Long, detailed and recappish because I had today off. \o/
Contains profanity, among other things.
Spoiler and Theorizing Timeline
-Mar 19th - CASTIEL'S BACK AS A MAJOR CHARACTER IN SEASON 5!!! \o/ Which means Bobby's totally dead. Well, crap. At this point *looks at the date* ...I'd love if they both could stay. I'd hate if they both left. But... um. Gah. Bobby's awesome. But Castiel.... gaaaah. I'm glad choosing one over the other is up to that bastard Kripke and not me. I'd be huddled in a corner rocking and weeping. So, if Ruby doesn't die (ohpleaseohpleaseohpleaseletherdie) the boys will split up at the end of this season and be on opposite sides. It's obviously not going to stay that way, but it's going to be epically hurty for a while.
-April 22 - While trying to refresh my brain on a five minute scroll through the f-list, read a link very clearly marked "SPOILER WARNING" think, 'Whut? Spiders? I'm not scared of spiders. And what does this post have to do with spiders anyway?' and click. Yes, I was so brain-dead-tired that I mis-read 'spoiler' as 'spider' *headdeskXinfinity* This is my brain during tax season. I'm a danger to myself. Anyway, entirely my own fault. Gah. Glimpsed before back-buttoning: Bobby will survive season four. I truly doubt it. Or if he does, it's going to be the same way that John survived the car wreck. Bobby has a certain archetypal role in the show, as I see it. Like Obi-Wan. Sort of. I'm not rooting for it by any stretch of the imagination, but he's going to die. Either that or his role is shifting to more of a Samwise Gamgee role as the one who goes on after... which um. Good grief. I don't have enough brain to think about this right now and I've got a stack of work too high to see over. Will brain later.
-June-ish - Lucifer has been cast as someone other than Jared. Not surprising because if they did go immediately to Sam becoming the vessel which I think is the common spec at this point, it'd be a very short season.
-[not sure if this is a future spoiler or whether it happened in this episode because the details are inconclusive, so it's excised.]
-July 3 - Shooting list for things shooting in Vancouver. Both Misha and Jim Beaver are listed as principal actors for the series. I could not possibly be more thrilled! \o/
-Aug 22 - Sidebar on BuddyTV article from 4.14 Title for 5.01 - Sympathy for the Devil. [inconclusive possible future spoiler-related spec excised]
Not that much all things considered, and there's only a couple more in the holding pen! Thank you all for being considerate of spoilerphobes and keeping things behind cuts.
So off we go!
Reaction, speculation, meta, and other things for Supernatural 5.01 - "Sympathy for the Devil"
[random]... I may actually watch more of Vampire Diaries. Hunh. [/random]
-AC/DC Thunderstruck! Not even on my list of possible season opening songs. Dunno but something about most AC/DC music makes me feel like... I dunno, carnival ride. Not that that's a bad thing.
-Um. Doors blocked, angel feedback... Oh shit.
-HAAAAA CARTOON DEVIL!! On a plane. WTF? Someone pulled some kind of Deus Ex Machina there... Castiel?
-Lucifer rising set off an EMP or something, because the lights went out in the surrounding town. That was rather awesome.
-Incidentally someone's got the missing scene where Dean freaks right the hell out with being on a crashing plane again, right? Why a plane, I wonder? Hm.
-Oooo! Blood title! With a heartbeat! Ooooooo, nifty. Hey, there's EVP in that... [Rewatch: Definitely a female voice... can't quite make out what it's saying, don't recognize the voice.]
-What are they driving??? It's not making any noise. Gahh. At least it's not the Rubymobile, which I'm guessing is vapour along with the body of the nurse. And Ruby's body, Lillith's body, the bodies of all the demons along that hallway, the body of the night watchman... yeesh. Quite a slaughterfest at the convent. O.o
-Ah yes, we return you to your regularly scheduled dose of Winchesterian repression. I think. Dean's being weird here and Sam's eyebrows know it.
