round 1 - Claims Post

Mar 12, 2008 22:58

cactuscontinuum claims are now closed for this round! Thank you all for participating, and happy writing/drawing/what have you! :)

Tezuka/Fuji only:

1) Tezuka/Fuji: Post-Nationals, Fuji studies in abroad in a German college for "certain reasons", one that is conveniently close to Tezuka. [requested by measuringlife] [claimed for fic by evaporate]

2) Tezuka/Fuji: doctor Fuji, patient Tezuka >:D [requested by vierblith_tefu]

3) Tezuka/Fuji: Tezuka sometimes wonders why he is in love with Fuji. Every little thing you do. [requested by vierblith_tefu] [claimed for fic by a1y_puff]

4) Tezuka/Fuji: Fluff, five years old, playing in a sandbox. [requested by white_ashes07] [claimed for fic by vierblith_tefu] [claimed for art by moehoshi]

5) Tezuka/Fuji: Having the promised match after the Nationals Tournament (manga-verse). [requested by white_ashes07] [claimed for fic by a1y_puff]

6) Tezuka/Fuji: AU, Tezuka as Aladdin, Fuji as either the princess or the genie, and they end up together. [requested by white_ashes07] [claimed for fic by nhowy]

7) Tezuka/Fuji, fairy tale pastiche. Preferably either with the plots of the original (bloody-gory) versions of the fairy tales, or humour/crack. [requested by shenguin] [claimed for fic by violeteyedhair]

8) Tezuka/Fuji, Rubik's Cube. [requested by shenguin] [claimed for fic by fairren]

9) Tezuka/Fuji: 2nd year of junior high, where they were classmates and Fuji kept distracting Tezuka from the lessons. they weren't lover (yet) and just put some hints in it. I want it to be crack XD <--sorry for the long request [requested by a1y_puff]

10) Tezuka/Fuji (or Fuji/Tezuka): Tezuka did something that not quite into Fuji's liking and received a 'certain' punishment from the tensai. can be crack or fluff ^^ [requested by a1y_puff]

11) Tezuka/Fuji: AU, something out of the ordinary that you can think of. Better if relationship is just implied. Prompt: secrecy. [requested by gj_isendre] [claimed for fic by fairren]

12) Tezuka/Fuji: Prompt: I can't keep up and I can't back down. [requested by gj_isendre]

13) Tezuka/Fuji- Cosplay Fuji- (I think Tezuka's reaction would be amusing) [requested by bneko] [claimed for fic by nhowy]

14) Tezuka/Fuji- Yuuta in the wrong place at the wrong time. (This can be taken however you like. I find the thought of Yuuta walking in on something and being awkward amusing.) [requested by bneko] [claimed for fic by violeteyedhair]

15) Tezuka/Fuji- Tezuka finding out that pretty girl he fell in love with while pretty is not so much a girl. [requested by bneko] [claimed for fic by chibikaoruchan]

16) Tezuka/Fuji: AU, alternate professions, maybe photographers or gardeners? Bonus points if they have the same kind of friendship-rivalry we see in canon. [requested by kishmet] [claimed for fic by daisy_chan]

17) Tezuka/Fuji: Both of them genderswitched, either AU or canonverse. However you want to work this is fine by me, I just want to see them both as girls. (But if you can manage to get Fuji giving Tezuka a makeover and/or give it an R-rating or above, I will love you forever.) [requested by kishmet] [claimed for art by moehoshi]

18) Tezuka/Fuji: Ballroom dancing, do with it as you like. [requested by kishmet] [claimed for fic by misterwalnut]

19) Tezuka & Fuji, gen/friendship. Either studying for High School entrance exams, or playing a board game of some kind. Would really just like a little snapshot of their friendship. Please, no romantic anything. Just gen. [requested by hikaridonya] [claimed for fic by evaporate]

20) Tez/Fuji. Prompt - Actions speak louder than words. [requested by crysaliz]

21) Tez/Fuji. Adults, reflecting on the past. Flashbacks loved <3 [requested by crysaliz] [claimed for fic by a1y_puff]

22) Tezuka/Fuji - AU. What if Tezuka had taken Fuji's offer to be taken off the team at the end of the match with Echizen? [requested by misanagi]

