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Comments 26

emptycavern May 26 2012, 02:40:16 UTC
The fluffy ones are really sweet and I especially like the milkshake one! Haha Jonghyun is so nice trying to hook Kibum up with Jinki like that!

Omg my feels about the last one ;~; Why does it always have to be like this?
It hurts a lot to read about not yet moving on a long time after a breakup, and all the could have beens and should have beens are a bitch :/ I feel sad for Jinki and Kibum in the story because even though they have got really awesome other-halfs already, they still really just want the other so ;~; just let me cry.


caffelattae May 26 2012, 04:09:58 UTC
Hahaha! I like that one, too (Wait, why do I suddenly feel like Dora saying that sobs). But I also like the 'when we wake up' drabble. Squeals but fluff is always squeal worthy!

/gives you tissues/ I don't know how that felt, but it must've been bitch, yea. The only boyfriend I ever got ditched me lmao. But yeah. :-( It is such a hard thing to finally find someone the best for you, then you have to let go, be forced to move on and then see him happy a few years after. :-(

Anyway, thank you bb!! ♡♡


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caffelattae May 26 2012, 12:39:12 UTC
Hahaha, thank you, it is my pleasure to shower you with onkey!! ^U^
I tried my best with that oneshot, although it's a little bit far from the prompt, hahaha.
Key's condition #2!! (#1 would be him falling to the ground while laughing, lol) :-D

HAHAHA. Omg yes the prompt sobs. I just wanted them to like, hold hands at one point but then the story turned itself into this crack/fluff I've never even thought of doing (and of course, Jonghyun helping with the mood, hahaha!)

Thank you for being lovely and commenting, dear!! ♡♡


hamburo May 26 2012, 09:12:41 UTC
ohehmgee another work that I would be adding to my list.
I love all of the drables! But I personally like 'Handshakes and Milkshakes' the best. :3
And, my heart crushed when I was reading the last one. ;u; ohmegosh. It's so...sad. But beautiful.
two thumbs up for you~


caffelattae May 26 2012, 12:40:51 UTC
Teehee, let me see that list once you're done, okay? :-D I'd love to see it!!
Aw, thank you! I like that too, but they're all my favorites (since I wrote them, duh hahaha)
;U; The last one was really random, like, last minute idea but I'm glad you think it's beautiful!

of course, you can't give me three thumbs up, how about two toes up then? hahaha JK! Thank you, bb!! ♡♡


hamburo May 27 2012, 06:50:04 UTC
Yes, I'll let you see it when it's done! I'll make sure you're one of the first people to see it! :3 i think it would be 50% of your works. lol jk but we'll see.

HIHI i was thinking about that too! I was actually planning on giving you four thumbs up. XD and you're welcome!


caffelattae May 27 2012, 07:17:39 UTC
Yaaay! But, omg. There's a lot more great onkey writers out there! (I have a lot in my memories, tbh) Sobs my works doesn't even equate to theirs!

Hahahaha, great minds think alike!


amazmi May 26 2012, 09:20:15 UTC
omg, i love you so much !
i've been a fan of yours for quite some time now.
i even put your masterlist as my bookmarks ! :DD
but i rarely comments. sorry :(

thank you fr all the onkey you wrote.
i will try to drop more comment next time !
<3 <3 <3


caffelattae May 26 2012, 12:42:11 UTC
Aw, just seeing you say you love me makes me smile, really! And "fan" is something I haven't heard for a while, sobs let me hug you and give you one of my hearts ♡ Hahaha. That's a big compliment, really *U*

Your comments are always appreciated, so please do drop comments! It also encourages me more!!
Thank you very, very much dear!! ♡♡


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caffelattae May 28 2012, 14:18:27 UTC
thank you omg hahaha why did it scare you though ;n; thank you!♡


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