-Hehe. It took a bit of panning for me to realize Chuck's place has been trashed. Chuck's a total slob. Kudos to set design on that. :-D (Also, black kitchen cabinets? A bold design choice, suitable for engendering a feeling of being trapped in a small dank cave. *nods*) Ooo, poor toaster looks like it's bleeding! *pats* That table leg is also very pranged. Must've been a hell of a combat. O.o
-Chuck hit Sam with a toilet plunger!!! Just when I thought I couldn't love Chuck more, he has to go and pick the most ludicrous improvised weapon available! \o/
-Ooo... Chuck's not looking so hot. Why is he sticking around at his place if it's wrecked? I guess this is supposed to be really soon afterward, like next morning.
-Castiel's dead? What? I call bullshit, since I know Misha's back as a series regular and the ghost of an angel hanging out with the boys might be a wee bit much crack for fifth season. Sixth season, maybe.
-"Water balloon full of Chunky soup." Heh. Wasn't that a Bulwer-Lytton entry one year? "McBride fell 12 stories, hitting the pavement like a Hefty Bag filled with vegetable soup."
-Hee, molar. It wouldn't be so 'hee' if I didn't know Castiel was fine, although I wonder where the molar came from. And whether Chuck's complicit in this or has had a hell of a con job pulled on him. Regardless, I want to get Chuck into a bath with a rubber duckie and a cup of tea. (By himself! To clean up and- oh just never mind. *blushes*) He looks so woebegone.
-Speaking of woebegone, Oh Dean, with the wibbling over Castiel being gone. He's not gone, Dean. You'll get your angel buddy back, don't fret. *pats*
-"Stupid? He was trying to help us."/"Yeah, exactly." Oh, Dean.
-*snerk* Suits. It's the Angel Mob.
-"You just keep your distance, asshat." Heeee!
-HEY! Sera Gamble's an Executive Producer now! So's Ben Edlund! And Phil Sgricca! Is that new? Regardless, congrats guys!! \o/
-CRAM IT WITH WALNUTS!!! \o/ I almost want that as a sound file. I don't know why. Maybe I can use it on my answering machine. Or as a ringtone. CRAM IT WITH WALNUTS!!! XD
-HORSEMEN!!! \o/ Name-tagged again! They are so very totally coming. No doubt. *nods*
-WHOA! Dude. Dean, blood, angel-b-gone sigil... sooo. Interesting. It doesn't have to be Angel blood to make the sigil work? Or, um, did we just get a massive hint about something going on with Dean there? o.O
-Okay so they're dark teal kitchen cabinets, not black. They looked black before. Incidentally, that's totally Bobby's kitchen with a different paint job. *nods*
-"I learned that from my friend Cas, you son of a bitch." Awwwww. Dean. It's okay, he's not dead, really. Trust me on this.
-Regent Inn Hotel. Low rates and their vacancy sign doesn't have a 'no'. Always a sign of class.
-"I... learned it from Ruby." Heh. Yeah. Awkward. Also, given how deep she was in cahoots with Lilith, how well did her hex bags really need to work, hm?
-"Supernatural Methadone." Ooo. Deus Ex Machina again. Hm... This is a tad above Castiel's paygrade, isn't it? Is it? Hm. Handy though, because while Sam detoxing makes for some funky fanfic, it'd get a bit tough to cope with long term on the show.
-"So why do you keep bringing it up?" Well, because he's Sam, and back to being Sam, and Sam needs to talk about such things. And also, I think, because he wants Dean to yell at him, or someone to yell at him. If there's one thing Sam does, it's epic guilt. Now that he really has started the apocalypse, all the little guilt-accepting bits of his psyche are rolling in it and needing to be punished for it. Or something. Needs more brain.
-Ooo. There's a mirror shot there, with Sam on both sides of Dean at once. Must analyze later. *makes note* ETA:
Half-assed screencap analysis here. -Ooo! They're approaching the Apocalypse like hunting! Because they'll both find their way to it in the dark! Yay! \o/
-Hi Lucifer's vessel, I'm guessing? (Isn't that Jimmy Novak's house? Same front door I think... Do all vessels have the same taste in houses? *ponders*)
-This guy has issues. Or his period. o.O (Sorry, sorry, that was horrendously inappropriate, but it was the first thing that leapt to mind. I have no idea what is wrong with my brain.)
