Contains heaps and mounds and buckets of profanity no really I mean it and some metaish speculation and confusion.
Spoiler and Spec Summary
Title - "Live Free or Twi-hard" Okay, just from the title alone, it'll be vampires preying on vampire fans. *forcibly retires bunny about the two surviving vampires from Luther's crew taking over a vampire LARP, a fic started at the end of season 1 that includes an OC with ludicrously high Mary-Sue factors* Into the dead-zone it goes.
The title appeared uncut in a few locations in mid-September. Titles, especially titles like this one that strongly hint towards plot are considered spoilers by some. Most people understand this though, so thank you to the vast majority for using a cut. :-)
On the up side, I'm apparently mellowing because I didn't literally burst into tears or de-friend people and comms. Maybe I'm maturing? God I hope not.
Now, before the episode comes on, I'd like to preface this reaction by saying while I'm somewhat familiar with the vampire genre, I have not read the Twilight books or seen the movies. My entire experience of Twilight has been Cleolinda's epic recaps,
Nerimon's Twilight readings on YouTube and assorted quotes taken out of context and subsequently prefaced by 'OMGWTFBBQ??!?' or something similar. So, I have no direct Twilight experiences, and a lot of bias toward disbelieving laughter. If you adore and love Twilight, I'm sorry. I might be mocking it rather intensely in this recap, but we'll see.
Picspam Reaction, with speculation and randomness for Supernatural 6.05 - Live Free or Twi-Hard
Well, I was expecting ludicrous crack, but that wasn't there. At all. Oddly, I don't think I'm very bothered.
-THEN! This show has vampires and Sam is weird. No I didn't watch the then, but I'm guessing that'd be a fair summary. [Rewatch: Yep, with added Lisa and Campbells]
-Bar of deliberate gothiness. How very subtle. Also subtle, fake ID picture that doesn't really look much like the person using it. [Heh. Like at all. My TV's really crap, obviously. Also missed the fake ID name: Emily Fang. Ha ha ha.]
-Heh. Music playing, the lyric appears to include 'Bela Lugosi is dead'. Cute.
-You know, I went into this expecting the Twilight fan to be like Becky-for-Vampires, and the vampire to be a scenery-chewing sparkly silly monster for a while before we got to the murders and serious business bit, but this quiet parallel is kind of cool too. From my limited knowledge of Twilight, I can see that the girl has a close approximation of Bella Swan's clothing and is doing the 'oh enthralling dangerous stalker-boy whisk me manfully away from all this blah blah blah my mundane life is so hard', and vampire boy is doing the 'You smell like freesia I must eat you but I can't because blah blah blah my undead life is so hard' thing going on.
-I have the sneaking suspicion that when they put this episode through the legal department the Twilight people had a significant amount of 'don't mock us or S. Meyer or our fans' adjustments made before they'd allow the use of their IP. Just a hunch. There's a feeling of not having free rein to a lot of this, which is sad. I guess the Twilight franchise doesn't have as much of a sense of humor about themselves as
Criss Angel.
-*snerk* Her name's
Kirsten. Oh that's just precious. XD
-"Paper cut. I'm the clumsiest person ever." *snerk*
-She's 17, and I think some part of what he said there was a movie quote. And his name's
Robert. Hahah.
-"I can never hurt you." You know, by not having this be over-the-top and mocking as may have been originally intended, it's made it a hell of a lot more obvious just how unhealthy the core relationship depicted in Twilight novels is, and makes this line seem more like a line from a soon-to-be abusive boyfriend or a serial killer. Which in the books, as I understand them, it kind of is.
-"It smells like pee." Yep. Welcome to your imminent repurposing as monster chow. You know, for a second at the start there, I thought they were gonna switch it up and have her be the vampire, because seriously, acting like Bella Swan around a male vampire-wannabe would be an easy way to hunt down fanboys too. I think. Does Twilight have a large male fanbase? Somehow I don't think so.
-And let this be a caution: Be careful when online dating, especially if the person is representing themselves as someone who in any way eats people.
-Location: A night's drive from Lisa's place. So anywhere in the continental US then, given the way Impala physics seems to work on this show. XD
-Most credulous dad ever. I have no idea what story they fed him, but they're in plain street clothes, his daughter is missing, and he's all, "Sure, go take a look in my daughter's bedroom unsupervised." What cover story did they give, exactly??
-Written by Brett Matthews, Directed by Rob Hardy, neither of whom I recognize offhand.