23) Tezuka/Fuji - Highschool freshman year. Earning back their spot. [requested by misanagi]

24) Tezuka/Fuji - prompt: drowning [requested by pat_ace87]

25) Tezuka/Fuji - How Tezuka would react if Fuji cheated on him. (Fuji dont really need to be cheating on Tezu-chan ^^ Id just like to see his reaction.) [requested by chibikaoruchan] [claimed for fic by stevenghost]

26) Tezuka/Fuji - Flashback to when they were younger, how Tezuka thought Fuji wasn't just a teammate ^^ [requested by chibikaoruchan]

27) Tezuka/Fuji - (i'd REALLY like this one) Tezuka's body became smaller(doll like)due to a after effect of Inui Juice. Seeing this as a chance, he goes to Fuji's house... ^^ [requested by chibikaoruchan] [claimed for fic by a1y_puff] [claimed for art by moehoshi]

28) Tezuka/Fuji - something set in Rakuen no Kikou's 'Sonou ni Sakeru Kokubyakuno' universe. Bonus for jealous Tezuka, old men fighting, secret tea meetings, or Oshitari being Oshitari. [requested by daisy_chan]

29) Tezuka/Fuji - alternate profession AU in which T & F meet as adults - "We are searching in each other//The thing that will fill our emptiness" - something sweet and smutty would be nice [requested by daisy_chan] [claimed for fic by reddwarfer]

30) Tezuka/Fuji - coming out fic, prefferably unintentionally XDD;; I'd love to see Seigaku favorites (or other schools if the mood strikes you) and/or Yuuta involved in a series of 'close calls' for Tezuka and Fuji before their relationship is revealed. Humor, hiding love bites, raging hormones, and being set up on dates with other people would be pluses. [requested by daisy_chan] [claimed for fic by enasniyllagel]

31) Tezuka/Fuji - Fuji's Ultimate Guide on How To Keep Sexy Tennis Captains/Boyfriends from Cheating (Ever). Hopefully something light and fluffy? [requested by ketchupblood] [claimed for fic by chibikaoruchan] [claimed for art by shenguin]

32) Tezuka/Fuji - They meet again after however long and they aren't sure whether they're starting again at square one or continuing off at square whatever-number-that-they'd-left-off-on. [requested by ketchupblood] [claimed for fic by stevenghost]

33) Tezuka/Fuji - prompt: Truth or Dare [requested by ketchupblood] [claimed for fic by chibikaoruchan]

34) Tezuka/Fuji - Actually it was Fuji who broke up the relationship; How is Tezuka going to get him back? [requested by qem_chibati]

35) Tezuka/Fuji - People usually blame Fuji for practical jokes. Little do they know that the mastermind for the best ones is usually Tezuka. [requested by qem_chibati] [claimed for fic by chibikaoruchan]

36) Tezuka/Fuji. Fuji needs a new hobby, who is Tezuka. [requested by dhorz] [claimed for fic by decollement]

37) Tezufuji- The Little Mermaid in reverse. In which it is the prince who exchanges his legs for a tail. [requested by nhowy] [claimed for fic by kishmet]

38) Tezufuji- PROMPT: If I'm Not Going to be the One [requested by nhowy]

39) Tezufuji- Summer vacation and both are working at a grocery store with Fuji as the cashier and Tezuka as the bagger. [requested by nhowy]

40) Tezuka/Fuji (and the rest of Seigaku, I suppose. Bonus points if Hyotei is involved somewhere) in a Moulin Rouge AU. [requested by decollement] [claimed for fic by paranoid_fridge]

41) Earthquake - and how they deal [survive], the more drama, the better [requested by paranoid_fridge] [claimed for fic by enasniyllagel]

42) Spaceship AU: Captain Tezuka of spaceship Seigaku (bonus points if the story is like: "... and one day the Seigaku regulars were suddenly beamed away from the tennis courts onto a spaceship, where they were told, that, well, if they wanted to go home, they'd have to accomplish this mission first.." Crack/Action, but anything will be good. [requested by paranoid_fridge] [claimed for fic by summerslaughter]

43) Fuji is kidnappeed and Tezuka [plays the hero] frets... [requested by paranoid_fridge] [claimed for fic by enasniyllagel]