-Vessel's name is Nick. And of course his dead... spouse? Is in a white nightie. I'd love to see the show change things up and put an evil/possessed/doomed person in sleepwear into a pair of plaid boxers and a ratty blue t-shirt with "Don't worry, be happy" on it. Much creepier. *nods*
-The Fangirl. *boggles* Holy crap. O.O Cannot stop laughing. Hee. I think I may have heard a sonic boom from some fansplosions right there, both positive and negative. Personally, I still cannot stop laughing. For one, does anyone read what they write as they type it? Also, Kripke! Warn for wincest in your headers! It's only polite. XD
-HAHAA! I CALLED- Aw crap. Um. Well, I will have called it, if I ever post the rest of "And I Heard the Thunder Rolling in" Trust me, Chuck tapping his fanbase for assistance has been written on my HD ever since there was a legible address given on the show. (Anyone write to carveredlund@gmail.com? Anyone who wrote get an answer back? I'm thinking if they haven't already sent e-mails out as a tie-in/reality warpage, they will.) Now that it's shown up in canon, I'll probably take the section out or repurpose it. It's not vital and no one cares anyway. *waves dismissively*
-She's named Becky! Hey, um... *looks at character's Samgirlishness* Um. Hey,
janglyjewels? Um.... might that be a kind of shout-out...? o.O Although I guess Becky is a common name, they've even had a Becky before I think. Still, it's an intriguing coincidence.
-*gives up and giggles at everything*
-"Yes I'm a fan but I really don't appreciate being mocked." *ROFL* So much rofl! Gee! Think that's a shout-out to the reaction "Monster at the End of the Book" got in some circles? I think so! XD
-Question for y'all to ponder: If Kripke popped up unexpectedly in a chat window and told you Sam and Dean were real, what would you do?
-Holy frakking station bug, Batman! It's like a quarter of the screen! At least it's for the DVD and not "The Beautiful Life" or ANTM :-P
-"Sam! Is it really you?" BWahahahahaha, I don't know who this actress is, but she forgot to squee. :-D
-'Firm' Heh, I've heard that Jared got that a lot in photo ops at cons after "Red Sky" *facepalm* On the other hand, I wonder if it might tone down some of the more extreme (and rare) fan misbehavior at cons if there's a chance it'll show up on the show. Somehow, I doubt it. :-)
-"And you're... not what I pictured." The in-series fan is being mean to Dean! There's a sideways TWoP shout-out. Holy crap, I hope someone more in tune with the entire fandom is counting all the shout-outs. I'm too busy laughing. XD
-Oooo, sooooooo.... She knows their last name. Which means Chuck told her. Which means if she's a fangirl worth her salt, EVERYONE IN HER FANDOM KNOWS IT NOW, OR WILL SOON. Heh. Actually maybe not. If some somewhat known fan of SPN (character said she runs a fansite) started claiming that Eric Kripke himself showed up on her laptop in a chat window and told her Sam and Dean's middle names were Angus and Jethro, there'd be a few that believed her, many who wouldn't, and a massive wankstorm asking for proof she talked to Kripke, calling her a liar, etc, etc. Yes? SO, their name will be out their among a few fans, and bandied about in arguments. Which means, if noting else, it's now searchable and linkable to the series of obscure books no one in the hunting community has come across before now. Oh my. That could get really interesting, especially if the 'hunt Sam' club I keep theorizing about ever shows up. Or, y'know, demons. Although demons haven't shown much propensity for using Google up to this point. Hm. Interesting development.