-"Lautner is the werewolf." "How many 'T's in Pattin-" *snerk* Seriously, the legal department must've had kittens negotiating what they did get to use.
-Hm. Website is "hitchedon", so like Linked In? Guess none of the social networking sites wanted to be depicted as the online hunting ground for vampires seeking Bella Swan wannabes. [*ROFL* that website: "Subject - Poetry. Read your latest, I find your use of punctuation and lack of capitals... intoxicating." XD Also, we are in Limestone Illinois. Also also, if she was seventeen, then the episode is set sometime after December 5th, 2010, as that would be her 17th birthday. We're in the future, guys!! (Unless she was lying, always possible.)]
-Bloodmobile robbery. That's randomish, especially if they're hunting vampire fans. Maybe there's a second non-hunting group of vampires trying to stop the ones doing the internet fangirl luring and they're the ones eating off the bloodmobile wagon? What happened to the cow-drinkers from Bloodlust, anyway? *ponders*
-...okay, someone explain why two male-looking people kissing each other can't be vampires? We know vampires kiss each other and it's hardly necessary for someone to have any specific sexual orientation or preference in order to lure young impressionable and self-deluded idiots to their doom. At best it's a sloppy assumption that could blind Sam and Dean into limiting their suspect pool, making it shoddy investigation at the very least.... actually, never mind. The more I think about this, the more of a headache I'm going to have and I am focussing on squee here, so I'm considering it as the writer having a "neanderthal redneck homophobe" moment that slipped past all the editors and I'm hoping it never happens again. Grr, I say. GRRR.
-Sam's gotten quite efficient at decapitation. Just saying.
-Posters here have either been left up for over a month, or Kirsten was lying about her age. Again, either is possible.
-Pft. I had waaaaay better fangs in the mid-nineties, and they weren't a whole appliance like that, just little dental resin caps that fit over the canine teeth. I knew people who used them to shotgun beer and open coffee creamers. I miss my fangs. I also miss the sci-fi cons of the mid-nineties. And college. Sigh.
-Glitter. "Does it work?" Pft. Dean.
-This guy reminds me of someone I went to cons with in the mid-nineties, actually. Come to think of it, he had fangs too. And about as much hair. No not him, someone else. The one I'm thinking of went to a convention once wearing plate mail and riding a motorcycle across the border. Have I mentioned that I miss conventions?
-Ooo. Nice [uncappable] hang time on Dean there.
-Gee, Dean's getting his ass kicked. Hey, Sam! Just in time!
-Um, Sam?
-Vampire, with the blood and the- OMG WTF WHAT???
-O.O!!! WHAT THE FUCK?! WHAT? REALLY, WHAT? WHAT? [Okay, apparently I was lucky in dodging the TV Guide blurb for this ep, because the whole 'Dean gets turned into a vampire' thing stunned the crap out of me and I had no clue it was happening. Obviously. YAY for spoilerphobia!!]
-And after it's too late he- Okay, Sam is not Sam. There is no other explanation. Whether he has the same consciousness and soul or is inhabited by another conciousness, Sam is not Sam. Holy crap.
-Right! Okay! So that blood kiss thing was just for kicks in Dead Man's Blood. Which we knew because the vampire that turned Gordon didn't exactly hike a tongue down his throat either.
-So Dean's really turning into a vampire? WTF? And again, turning into a vampire is like having a migraine.
-"I'm gonna ask him too, 'cause you won't do it." Ow. If Sam was really Sam, this would be a whole hell of a lot more ow.
-Seriously, Sam is way too calm. And way too UNSAMLIKE. What the serious hell?
-"Vampires pee." Hee!
-He's alone in the bathroom. Kind of tricky to cut his own head of with, what, mirror shards, but he's got to be thinking of trying. Likelihood of that happening on this channel, minimal.
-And again with the drama "I'm going to die soon," visit. Not helping the relationship.
-Oddly I have complete confidence this whole Dean is a vampire thing will be resolved by the end of the episode, or at the very least, within the next few. And at the same time I'm almost hoping it isn't, because I'm perverse like that sometimes.
-I have a strange note here on my squee pad, all it says is "Woof." I'm guessing that might get explained better when I get to capping. [Possibly this? Not sure.]
-Teeth. God.
-Yeah, throwing Ben into a wall, even if it's to protect him, is not exactly a good thing, at least not when you aren't telling anyone what the danger is, or that there's danger in the first place.
