Reaction: Supernatural 5.04

Oct 03, 2009 07:11

*kicks work* Anyway, here's a late reaction to 5.04 if anyone's interested. *kicks work again*

Contains profanity. (The reaction post, not just work, which contains rather a lot of profanity.)

Spoiler and Theorizing Timeline

- 09/30 Thought the Season 5 trailer might be safe now. Nope. [spoiler not appearing yet excised] Sam(?) in a bright white suit, a similar bright white shoe stepping on Dean's neck. So, [future spoiler and very spoilery spec I might repost separately later excised].

Reaction, speculation, meta, and other things for Supernatural 5.04 - "The End"

Sounds like the vampires over on Vampire Diaries are gonna have some hunter problems... *gleeee*

-CROATOAAAAAAAAN!!!! \o/ OMG I so called it.

-COLT! Yay! So much glee already and the THEN isn't even finished yet.

-Aw, proseltysing boy. Hm. He has that camera pause of "something's going to eat me later" going on. Either that or he's possessed.

-Arg!!! JoyTV feed has glitches. Lightning on the ridge looks like.

-"The voice says that I'm almost out of minutes." Heeee! OMG I think I just read that fic!

-Demons have the Colt. Well, yeah. Bela gave it to Lilith, but who'd she give it to? Or was it taken from her? Regardless, of course they haven't melted it down because A) it can open a Hell gate in Wyoming that's probably still got a broken section of iron Devil's trap not being very effective at containing things... (unless Bobby went out there with some leftovers from the panic room and an arc-welder one afternoon... of course he did, and silly me for thinking otherwise.) and B) "can kill anything" is worth trying on an embodied archangel or, say, Michael-in-Dean? It's a weapon and there's a war on. They won't slag it if there's a chance they can use it. Unless they're idiots which is entirely possible as the tactical IQ of many demons hasn't been up to a game of checkers.

-"If you are still set on the insane task of killing the devil" Heee! Castiel's fun when he's bitchy.

-"I'll just wait here then." \o/!!!!! HI CAS!!! I LOVE YOU!! NEVER EVER CHANGE!!!

-Ooo... Sam told Dean about being Big L's vessel. That side-steps a whole lot of problems.

-"Pick a hemisphere." Ow Dean. I agree with you in some respects, but ow. Also, I hadn't expected you to give up so easy, or your brother or on everything else. Hunh. Well, he has had less than four hours sleep. I'm hardly rational at that point too.

-"We're not stronger when we're together." Buuuullshit. I think in some part the season arc is going to be them realizing that yeah, sure they're each other's weak spot, but more importantly they're each other's strength. It has to be, in order to tie up the themes of family running all through this entire show since day one. *nods*

-Aw, wibbly-voiced Dean. Aw, Sam. Awwwwww.

-Hee! Dead clock! Dean is not a morning person.

-...or not... Hunh, room got nasty overnight. Does the Croatoan virus effect hotel decor now?

-Theatre marquee has a title. Need pause later. [Rewatch: HA! Route 666 *rofl*]

-Set and location design has been having fuuuuun with the post-apocalypticness this season. Woot! \o/

-Credit: Lexa Doig?? Holy crap, Rommie from Andromeda? Cool! Never watched it really, but it was Roddenberry's 1988 Writer's strike project I believe (even though they didn't start filming it til later) and filmed in Vancouver and had Hercules Kevin Sorbo as a starship Captain, so it gets too many cool points not to be noted.

-Dogs of Peace. Interesting graffiti. So, opposite of the Dogs of War? Hm. *ponder*

-Uh oh, freaky kid alert! Yup. Drooling blood. Nice. Also nice that even after all the freaky evil little kids that have kicked the crap out of Dean one way or another over the years, he still doesn't assume all children are evil and still wants to help them. Of course he isn't aware he's on this show and that statistically speaking a significant percentage of children appearing on it are evil. Most of the good ones that just need rescuing are off-screen.

-Hey! Hey! She cut Dean! Does that mean Dean's been infected?? o.O

-*waves at giant "CROATOAN" graffiti with great wriggly glee*

-\o/ OMG, Dean running from a herd of zombie-like people fills me with so much joy I can't even explain it! Like, like, just, frigging yay. *beams*

-Also, *waves hi at old BC Transit Bus* Hee. Sorry, I'm a dork. :-D

-Music, booze and shooting up infected people. Yike. O.O

-2014!!! 2014!!!! *runs around flailing* TIME TRAVEL! HELL YEAH!!! Wow, I'm slow tonight! \o/ Hello, canon AU!!! *glee*

-Written by Ben Edlund (Oh, cool, he's got a twisty brain suitable for crack or time travel mechanics), Directed by spotlight thief Steve Boyum. *mentally counts the Impala's parts and glares suspiciously in Boyum's direction*

-Zachariah! Hi! You're a dick, but you're a nifty antagonist! I missed you!

