “Cover my mouth with this.” Yeah, maybe Agito had managed to hold up well on the foreplay, but there was no way he would manage on during the hard sex that those two usually had.

Mello blinked, looking at the cloth and couldn’t help but to chuckle at the situation. Agito really serious about this, demanding to be muffled like that. He really was worried about Renge, more than he should, Mello figured; of course, though, it also showed him he wanted it, but it was a bit too ridiculous, no?

“And why don’t you bite on it yourself?”

At the chuckle, Agito flushed even more “I am serious!” he grumbles, averting his eyes from Mello now.

“I’ll make it too loose if I place it myself and it will end up falling”

“it’s easier if you just bite the pillow.” Taking an all fours position, Agito just had to burry his face on the pillow and most of his sounds would be muffled, just like he wanted.

Agito opened his eye wide, by Mello’s expression he actually realized what type of position he was suggesting.

He flushes brightly, it was one of the positions that he had less control… and thus also that he came more times and went more wild.

And the one that embarrassed him the most.

“… Fine.” He placed the cloth on the side, looking at Mello for a while before… slowly turning himself and place on all fours.

It takes even longer for him to allow his ass to be on a higher position and place his face on the pillow, his whole body bright red from the level of exposure.

Mello had to bring his hand to his mouth not to laugh. Really, Agito could be so extremely awkward that Mello had no idea what to make of this. Sure getting on this position could sound a bit awkward by itself, but you usually would do it during foreplay so it could actually be sexy. But Agito doing it like this?

He knew the boy would get mad at this reaction, but Agito was just so worried about keeping quiet and not being heard that was sort of making this part a bit… ridiculous. “Come on, stop that.”


Agito sits up again, letting his hair completely cover his face.

“…” doesn’t say anything, doesn’t even seem to breath.

There was just a limit of how much shame one could have on a day, and Agito had just passed that barrier and over pass it by far in those last minutes.

“The more you force yourself, weirder it gets. Just stop it.” And Mello made sure to humiliate him further. The blond passed his hand through his blond hair “It’s almost ridiculous the extend you are going only not to be heard. If we are going to go through this until the end of the month, it’ll be a pain to have sex, you realize”

His face is even lower.

“…” continues without speaking.

“G-…” he mumbles after a while “go fuck.. youself” he finishes it in an almost mute tone, hardly hearable.

agito, log, mello, gb

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