44) Tezufuji- Fuji in a schoolgirl uniform trying to make Tezuka, who won't admit his feelings or something like that, jealous. (possesive!tezuka if possible) [requested by iceshade] [claimed for fic by ann89103] [claimed for art by moehoshi]

45) Fuji+ATTEMPTEDtentacle rape with tezuka as the hero... [requested by iceshade]

46) girl!fuji -tezuka left japan after HS to go pro in america (or wherever), leaving behind a pregnant fuji, what happens when he comes back? (...don't even ask) [requested by iceshade]

47) Chibi!Tezuka/Chibi!Fuji:tenipuri family,about pregnant!Fuji and how she make Tezuka crazy. Remember that their baby is girl and her name is Oishi^^, so there won't be any other Seigaku character yet (humor/crack) [requested by forbiden_past] [claimed for art by moehoshi]

48) Chibi!Tezuka/Chibi!Fuji:still tenipuri family, grandpa!Tezuka/marilyn relationship made grandma!Fuji got jealous and asked for divorce! [requested by forbiden_past] [claimed for fic by dhorz]

49) Tezuka/Fuji :Fuji played a game. He and Tezuka are going to do some naughty things, but he pretend that they were newlyweds couple. Smut,seme!tezuka^^; [requested by forbiden_past]

50) Tezuka / Fuji : Prompt: Body Swap [requested by moehoshi] [claimed for fic by kat8cha]

51) Professional thief Fuji plays cat-and-mouse with private investigator/police detective Tezuka. Tezuka/Fuji or Fuji/Tezuka (or both!) [requested by ann89103] [claimed for fic by violeteyedhair]

52) Set in college, with whatever additional cast you like, featuring possessive!Tezuka: Tezuka and Fuji are taking their friendship to a deeper level just when Atobe decides he is interested in Fuji. [requested by ann89103]

53) Tezuka rejected a romantic relationship with Fuji back in high school, not willing to risk censure from his family/society. A few years later a regretful Tezuka admits his mistake and seeks out Fuji. However, it may not be so easy for Tezuka to convince Fuji to forgive him. [requested by ann89103] [claimed for fic by vierblith_tefu]

54) Tezuka/Fuji - the shocking truth about how Fuji can put up with) Inui juice [requested by xelyssa] [claimed for fic by dhorz]

55) Tezuka/Fuji - Tezuka writes to the school newspaper's mysterious yet admired "Love Counselor" ... who just happens to be Fuji. (preferably crack) [requested by xelyssa] [claimed for fic by evaporate]

56) Day Late Friend - Tezuka and Fuji run into each other years after they've lost touch. Fuji admits he was in love with Tezuka, Tezuka admits that he felt the same. Their respective girlfriends find them and come over. No happy ending. Lots of awkward smalltalk! ♥ [requested by violeteyedhair] [claimed for fic by ketchupblood]

57) Tezuka/Fuji: AU- 1700's, England, top hats, white gloves, coat tails, meaningless banter. [requested by violeteyedhair] [claimed for fic by vierblith_tefu]

Other pairings/characters included (outright or implied):

58) Tezuka/Fuji, implied Saeki/Yuuta (or Yuuta/nameless girl): Fuji deals with Yuuta growing up and does some growing up of his own. [requested by measuringlife]

59) Tezuka/Fuji, (optional Saeki/Yuuta): Sibling bonding fic, where Yumiko teases Fuji about his boyfriend, and Yuuta is rather traumatized. Extra points if Saeki and/or Ayana get in on the fun (Tezuka's mother, said to be very like Fuji!) [requested by measuringlife]

60) Tezuka/Fuji, implied Oshitari/Atobe: God of Pain Fuji, God of Death Tezuka... why does Pain linger where Death is? [requested by vierblith_tefu] [claimed for fic by kat8cha]

61) Tezuka/Fuji AND Shirota/Aiba: Crossover of PoT and Tenimyu!! AU. what if the four of them are friends? with the sadistic!Fuji and sadistic!Aiba in action, giving their respective lovers a headache XD;; [requested by a1y_puff]