-Michael's sword, which the angels lost, hunh? "In a castle on a hill made of 42 dogs." ...Soooo, has Chuck dropped any acid lately? o.O
-"Can you quit touching me?"/"No." *chokes on coffee* Um. Hm. New photo op rules and reaction thereto in some circles being referenced there maybe?? XD
-I kind of hope Becky recurs, (although if she tries that whole "Their last name is Winchester! Carver Edlund told me himself!" she might fall out of contact with the fandom as result) but at the same time I kind of hope if they have another 'fan' character, it's a representative of some of the other parts of fandom. Heh. Maybe the boys can use fan-meta to figure out something in a future episode. XD
-Caaaaar!!! Bobbyyyyy! *hugs* *flail* Why are we only seeing Bobby's legs there, that's odd.... Hm. And trucker hat. Why is Bobby not wearing his trucker hat? ...I'd think he was possessed, but he's got to have charms and wards and stuff all over the place, right? If not tattoos *drifts slightly, thinking of Bobby with tattoos* Sorry, not sure what happened there. *koff* Could be they just have the hat off so the legs are easier to identify, but that brings us back to 'why legs?' This is disconcerting. o.O [Rewatch: Ah. Okay. *is braindead*]
-Bobby hugs! \o/ If he was possessed, he wouldn't hug, right? He can't be possessed, he's too awesome! [Rewatch: Can I claim to be blinded by Bobby's awesomeness? 'cause in retrospect, it's really obvious that something's going on with Bobby there.]
-[Rewatch: "I wouldn't want to meet him (Michael) in a dark alley." Yeah, no kidding, demon-boy. :-P]
-Oh Sam. Dean's not gonna yell at you for letting Lucifer out, so you out your own perceived culpability to Bobby to get chastised. And Sam doesn't let Dean stop him from talking and oh, oh, oh Sam. And Dean can't stop Sam from telling Bobby without bodily tackling him, which Bobby would want an explanation for anyway and the end result would be the same, so Dean's trapped there watching Sam, in essence, ask to be punished or reprimanded or something to relieve the guilt. There's so much ouch in that room I can't take it.
-*gapes in shock* "Lose my number." Oh. Bobby. No. No. *sadface* [Rewatch: *retroactively smacks self hard for even for a second doubting Bobby* Part of the reason I fell for that is the long-standing lurking thought I've had that Bobby knows way more about Sam and Dean an the demon-blood-apocalypse-stuff and has since Sam was eight. Especially given the questioning of whether Sam has had visions or used powers or whatnot throughout Season 3. And this evil little thought that Bobby kept checking to see if Sam was using demon powers because he'd, um... well, deal with Sam if he went that way. Ol' Yeller style. (I know, alright? I'm sorry.) And even with the events to the direct contrary from last season, that evil little subliminal thought still lurks around, enough to make me believe that Bobby might cut Sam out of his life if Sam opened the gates of Hell and let out Lucifer. Except of course he won't because he's Bobby. Dean, however, does not get a free pass on this, because he's not possessed and is standing there without saying a word. So *sadface*]
-Oh Sam's face. OMG. Oh SAAAAAAAAAAAAAM!!! So. Much. Ouch.
-Sam's going to go read 'lore books'. Lore books. Really? Sam must be distraught.
-Um... is it really a bright thing to let Sam the boy-king demon magnet go out wandering the city alone right now? o.O (Who's got a missing scene? Hm? Come on, I know someone's got a missing scene of Sam wandering around wallowing in guilt and angst.)
-[Rewatch: Dean totally doesn't get a free pass on this. Nope.]
-"I never woulda guessed your Daddy was right." Oh really? Are we getting a shoe dropped about how much John really knew about Sam now??? ...Maybe not. I think. Hm.
-"Castle storage, 42 Rover Hill." Heee! Yay storage lockers! \o/ Holy crap, that ziplock wasn't all cards from storage lockers, was it? They could go into arms dealing and support themselves for years if that's the case. o.O
-YEAH! IT'S NOT BOBBY!! IT'S POSSESSED!BOBBY!!! Bobby, I am so sorry I doubted your awesomeness for a second. [Rewatch: So, so, SO sorry, because in retrospect it's obvious. He had the trucker hat off. Something is not right with Bobby if he doesn't have the trucker hat on. He's either possessed, in hospital, or in a suit. *nods*]
-OMG Bobby's possessed. Possession is not a healthy thing for a person to be, in terms of aftermarket survivability. O.O Why in hell does Bobby not have a tattoo??? PLEASE DON'T DIE BOBBY!!! *winces and looks at spoiler theorizing* I really hate being right sometimes, please don't let me be right about this! Please!