-And another "Woof" in the notes. I don't usually woof. This confuses me. [Could be this, not sure. Also cap is awfully dark. Could those of you more prone to 'woofing' offer any opinions?]
-Turn your back? Oh, turn you back. Damn muddy sound. Wait, what? You can unturn a vampire?
-"One drop of human blood." Interesting. There are a few critters that have that as a point of no return aren't there. Makes me wonder if some of the cow-drinking vampires can't be reverted. Wherever they've gotten to.
-Dean doesn't seem to be having control issues regarding snacking on Sam or Samuel, but I'm guessing that they've got anti-vampire whatsits of some kind like Gordon traded to Bella. Or, they both count as 'dead' as far as blood goes. Or something. Yeah. *handwaves*
-[Incidentally, this whole newbie-vampire-skototropism and all the lights being out is absolute hell for screencaps.]
-More needles. Samuel Campbell et al really seem to be well stocked with them. This does not induce confidence in their machinations.
-"You knew about the cure (...) We talked about it months ago." WT serious F? Okay, so Sam might have still been Sam months ago, but now he's not. Or maybe there's more than one entity inside Sam's noodle and none of them are comparing notes or timesharing Sam's driver's seat too well. Also, I HAVE NO CLUE HOW DEEP SAM IS IN CAHOOTS WITH THE CAMPBELLS. Whatever they're cahooting about. Whoever Sam is. There's mixed signals everywhere and I honestly have no clue what's going on in terms of their inter-dynamics. Gaaah.
-Alpha Vampire. Oh great, they're after
Caine?? Which would even fit into the whole biblical theme, and... heh. They totally are, aren't they.
-Whatever brought back Sam.... shit guys, I got no idea. I really don't. I could read where Kripke was going mostly, but Sera's a whole new ballgame and I don't know what's going on with Sam or why, except he's NOT SAM. Samuel told him months back, and yet he doesn't remember there's a cure for vampirism. He's unnaturally calm and apparently willing to sacrifice Dean for the good of the party for... I don't even know what. This Alpha hunt thing. Which makes it likely that whatever raised him, or whatever has taken him over, is part of the mysterious Sponsor Samuel has. Ya know, I'm almost liking having no idea what's going on with Sam. Although the real Sam can come back anytime.
-That said, even if Sam and Samuel have anti-vampire schtick, Dean is a LOT stronger in resisting this than Gordon was. Shouldn't be a surprise considering how long Dean lasted in Hell, but there we are. How many rich and meaty humans did he pass on the streets getting to and from Lisa's? Or back to the nest? Willpower FTW! \o/
-Fist bumping with vampires. Hee!
-"I killed so many people on the way over here." *giggles*
-So these vampires are avoiding mass slaughter by raiding blood banks. Wise, for a large vampire population like this. Masses of bloodless corpses would be awkward, and they've got such a nifty hideout.. Bloodmobile raids too, though. Also, Donated blood has an artificial anti-coagulant added. That's gotta taste weird. Like pickled or something.
-Okay. So. They don't kill the Twilight fans, they keep them captive so they can write angsty poetry and... draw in more Twilight fans? Rather recursive. I was in a Star Trek club like that once. The sole purpose for existing was to have public events to draw in more members so they could have more public events.
-Sound was muddy as hell all through this I should say, so there may be several major plot and logistical points I'm missing. [Doesn't seem like it, except maybe after the poetry they turn the fans and keep them in cages? Or the fans are turned already and are being kept in cages and only taken out to write poetry until they get under control? I guess? I have the dumb today.]
-The father of the vampires is in the sky? Seems like an odd place. Also, for a vamp nest, having a giant skylight seems inadvisable, like having a constant rain of hail indoors. Sunlight doesn't kill them in SPN-verse, but it's not comfy. Unless that's one of the monster rule-shifts too. Hm.
-Eeeeeek. Breathing on Dean's neck, eeeek. O.O
-Ooops. This is why you leave the cap on syringes until the last minute. No loud dripping. Also so you don't jab yourself. Incidentally Dean, why are you making this move now in vampire central where loads of vampires caged and non can raise the alarm and swarm the crap out of you instead of, say, waiting for a more appropriate point on the tour? Like: "And this is an old root cellar in the sub-basement where we keep stuff no one ever looks for-"/"Great!" *jab* *thud*. See? Logistics. *nods*
-Incoming message from the big giant head! (I never even watched that show, why am I referring to it?) Interesting that the vampires seemed to pass out in order of siring. The last one before Dean to fall over was Kirsten, I think.
