Sherlock Drabble: To Forget the Din of the World

Aug 19, 2011 03:11

Title: To Forget the Din of the World.
Fandom: Sherlock (BBC)
Rating/Warnings/Disclaimer: Gen, G. Angstish. Not mine.
Word Count: 100 words.
Summary: There's only one thing to do after a very bad day.
A/N: Title from a quote by T'ien Yiheng found here. A tiny bit of personal therapy, nothing more.

The door closed slowly behind them. John watched his feet trudging upstairs, hearing Sherlock removing his coat. Neither one spoke.

When he reached the landing, John noticed Sherlock hadn't followed. He turned. Sherlock, face slack, eyes hollow, stared through his railing-slung coat, hands twisting his scarf into knots.

"Sherlock?" John called down.

Sherlock looked up. His expression held something John hadn't seen on his flatmate's face before and couldn't precisely name; defeat, despair, hopelessness. Something so anomalous, John was speechless except for...


"I-" Sherlock's eyes dropped to his scarf-tormenting hands. Taking a deep breath, he hung up his scarf. "Yes, John. Thank you."

- - -
(That's all.)

lj-only, sherlock bbc, fanfic, drabble

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