-HA!! President Palin! I'm not an American, but that sounds like a sign of the apocalypse.

-"Choices have consequences" Yeah, but saying no to Michael isn't the only choice he's made recently, hm?

-Ya know, given the situation, if you are at Bobby's door and have not fallen into a pit trap or been shot at, odds are he's... well. Yeah.

-Aw, Bobby's bullet-riddled wheelchair. :-( See? This is what happens when you don't work together as a family, Dean. Bobby never gets his Shillelagh Bobby gets killed. But hey, now that Kripke's killed Bobby in an AU (twice with Mystery Spot, sort of), he can't kill him in the real timeline because that would be unoriginal or something, right? Right! *plugs ears and goes "lalalalala Bobby can't die"*

-Ooo! Hidden thing in the mantle! Oooo! So... wait what? Where was that and what was that? was that the Journal?? Or Bobby's journal? or hunter contact info? Either way, OMG, Bobby told Dean where to find his hidden stuuuuuufff! *smishes them*

-Camp Chitaqua. With Castiel? OMG. Also, and this is really trivial but I LOVE that the had the photo be black and white. It'd be hard too find film, but the home-brew developing process for black and white film is much simpler than for color by an order of magnitude and a film camera can be made which uses no batteries, so with a drop in tech-level due to global Croatoanization taking out the more modern infrastructure and resources required to operate higher-tech devices (no power, no batteries charging, no places to make prints from digital) low-tech comes back into use. Sorry. Moment of abject geekery there. :-)


-Dean gets whacked by someone. Hi, who are you... um HI DEAN! OMG. I am so damn slow tonight. Cue shifter interrogation and stuff? I heart this whole scenario so freaking much!

-Also, given this situation with Dean getting whacked while angsting about the Impala, obviously it's not Sam that's Dean's weak spot but the Impala and- stopping that thought now. Don't you even dare Kripke.

-Wise decision; dispense with non-plot-related shifter testing during the commercial break. *nods*

-"Tail end of 2009." So, pushing December then?

-*snerk* Dean's panty experimentation. Oh dear lord. I can hear the masses of keyboards clicking from here. XD

-I'm really liking future!Dean. I love the subtle gruffer, rougher, less open, less sense of humor way Jensen's playing him. A leader of a guerilla army. The way he's playing this is really making me wish that rumor about Ackles getting a role in one of the Resident Evil movies hadn't turned out to be false.

-"We haven't talked in, hell, five years." Yes! Exactly! *nods* See Dean, this is the result of splitting up the Winchester family. The world ends with viral demon-zombies.

-OMG!! When Future!Dean's taking off and leaving current!Dean handcuffed to the... ladder, thing, whatever. *handwaves* On the wall, over current!Dean's head! Look! It's the old/new Impala plate!! You can see the '80Q3' part anyway. [Rewatch: Oh, what the hell, have a screencap.

See it? Straight up from Dean's left knee, near the top of the frame.] I LOVE YOU SET DESIGN!!! \o/

-Macgyveristical floor nail lockpick FTW! \o/

-HI CHUCK! Prophet turned survival camp quartermaster. Awesome! His hair is adorable! \o/

-Risa? Lisa? Whatever. Hi Rommie! I never even watched that show and I know who you are! Wonder if she'll show up in the now at some point?

-Beaded curtains and weird group mind synergy discussions. I don't know exactly why but my first thought was "OMG, Castiel's turned into Twitter!Misha!" XD

-"Washed up for the orgy." Looks like that visit to the whorehouse had a belated effect after all.

-Oooo... Castiel has altered time perception? Ooo. Or maybe he just sees the difference in Dean from the Dean he knows now, because he misses the way Dean used to be and that's why he's kind of turning himself into him. Hm. Regardless, smily, giggly, yet oozing despair Castiel is disturbing o.O

-It is cold-blooded, but I agree with future!Dean's reasoning on shooting his friend. No cure, no hope of a cure and a countdown to going insane and attacking your friends. Gotta be nerve-wracking for his cohort though, knowing one day they might turn around and get shot.