-OMG Bobby's kicking Dean's ass! I want out-takes from Jim Beaver and Jensen Ackles doing this fight scene like I want my next breath of air!!!! *makes grabby hands*
-HOLY CRAP IT'S FUCKING MEG!!!! FINALLY!!! \o/ Person playing her has her speech pattern too, so double-extra bonus yay! Now, how does she fit into everything. She was kind of following her own agenda for a bit, I think, but she seems to be toeing the party line currently. I hope she recurs, and I hope they keep her body-hopping since that would make much more sense for a demon and might be cheaper for the show to get several one episode individual actors than one several episode actor. *dances with glee* MEG! OMFG!
-"We really owe your brother a fruit basket." Ahahahahahah!!! That's Meg! \o/
-"What is that, peanut butter?" *snort* Good thing Dean's not allergic. That'd be a hell of a way to kill off the guy that's supposed to kill Lucifer. Peanut allergy.
-She called Bobby their surrogate Daddy! \o/ Bobbyyyyy!!!! *smishes*
-Dean keeps getting attacked by possessed father-figures. John, Grampa Campbell, now Bobby... there's meta there. *nods*
-Yeah! Bobby fights off the possession for Dean and... OMG BOBBY! NOOOO!!!! NO NO NO!!! O.O *freaks right the hell out*
-Sam getting hit in the face with an entirely random phone makes me giggle. That's the same phone from Bloodlust, isn't it? Same *ding* noise. Convenient that Sam came back just then... I wonder if he hasn't got some kind of subconscious sense that things were going down, or maybe on his long walk of angst and research he figured out that Bobby was acting odd. Although I doubt it. A Sam wallowing in guilt is a rather blind Sam.
-Sam recognized Meg, which is appropriate considering she's been inside him. *nods*
-Doooooooood. Pulling the knife out of Bobby. Ow. There's barbs or rib-catchers or something on that thing. Trying very hard not to think of GURPS rules regarding impaling damage and barbs and that Bobby has been stabbed with Ruby's knife so doubling the damage might not matter because he's probably, probably... OMG BOBBY!!! *waaaaaaaaaaaaaaails and hyperventilates a little. And possibly whimpers*
-Hi Nick. Wow are you ever one messed-up puppy. I love that we're getting this backstory for a character that in essence will be obliterated when Lucifer gets into him. Although if they manage to make Nick fight back, that'd be cool. Also, guy who plays Nick is doing a really good job. Very awesome job by this guy. *cautiously googles* Mark Pellegrino is it? Looking forward to seeing what he does as Lucifer. *nods*
-OMG BOBBY'S NOT DEAD!! \o/ *smishes the hell out of him* Okay, so Ruby's knife causes normal wounds to humans and kills the demon? Good to know, that. So as long as they get the previously-possessed to hospital fast enough, they'll be fine. Or maybe it only didn't automatically kill Bobby because BOBBY IS TOO AWESOME TO DIE!!! \o/ Yeah, I think I'm going with option two there. *smishes Bobby again*
-*wants soundtrack of Show incidental music* Seriously.
-Hi trunk! Hi guns! \o/ *glee* Even though the guns are pretty useless against demons. Hm. If they're going in and expecting demons, why are they taking a bunch of random guns? Unless they modified them all to be like the Colt. Which would be a wee bit unbelievable, given the amount of time that would take, as well as re-engineering the design and stuff. Ah, I know, they're planning to use the guns to keep the demons busy long enough to grab the sword and do some smiting. Seems to me also that demons wouldn't be able to use an angelic weapon anyway. There'd be alignment issues or something. Ooo! Dean with the flippy gun spin FTW! \o/
-Hey! Those are the same parking lot lights as from Faith! Hee! Re-use of location!
-Hehe. Devil's traps and demons down everywhere. Heh. Yeah. It's John's lock-up. It's like a roach motel for demons. Or maybe a
Light Grenade. Hm.
-John has snowshoes in his lock-up that are completely unscathed by the general wreckage of the place. There has got to be a story behind those snowshoes.
-No, wait, it's Zach and flunkies. They offed the demons, which makes sense because if John had Devil's Traps that whacked the demons inside them, they should have been in use looooong before this. So John's lock-up here is more like flypaper for demons. Demons go in, get trapped and sit there until exorcised, or in this case, whacked by angels. The Machiavellian Angel Mob. Zachariah's even got pin-stripes *nods*
-Ooooohoohooo. Zach just admitted to messing with prophecy there. When God gets back from skeeball, someone's gonna get more than an earful.
