Title: Anthea's Day Off
Fandom: Sherlock (BBC 2010)
Disclaimer: These characters are not my creation and neither is their world.
Word Count: Really short.
Rating/Warnings: GEN, PG, Text message format. Humour. Not Britpicked.
A/N: Written for
this meme prompt. A: is Anthea, M: is Mycroft. [LJ-only]
Summary: "Anthea" and Moriarty walk into a bar...
Anthea's Day Off
by CaffieneKitty
A: Have found Moriarty. Please advise.
M: Anthea, it's your day off, you shouldn't be working. Has the bank trace finally yielded a result?
A: I'm not working, and it's not from the trace. I'm at a night club on Oxford Street. He's *here*. Have called in strike team, eta 5 minutes.
M: I have only minimal CCTV coverage in that club.
A: I know, why do you think I come here?
M: Observe and report every 15 seconds until the team gets in place. Do not approach him and take no unnecessary risks.
A: If you insist, sir.
A: Target appears quite drunk.
A: I believe he's attempting to perform something called a 'stanky leg'.
A: He's still drinking heavily. Mimosas.
A: He's not alone.
M: Description of associate?
A: Male, dark hair, 6 foot, 13 stone, seems military, tattoo on right arm, scars.
A: Associate also drinking. Has bottle of rye and looks quite put out.
A: Moriarty now attempting 'the Worm'.
A: Worm unsuccessful. Dancers falling. Utter mayhem. Have lost sight of target.
M: Don't approach.
A: It's a club, sir. Among many other things, I do know how to keep from being seen in one when it suits me. Also, there's mayhem.
M: Be careful. The team will arrive in 3 minutes.
A: Target reacquired. Bottom of dog-pile on dance floor. Mimosa everywhere.
A: Target's associate pulling him from pile. Highly proficient at cursing. Definitely ex-military.
A: Associate has slung Moriarty over his shoulder and is in process of extracting him from the club. Crowd is making lewd suggestions about what he intends to do with Moriarty.
M: Which exit?
A: Heading to back, multiple exits, leading to Falconberg Mews and Tottenham Court Underground.
M: I'll trigger a delay on the Central and Northern Lines.
A: Have advised team, their revised ETA will be too late, am following.
M: No unnecessary risks.
A: It's not unnecessary.
A: Am following by sound. Moriarty singing a song about coconuts, very loud, high-pitched, carries well over club music.
A: Associate getting delayed by crowd, is frustrated, pushing through.
A: Associate has pulled fire alarm. Club evacuating, chaos. Have warned team to expect masses of confused civilians on arrival.
A: I've lost them. I'm sorry, sir.
M: The team will gather statements, and I will be personally scrutinizing all the CCTV feeds in the area.
A: I'll come into the office and help but it may take some time. Pushing in this crowd with the fire alarm may start a crush.
M: That's all right Anthea, leave your statement with the team commander and try to relax. It's your day off.
- - -
(that's all.)