Title: Stray
Arc: Thirty-Three
infinitesimiPairing: Ed/Hei friendship
Spoilers: Uh, CoS, I suppose
Summary: Al always did have a thing for bringing home strays.
Note: This is completely independent of my other stories. Alfons is the same Alfons from the movie, not the Alphonse Heiderich from "Friends and Lovers." So I guess that would make this a
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Comments 15
Watching people you work with can cause unbearable curiosity.
I really liked this fic, though specific reasons as to why currently elude me. As usual you've written a succinct plot with snappy dialog to push it along, however that's not why it snagged me. I dunno... maybe I can sympathize with Ed here, having spent two months living out of my car at one point in time. Not the most comfortable way to sleep.
Here's me, looking forward to the next chapter of "I'll Love You More". The preview looks excellent.
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