Time is nigh...

Dec 31, 2011 14:42

...for Sherlock Series 2 to start airing in the UK, and obviously neither of the post-series one finale fics I have been working on here and there are going to get posted before then, so here's a little outline/summary of what each would have been, since they likely won't be posted at all now.

The first one, Mycroft's called-in team took out the shooters (because seriously, Sherlock posts that he's meeting someone at a pool to hand over the plans, mentioning them by name in an unlocked post on his personal blog, so there is no way Mycroft wouldn't see it if he has any kind of term search running for them, whether he's watching Sherlock's blog or not). I had John temporarily deafen Moriarty by snagging the earpiece he still had on and the microphone I assumed Moriarty had also put on him, sticking them next to each other and whistling loud, making an intense feedback squeal. Then there was a bit of a scramble and I think I had Moriarty shoot the bomb as he ran down a cement hallway. Then there was the usual tackle into the pool and head injuries and near-drowning and desperate rescue attempts, so on and so forth, as one does, followed by some intense brotherly bickering in the hospital over John's bed.

The second one, I actually turned most of it into a spec post about Series 2, back in February, because I feel like it's most likely to be close to what happens at the start of series 2. The bomb never goes off, the snipers are not Moriarty's but a police team, Moriarty has managed to plant evidence that implicates Sherlock, and as a result is cut off from the work, which, Moriarty being who he is, would be burning the heart out of Sherlock. The story I had had the thing of Moriarty's plan not succeeding because Sherlock actually does have friends who trust him. I had a little scene with Lestrade 'accidentally' letting them escape custody, I had plans for keeping Mycroft busy, (poor bastard) and lots of things. ...Except somehow it's all gone missing. All that I'd done on it, over a thousand words. I transfered my files between two computers and GoogleDocs around the last time I was working on it, and the file has entirely disappeared now. This is incredibly disheartening, but it's not one that will be getting posted anyway, so it isn't the end of the world. I may have some hard copy lurking around somewhere too.

Anyway, that's two of the things I was hoping to get posted before series 2 that won't be. I might tear them apart and repurpose some of the scenes, or post bits as AU after the fact.

arg, blithering, sherlock bbc, why do i even bother?, fanfic, writing

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