-Dean is Michael's sword? Okay, hm. Interesting. I think
Weesta probably just exploded there, among more than a few others. That's an interesting development. Needs more brain. *ponders*
-"...simpering wad of insecurity and self-loathing" *glares at Zachariah* Even though he has a valid point for the most part. Still. Grr. *glares*
-Oooo.... Dean's a vessel. ...Wait, what? But he couldn't hear Castiel. What's up with that? Maybe he's tuned specifically to Michael? Needs much more brain. It explains the effectiveness of the Angel-B-Gone sigil though. *nods*
-And also, um... *points back at mostly incomprehensible
Dean's Birth meta and raises eyebrows HUGELY in Mary's general direction* I repeat. Needs. More. Brain. Brain go 'splody aaaaall over again. O.o
-Aiyaiyai! Ow! Broke Sam's legs to get Dean to obey?? It's totally the Angel Mob! O.O
-"He'll roast the planet alive." Ah, so global warming is Lucifer's fault. Good to know. *nods*
-Yeah of course they need your consent, Dean! I'm kind of wondering though how aware of this coercion Michael is, whether he's in league with Zach and cronies (or vice versa) or whether he's warming a celestial bench somewhere and unaware of how things are going down. Though if he does take Dean over, he'll find out, one way or another how consent was attained, and then we'll see what happens. *ponders*
-"But on the other hand, eat me." F. T. W. \o/
-Bobby will never walk again. Stage 4 stomach cancer. Lung removal. Zach's frigging nasty. Coercion, extortion, torture.... He's as bad as Alastair. Someone's gonna be pissed. o.O
-OH HAI CASTIEL! Was wondering where you'd got to... Wow, you, uh... got better at not getting your ass kicked. Maybe you were taking angel akido classes. O.O And you've got that spike thing which has not been named in canon and I thought Anna might have hung on to, but I could be wrong. Hm. Two angel mobsters down, um. Along with their vessels... Hunh. *moves on*
-*momentarily boggles at the giant bunny head on the wall behind Castiel in one shot* Did John take down a jackalope at some point? I don't see antlers. Maybe a Pooka? o.O
-Being Zachariah's minion sucks ass. Zachariah just stands there and lets Castiel kill 'em. Although he might be stunned that Castiel is not losing the fight.
-Oooo..... Oooo... implications that God's back and taking an active hand in a few things. Or someone is. Someone who not only pulled Dean out of the convent but pulled Sam too, despite the whole demon blood apocalypse thing. Oooooooooooooo. *wee little flappy hands over vague implications of... something. Not sure what. Needs more brain*
-Castiel called them 'boys'! N'awwwww. *draws hearts* And is now threatening Zachariah. Did someone get a promotion? *ponders*
-(still randomly giggling over Fangirl)
-Zachariah's freaked! Yeah, you torturing, extorting bastard, you better run!
-Hey, hey, hey, whoa! That coffin in behind Sam and Dean is the same kind as the one he had at Black Rock! Right down to the flag, I think. Did John have a coffin like that in all his lock-ups??? o.O ETA: Or is that the Black Rock lock up? It might be. Much as I find the idea of John having identical coffins stashed in several locations interesting, it would make more sense. Less sense that Sam and Dean wouldn't immediately twig to the address but oh well. The apocalypse causes memory loss. *handwaves*
-Oooooo. Enochian sigil. Will hide you from every angel in creation including Lucifer. And Castiel too? Or does he get, like, a 'detect Winchesters' cookie installed in there since he installed the sigil. Regardless, someone picked up a few tricks while 'dead'. Still thinking promotion, there. Hm.
