Housing update

May 17, 2010 18:30

Since so many people wanted one ( Read more... )

housing, rl, blah

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Comments 6

dreamt May 18 2010, 03:05:43 UTC
Aww that sucks! :( I'm sorry honey *hugs* Maybe something will pop up, you never know!


a_happenstance May 19 2010, 18:02:40 UTC
*Hugs* I'm sorry it didn't work out, hopefully something comes up soon. The housing situation is ridiculous here too, there's nothing in the city under 350/400, for condos and houses, forget it. I'll never own a house in Vancouver.


cacopheny May 19 2010, 18:51:46 UTC
Dude, Vancouver would be even worse than here :( I've at least FOUND some places I can afford, just barely.

:: hugsback! :: Nice to hear from ya, hope everything's going well in your neck of the woods :)


a_happenstance May 19 2010, 19:38:24 UTC
Yeah it's been...rough. Let's just put it that way. I'm trying to get things together though and figure it all out. It's just hard sometimes, you know?


cacopheny May 19 2010, 22:07:04 UTC
Aw, hun :( :: offers more hungs :: Yeah, sometimes it is hard. Let me know if there's anything I can do, all right?


leilay May 21 2010, 00:41:15 UTC
Oh no, how disappointing!!!

I would find out where the areas you want to avoid in TO/Newbury are and try to avoid them.

My house is considered to be in a 'bad area,' lol - you kind of have to know which blocks are scary and which ones aren't without taking out an entire section of town, y'know?

I hope you do find somewhere you like and can make a new place of your own. ~hugs~


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