-Heh. Getting your orders questioned by your past self in front of your crew. Not awkward at all.

-A hunter named Jaeger? How apt.

-Hey, hey, the guy started showing signs of the virus within a short time, and current Dean was cut hours ago, so he didn't catch it... is this confirmation that "the Winchester boy" the demon talked about being tested for immunity in 'Croatoan' was Dean too? Sam as well, obviously, since having a meat-suit be vulnerable to your primary method of attack would be foolhardy on Big L's part.

-(The Croatoan virus has got to be Pestilence-sourced though, right? Even though they haven't said it outright? I mean come on!)

-"This isn't your time, it's mine." Really liking Future!Dean a lot, as a version of Dean that is so entirely a product of that one choice to not reunite with Sam. Like him a lot. Well, except the 'Croat' part. That's making me wince a bit. But even that's indicative of how far Dean has gone, to a point where human life is disposable and dismissible. I'm inclined to call it callous, but more in the sense of toughened than uncaring. Five years, no Sam, no mitigating influence, and no source of grounding. Current!Dean, are you getting any of this, hm?

-*soaks in the awesome and forgets to take notes*

-COLT! A couple years ago, I never thought I'd be happy to see the damn thing. Kill devil = kill Sam?

-"I like Past!You." HEEEEEE! Yes, he does, which is why Castiel is becoming past!you. With a few less inhibitions and somewhat less violence. I think. More despair? Or different despair? *pats Cas and future!Dean*

-Really hoping for a lot of fic to come out of this canon!AU, because the 'how they got from here to there' is way too fascinating not to play with.

-"I want you to see our brother." Yeah, thought so. Love that Future!Dean uses the exact same prom metaphor current Dean used to Sam during that last phone call.

-"Why?" Um, guess. You didn't have him, he didn't have you. You are each other's support systems. You became a hardened leader who tortures demons and kills friends without blinking, he's probably going to be the same level of fucked up. And with the only sympathetic voice he's hearing being Lucifer, of course he'll have assented.

-"Say yes." OMG. Oh Dean. Both of you. Ow. Future!Dean doesn't see the real solution anymore because he's been living in the consequences so long he doesn't see what really started it. Either that or Zachariah's giving the scenario a nudge.

-"The angels left, gave up." Ooo. That's intriguing...

-"But you won't" Of course not. Because hosting Michael is not the answer. He has to see that. Right? *is nervous*

-Aw. Quartermaster Chuck. Staying behind and guarding the camp. Awwwwww. Hee. Yes. Toilet paper probably is like gold since the infrastructure has broken down, nothing's being manufactured anymore. Quite likely TP is considered a luxury item and used primarily to trade for less rare supplies. Don't need toilet paper if you have no food after all.

-Hm. Angels went away and Castiel became human. Interesting. Well, human-ish. He's gotta have something left over to account for the time perception and the relative functioning despite the chemical soup his bloodstream must be.

-"Why not bang a few gongs before the lights go out?" Castiel really has turned into Dean with fewer inhibitions. Giant flaming walls of denial and all. Aw.

-"I know your lying expressions. I've seen them in the mirror." Heheh. So, Dean looks at himself in the mirror and lies to himself. Never thought your epic denial would be of use, eh Dean?

-Using allies and friends as unwitting bait. Ouch. Future!Dean is hard.

-{{Malevolent73 if you (or other spec-phobes) are reading, you will want to skip the following point.}}

-"I wouldn't sacrifice my friends."/"You're right, you wouldn't. It's one of the main reasons we're in this mess." Oh god.... okay. Aside from the obvious implication of stopping Sam, from that exchange I'm reading that one of Dean's friends was Patient Zero for the Croatoan outbreak, and he wouldn't kill them. But who? Okay. This'll be quick; they don't have too many friends. Well, it's not Bobby, Castiel, Chuck or Sam. Because Bobby, Castiel, and Chuck are still around at the camp or the photo of it, which I'm assuming was set up after the outbreak. It's not Sam because Sam's immune. I'm pretty sure Rufus wouldn't hesitate to do himself in. That leaves... Ellen and Jo? Oh, man. I can even see the scene for that. Oh ow. Craaaaap. o.O


-EEEEEEEEEE!!! White shoe! Lucifer!Sam in his Glad Garbageman suit! Ahha, that's in this episode! *adds things to spoiler timeline*

-OMG Lucifer-in-Sam just broke Future!Dean's neck. And this makes perfect sense, because Dean's despair and abandonment would still all get him sufficiently hamstrung and either not shoot Sam with the Colt, or hesitate long enough for Big L to disarm him. (Sam's not in there anymore for sure.) It could be a deliberate fail on Future!Dean's part, so he knows past!Dean will see and chose a different path, but that's not really realistic because there's no way he could be sure the timing would work out the way it did. I say that, despite everything, future!Dean could not kill Sam. Not even this hardened future!Dean. And that's why Sam was picked as Lucifer's vessel. I bet. So. Much. Glee.

