
Aug 22, 2011 18:53

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Comments 37

paradox_occurs September 24 2011, 17:41:59 UTC
Hello there again :) Love the new look xD hope everything is going well.

JYJ - In Heaven

And to make life easier, here's the link :3


blackskylark September 25 2011, 05:01:47 UTC
Hello again. How have you've been? Thanks~ xD

Here's your requested screencaps:


paradox_occurs September 25 2011, 14:25:39 UTC
Good, good~ other than busy.

Thank you~ xD


paradox_occurs October 1 2011, 13:22:49 UTC
I've realized I never got my Mir clone xD; ...joke aside. Hello again. This is becoming the weekly request post, ha...ha... xD;

MBLAQ - Stay

I'm pretty sure I've read it in one of your notes, but then it disappeared from the list o.O. I've doubled checked everything just to be sure and nothing. The link, in case.

Also, maybe it was just the video, but the "In Heaven" screencaps are perfect, the quality is fantastic xD

Hope you're having a good time :3


blackskylark October 1 2011, 18:03:11 UTC
LOL. I'm sure he shipped though. ): The post office jacked him. It was too tempting for them. Haha. I don't mind. :)

I was actually on the list however the video files weren't cooperating with my computer so I just removed it from the list. We'll see what happens now. xD

Yay~ It's probably the video. That video was like 450MB. Usually, videos that are 1920x1080 are around 200 - 250 MB.


paradox_occurs October 1 2011, 18:12:16 UTC
Dang xD I need to rescue him. And I see xD if it doesn't cooperate again, then it's okay :3 G.O's sexiness is sometimes too much to handle.

Probably. I'll have to download already 'Get Out' too and see the difference.


blackskylark October 1 2011, 18:19:28 UTC
RAID THE POST OFFICE. xD Bwhahaha. It's okay, I got it working~ Awesome sauce. I'm uploading your screencaps right now.(Stupid MegaUpload.)

LOLOL. xD Have fun downloading 'Get Out'~


yunde November 6 2011, 07:35:33 UTC
hello there! ^^ can i possibly request Sunny Hill's Pray mv? thanks.

and here's a link.


blackskylark November 10 2011, 01:35:37 UTC
Here's your requested screencaps! Enjoy. :)


flipangel_88 November 22 2011, 07:32:30 UTC
Hello, it's me again!!!! I was wondering if I could request the screencaps of BEAST's Lights Go On Again PV Teaser ...

I would greatly appreciate it ....

P.S. Happy holidays to you and have a very awesome Thanksgiving celebration with your family and friends ^^


flipangel_88 November 22 2011, 19:17:58 UTC
Hello again, sorry nevermind ...

Yesterday I couldn't find a good version of the video (it was either already subbed, MQ, or the dimensions were way too BIG) but earlier I found an HQ 1280x720 avi file of the video with no subs so I ended up capping it myself.

Sorry for taking up your time, I apologize ...


blackskylark November 23 2011, 05:18:55 UTC
It's okay. No harm done. :)


flipangel_88 November 23 2011, 07:15:12 UTC
Since you're online would it be okay to request ring ding song by shinee


paradox_occurs January 9 2012, 17:38:27 UTC
Hello there :3 how have you been?

MBLAQ - It's War

xD; .../needs a new heart after it collapsed of overloading.
The only link I could find is here, but with all the madness surrounding the mv, I'm sure more will appear :\


blackskylark January 11 2012, 05:31:24 UTC
Hello! Good I suppose though it's getting a bit crazy with school. How about you?

Woah. I never knew about this release. @_@ I shall start working on it! :D


paradox_occurs January 15 2012, 14:43:19 UTC
Sorry for the late reply!
Awww, hope it's gonna cool down a bit xD
Wasting my last day of holiday xD and mentally preparing myself for what's about to come xD I'll need Joon's gun if not.

Take your time, as always :3


blackskylark January 19 2012, 02:55:48 UTC
Aw. My break ended on January 3rd. ]: ALWAYS BRING JOON'S GUN. xD

Here to go~


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