May 16, 2006 20:48
Since I am still in my "potential conception mode"...
and since I am supposed to protect my body AT ALL TIMES as I MAY SOMEHOW MIRACULOUSLY GET PREGNANT VIA IMMACULATE CONCEPTION!!! (aka SEXLESS PREGNANCY>. NOt really a virgin birth as I am no longer a virgin...ooops shhhhhhhh don't tell my mum!!!)
I am going to make a few DEMANDS upon the society..
Since.. I may somehow get pregnant and we wouldn't want my POTENTIAL CHILD to be wanting.... I expect that I will get some sort of subsidy to help me pay for constant preconception care ..
I should get a subsidy to help me pay for organic food.. and healthy supplements.. gynocological visits.. .. I think that CORPORATIONS like DOW, and MONSANTO for instance should therefore be regulated as to not poison the environment that I live in.. so I can eat health foods for my currently unconcieved child!.. and no more pollution!!! From ANYONE!!! And this of cours (sorry to all those smokers out there.. ) this shoudl really push the legislation to make smoking illegal in all public places.. since 2nd hand smoke can injure my preconception body....
I will think of some more.. Hey.. maybe these guidelines will be good afterall...