-Of course also this is giving current!Dean future intel and motivation to make that different decision. Except it's not gonna do like Zachariah thinks and motivate Dean to say yes to Big Mike. (Oooookay, I need a different appellation for Michael, because Big Mike is taken, and the Michael that's looking to occupy Dean is not currently managing a Buy More in Burbank. o.O)

-"Go ahead, kill me." Oh Deeeeeeean!

-Jared's doing a damn fine job as Lucifer. I really like the way they've set Lucifer to be a reasonable sympathetic whisperer. Love that. Sympathy from the devil. I see what you did there Show.

-Of course aside from the whole 'Dean won't kill him' thing, there's the bonus of Lucifer getting full access to deploy the Puppy Dog Eyes of Doom.

-BWAH! Unintended moment of crack. L!Sam kind of fondles a rose, and seriously, even though I'm Gen in the brain and I don't watch 'reality TV', all I could think for a second was of the rose ceremony on The Bachelor. *facepalm*

-Hunh, you can see Jared's breath there. They must be shooting crazy late at night, I didn't think it got that cold around the time of the... heh. No, wait, there was a cold snap in there. *nods*

-Noting now, Michael was the one who cast Lucifer into Hell.

-"The same brand of cockroach I've been squashing my whole life." Gaaaaaah Jensen's voice on those lines. And all of the rest of it. Dude. Jensen frigging rocks hardcore. Ow on the viewpoint though, of simplifying back down to supernatural beings being what he hunts, black and white. So much ow in this whole scene though.

-"You better kill me now." Oh, god. Dean. *flails wordlessly through that whole set of lines, because just, wow*

-*soaking in the awesome again some more*

-"See you in five years, Dean." Yeah. All this happens within 5 years. Dude. All because you just hung up on Sam and wouldn't reunite and reconcile. See Dean? This is why you need to not leave Sam alone, and why Sam needs to not leave you alone. Now get back to the present and call your damn brother! Please??

-Hi Zach! Punch him, Dean! Who cares if it wouldn't do anything to him, it'd be nicely cathartic.

-Zach's learned a little bit about how to reason with Dean. Tell Dean that by sacrificing himself, he's saving everyone. Even though it's utter crap.

-"I've learned a lesson, just not the one you wanted to teach." OMFG DEAN PICKED UP THE CLUE PHONE!!!!! YEAH!!! \o/ There was a distinct 'Woohoo-ing' and scaring the cat.

-Yoink! CASTIEL FTW \o/ "We had an appointment." YES! NEVER CHANGE!

-Omg. Omg you guyyyyyyys!!! That road and bridge thing! It's the same location where John handed off the Colt to Dean in season 1! Exactly the same site! And some of the same camera angles too! *flappy hands* It's, it's gaaaah! I have no words. Starting to circle back to the beginning. OMG. *gets kind of misty*

-Paranoid!me says "Sam hasn't said anything yet, Dean, maybe test him to make sure he's actually him before handing over Ruby's knife?" Non-paranoid!me says "Oh, shut the hell up."

-"We keep each other human." Um, what I said above, about realizing that they might be each other's weakness, but they're also each other's strength? *points to scene* I didn't think it would be happening in this ep, and it hasn't really, but I will be dipped in boiling jello if that's not a damn fine start. Not saying it's going to be immediately perfect, not saying there isn't going to be hiccups and reversals on the way there, just that that's a damn fine start.

-"We make our own future." *FLAIL* HELL YES!!!

One squee pad down already. It's gonna be an awesome season, y'all, and it's gonna hurt like blazes!

(PLEASE, NO SPOILERS OR REFERENCES TO SPOILERY MATERIAL IN COMMENTS! The definition of spoiler for this journal is located in left hand sidebar and includes references to promo material as spoilers. Theory and speculation based on aired episodes only.)

blithering, reaction, speculation, supernatural, meta, spn: season 5

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