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Comments 23

percysowner February 15 2008, 12:00:06 UTC
The actual quote is "Travis BICKLE in a skirt". It is apparently a reference to a character in Taxi Driver (a movie I never saw). You can read about it here.


caffienekitty February 15 2008, 16:40:44 UTC
Thanks for the enlightenment. I haven't seen it either.


anniehow February 15 2008, 14:22:48 UTC
I was spoiled for the whole Groundhog-day and multipledeaths!Dean too, but maybe that was for the best because I am really, really bad with character deaths. I'd have probably stopped watching after that and reatreated to a corner to cry in a quivering mass of emo pain, so it turned out good. Staying resolutely unspoiled for the next ep, though ;P ( ... )


caffienekitty February 15 2008, 16:52:22 UTC
Spoilers seem to seek me out, no matter how hard I try. It's really annoying. :-P ( ... )


anniehow February 15 2008, 19:55:21 UTC
Yep, that's probably it. I haven't re-watched the episod, and when the trickster was monologuing I was sort of like Sam, not listening and whimpering "please?". I've seen pointed out around that in Tall Tales we were told that tricksters are invested in keeping the balance between good and evil (asides from dishing out "just deserts"), so that's an interesting twist.


caffienekitty February 16 2008, 07:33:50 UTC
Reeeeeeally? Hmm! I was unaware of that bit of Trickster lore. That's way beyond cool!


phoenix_rose_up February 15 2008, 14:26:25 UTC
Man I really need to watch this episode again. I just didn't feel the love last night :( lol

It wasnt that i though it was bad, but i just sat there frozen. and yes I was spoiled for exactly the same things as you were. and I'm sad to say i know enough about the next episode as well *shakes fist at messageboards with inappropriatly titled threads*

*is off to watch the episode again as stress relief before midterm today*


caffienekitty February 15 2008, 16:54:38 UTC
The forums are just horrible for casual spoilerage. It sucks.

I hope you feel better about the ep the second time around, and good luck on the midterm!


phoenix_rose_up February 15 2008, 17:50:57 UTC
yes yes it does.

Well second viewing was better, but something about it still bugs me... dont really know why. and the midterm was good! thanks for the luck ;)


caffienekitty February 16 2008, 07:34:25 UTC
Anytime! :-)


wynterwolf47 February 15 2008, 16:28:08 UTC
YAY!!!! I'm so glad it was good!! I'll look forward to this one when I watch them!


caffienekitty February 15 2008, 16:56:11 UTC
I loved this episode. A few people seem not to have, though so opinions do vary.


wynterwolf47 February 15 2008, 17:06:47 UTC
From everything I've seen, it looks awesome. I just need to go through a period of brain adjustment before I can enjoy the eps again. ;-D

Re: Spoilers - you didn't get spoiled by me at all, did you? **worried**


caffienekitty February 15 2008, 17:22:29 UTC
Naw, I got spoiled by the episode description for 'next weeks ep' normally tucked in and completely ignorable at the bottom of Demian's recaps being used as the frigging pull-quote for that page of the 'Dream a Little Dream' one. I don't know why I still read the recaps there somedays. :-P

I have some thinky-thoughts to throw at you towards your brain adjustment, I think, but I'm seriously going to be late for work here, so later tonight or tomorrow, when I catch up on my f-list probably. Why is work such a giant freaking pain?


pen37 February 15 2008, 16:47:51 UTC
The person who bought truckzilla is actually blacklid

From what she says, the truck box is still in the truck. Although since it was created by the folks at SPN, they probably also created one just for this episode for the Impala.


caffienekitty February 15 2008, 17:01:23 UTC
Oh wow! I'm so glad a fan got it! I saw the truck box in the Impala and had horrible visions of some random person buying it, tearing the box out and using it to haul firewood or something. Yay! And wow for them making a second one. That's awesome! :-D


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