62) Tezuka/Fuji, implied Oshitari/Atobe: Fantasy!AU. They can be anything from princes to peasants - your choice. Prompt: Sacrifice. Optional: A rose by any other name would smell as sweet. [requested by gj_isendre] [claimed for fic by vierblith_tefu]

63) Tezuka/Fuji, Saeki-Fuji friendship - AU. What if Saeki had moved to Tokyo too? [requested by misanagi]

64) Tezuka/Fuji, side FujiSae. What Tezuka feels when Fuji goes back to Chiba to meet Saeki. [requested by dhorz] [claimed for fic by misanagi]

65) Tezuka/Fuji + friend!Shiraishi (random yes, but I ♥ him) and friend!Saeki - The college years, either in Japan or abroad, can be long distance, etc. but mostly just everyday happenings and friendly exchanges (college stuff, like coffee breaks, studying at the student union, etc.) + cute Tezuka/Fuji (long distance is okay too). Sorry, I really suck at these sorts of things. It's been a long day :| [requested by kittyfu] [claimed for fic by gj_isendre]

66) Tezuka/Fuji, Atobe/Echizen, anyone else (you choose!) - in which Fuji is focused on something (anything) and Tezuka finds himself trying to get Fuji's attention, with Atobe (being Atobe) and snarky!Ryoma (i.e. Ryoma being Ryoma). Can take place anywhere, humor a must. :3 [requested by kittyfu]

67) Tezuka/Fuji and Saeki - in which (somehow) Tezuka and Fuji are visiting Rokkaku, and Fuji and Saeki have a conversation about the past + Fuji's relationship with Tezuka (can be the cannon rivalry/friendship, or romantic. Woot!) [requested by kittyfu] [claimed for fic by ketchupblood]

68) Tezuka / Fuji (with Atobe, fanboying Jirou, Saeki plus other schools) : Fuji with harem and Tezuka is jealous not so amused.♥ (Crack. Chaos. Fluff). :D [requested by moehoshi]

69) Tezuka/Fuji (with Seigaku cast) - "Isn't defying Inui's data fun?" [requested by xelyssa]

70) one-sided Fuji/Tezuka, Fuji/Oshitari - Fuji deals with his rejection from Tezuka by losing himself in Oshitari whose frank manner and looks remind him of his captain. It doesn't work. AAAANGST, dark! [requested by violeteyedhair]

Threesomes and moresomes:

71) Tezuka/Fuji(/Atobe if possible), geeky science or math class. Schrodinger's cat would be LOVE. As would happy/perfect/Achilles/etc. numbers. Or the Google algorithm, etc. Really, the geekier, the better. I ♥ well done science fic. [requested by shenguin] [claimed for fic by lingou]

72) Tezuka/Fuji/Echizen - How Tezuka and Fuji go about getting Echizen to join their relationship (would like it to be R, but I don't mind if it's not) [requested by pat_ace87]

73) Tezuka/Fuji/Echizen/Sanad/Atobe (OT5 XD!!!) - prompt: fear [requested by pat_ace87]

74) Oshitari/Tezuka/Fuji - It's not easy playing the straight man in between two tricksters. Especially if your not actually straight. Basically Tezuka being dragged into something humorous, with a lot of fun and games and love! XD [requested by qem_chibati]

75) Tezuka/Fuji/Tachibana: I'd love to see a well done, in character jealous Tezuka who has to share Fuji with Tachibana. Would prefer hard R and up but I'll take what I can get. [requested by stevenghost]

76) Tezuka/Fuji/Oshitari/Atobe/Eiji or any combination there in: a stripper AU in which they all work for a club. Pure smut with a little dash of plot preferred. [requested by stevenghost]

77) Tezuka/Fuji/Ryoma: I love any fic where the Power Trio is involved so let your imagination roam with this one. I just want to see some plot. [requested by stevenghost] [claimed for fic by pat_ace87]

78) Fuji/Tezuka/Shiraishi/Chitose - They are living together, in the same room at the colleage. [requested by kody_applefield]

79) Fuji/Shiraishi/Tezuka/Chitose - After the Yakiniku party, with Shiraishi and Fuji are drunk [requested by kody_applefield]

80) Tezuka / Fuji / Atobe - Prompt: Soulmates / Destiny (AU. Angst. Middle stays in the middle please) ^^ [requested by moehoshi]
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