-Ooo. Surreal montage thing that everyone with an analytical bent is going to analyze to death for meaning. Not me at the moment, but there's more pre-adolescent twin girls roaming around, this time with fangs. Also a big fatherly guy I'm guessing is the Alpha, although why the hell did big daddy pick now to do a random backstory info dump to ALL the vampires? Surely they know the stuff already? [On rewatch I have no idea what the hell's going on. Oh all right, I'll give it a shot. Nifty transition from the illuminated blood vessels to the map. Something happened in Aurora, Illinois and I'll wager it didn't involve
Wayne's World. Young girl, feeding her doll blood. Cellular division. Sudden twin, a whole lot creepier than regular twins. With fangs, both of them. Hm. Alpha looks like a nice guy, except for the creepy smearing blood on kids' faces. Alpha points at... a dark house. Ah. The kids' house. Go eat your folks. Fine and dandy. Or... they were in the house and now they're going out to spread vampirism...? 'Sudden' twin remaining while the other one is gone... I have no idea, it's like blipvert surrealism stew. Here, have screencaps take a bash.]
-And the sound goes crappy yet again. It's like the vocal track and the music/sound effects are on separate controls, and the music's been played at 200% while the vocal is being played underwater. *smacks provider*
-New vampire Dean slaughtering his way through his own new nest (which technically is his new family he didn't ask for) is rather winny. Also shades of foreshadowing for the Campbell clan, perhaps?
-Wow. Impressive body count Dean! *nods*
-I am wondering about the set. Is that clock running? [Nope.] It's incredibly prominent. Significant in some way? [Time is 10:06? The clock's hands look like they've been raised worshipfully to the sky? Damned if I know.] It's not like Dean's vampirism is on a timer, he just has to gank his sire and snag some blood. Weird. Also, is this the old set for Lex Luther's office thing off Smallville? Random, but something about the arrangement of balconies is familiar.
-Mmm. Vampire reversal potion is extra chunky. Tasty. :-P
-DEAN SAW SMIRKY LURKY SAM IN HIS FLASHBACK! Yeah. No whinging about something being wrong with Sam now, that's pretty much proof. That's gonna need dealt with, if not this episode, then soon. Epic shouting, possibly with shoving into walls of various kinds.
-"So what'd you see?" Yeah. Not 'how are you doing?' not 'feeling any better after that bad case of vampire you had?', but "What did you see?" Not planned at all this 'getting Dean turned' lark, was it Sammy-boy? What I want to know is this; there are two Campbell cousins left alive. Why didn't one of them volunteer to get vamped? Is there something about them that makes it impossible for them to be turned into vampires (a la Dean and Sam's anti-possession tattoos) or are they immune for some other reason like actually being non-human themselves? Or do these vampires know them too well as hunters? Or are they just chicken? Only time will tell. Hopefully.
-No answer from Lisa, and she's dumping your calls. Dean, seriously, aside from the fact you just laid another 'king of drama llamas' "I'm going to go die now again some more" speech on Lisa in the middle of the night, you shoved her son into a wall. I'd be surprised if she's not moving to a different state, and I suspect the only way she'll talk to you again is if there's a horde of drooling monsters after her and Ben. She's a good mom, and you messed with her kid. I doubt she's going to put up with that.
-"At least you've got my back. No matter what happens I can always count on you, right, Sammy?" I'm finding the non-confrontational approach that Dean appears to be making regarding the whole 'what the serious fuck is up with Sam' issue interesting. He knows something is up with Sam, but he doesn't know what, just like the rest of us. Could it be he's actually going to try to get further data about what might be wrong with Sam before the epic yelling starts? Wow. O.o
-PROMO AMBUSH! AUGH! *flails and gets the remote* Phew! Seriously, either play the promo after the Exec Producer credits card, or don't play them. Don't follow the Exec Producer credits with a billion commercials to lull me into a false sense of security and then blindside me. Meanies.
(PLEASE, NO SPOILERS OR REFERENCES TO SPOILERY MATERIAL IN COMMENTS! Any and all promo material for unaired episodes is considered to be a spoiler in this journal. The further definition of what constitutes a spoiler for this journal is located in left hand sidebar. Theory and speculation based on aired episodes only.)