-He carved it on their ribs? (Sam and Dean's 'bzuh?' faces HEE!) Oooo. I suddenly want to know what the sigil looks like and also really hope we don't have reason to find out. o.O Good that it's internal. Not only will it not require explanation to everyone who happens to see them shirtless, it'll be easier for make-up to do and no one in post-production's gonna have to scrutinize the film for any extra bits of Sam and Dean skin that should have tattoos being exposed. Hm. I see black-light body-paint in their future. Or CGI. *nods*
-"Then how are you back?" *flutterbye* Hee! Getting 'killed' and going into hiding didn't make Castiel any less of an enigmatic bastard! \o/ Kind of wondering whose tooth Chuck found in his hair though. No, wait, it'd be Jimmy's, if Castiel actually did go 'splody, he's been reconstituted. Like Anna. Hm... *ponders* Anyway, regardless, poor Chuck. I hope they let him know Castiel's okay. There's enough guilt roaming around here.
-Ooo. At least five corpses there in the storage locker. That'll be a tough one to explain...
-White nighties, man. Just say no. *shakes head*
-Nick is snarky. He's kind of neat. Too bad he's gonna have his personality over-ridden shortly here.
-Lucifer vessels are rare, hunh? I still say Sam's gonna be Lucifer's vessel at some point. Or something like that. The angst potential is way too great for it not to happen.
-Lucifer's perspective... makes me want to go re-read Paradise Lost. It works for the character as commonly known, and it's scary and creepy.
-Aha! Family again. There had to be a link to family. *nods* Hmmm... I'm guessing, though, that Nick's family tragedy was not a random act of senseless violence. I sense plotting. Plotting and a demonic hit squad.
-Ohhhh, this guy's very little voice on "If I help you, can you bring back my family?" Ohhh, ow. Wow. This guy's good.
-"I don't lie. I don't need to." I really want to do a close reading on every single thing Lucifer says now.
-Bobby!! OMG yay! \o/ Yeah! "I'll use my game leg to kick your friggin' ass!" SO. MUCH. YAY! Not sure how getting stabbed in the stomach translates into not being able to walk, but okay, sure. *handwaves* I almost hope the next time Bobby shows up he has a sword-cane. Made out of Ruby's knife. And uses it. *gleeeeee* ^.^
-"They want to fight a war they can find their own planet. This one's ours and I say they get the hell off it." Heh. Shades of Babylon 5 there, maybe? Also, DEAN WINCHESTER DEFENDER OF EARTH FTW! \o/
-"A GED and a give 'em hell attitude."
G.E.D! One long-standing fandom question about Dean's educational background answered! This doesn't mean Dean is stupid, not at all. This just means Dean had different priorities than going through the mundane school system. Which is very true. *nods*
-"That was the demon talking. I ain't cutting you out, boy. Not ever." *flappy haaaaaaands* Awwwwwww! *wibble*
-For those writing fic, The hospital Bobby is at is St. Martin's and his room number is 113.
-Ow. Ow. Ow. Ow. Dean. Ow. OW. Dean. Ow. Knock it off! Ow. Dean. Dude. I'mma reach into my TV and smack some sense into your fool head in a minute here. You forgetting your part in this whole mess? (It is interesting to note that Dean apparently doesn't care that Sam let Lucifer out, it's the turning his back on his family to hang out with a demon that Dean is hurt about.)
-Although... I guess it does make a kind of sense though, because some deep parts of Dean had to see Sam's actions as a form of abandonment. Plus he has to have his own guilt from the knowledge he started the whole mess by breaking in Hell and enabling the seals to start breaking, leading up to Sam being duped by Ruby, and his inability to deal with his own guilt has to be feeding into his reaction to Sam's guilt. Also, Sam's still got the guilt and the need to be punished or wallow or whatever, and Bobby let him off the hook, so Dean not letting Sam of the hook is providing a kind of punishment so that... I don't know. So that Sam won't develop a need to punish himself? Gah. I don't know what the hell I'm talking about, probably. Regardless, OW.
My. What an interesting bunch of developments we have going on this season... I say the next few eps are gonna be hurty until they get Sam's elephantine guilt and Dean's feelings of familial betrayal and abandonment dealt with, but they'll be back to relatively normal within four episodes. Ish. Unless something else happens.
*bounces excitedly*
(PLEASE, NO SPOILERS OR REFERENCES TO SPOILERY MATERIAL IN COMMENTS! The definition of spoiler for this journal is located in left hand sidebar and includes references to promo material as spoilers. Theory and speculation based on aired episodes only.)