Edit, May 7: Apparently this page has been linked in the alumni e-newsletter. Hi, alumni! And hi to anyone who's here via other links I don't know about. I'm glad people are enjoying my photos!
Some more about me, for the curious: I'm Molly, Reed '09. You can see some of my older photos at my not-quite-up-to-date
website, and if you have any comments you can leave them here or e-mail me at cacahuate at livejournal dot com.
A note about links: Of course you can link to me! All I would ask for is credit, as taking photos like these is hard work. Thanks!
Context for non-Reedies: Every senior at Reed spends a year completing a very long and impressive thesis in their major. When they finish their theses, they get a plastic crown of laurels to wear and they have a Thesis Parade, at which they burn copies of their theses at a bonfire while getting doused with champagne and then march through the library, across the lawn, and up to the registrar's office in the main administration building. This kicks off Renn Fayre, Reed's incredible three-day-long year-end party, which... Well, just look at the pictures.
Congratulations, seniors! You're awesome. The rest of us will miss you.