
Mar 10, 2012 21:46

Hope seems to be dwindling for the return of the Caboodle cats back to Craig and Caboodle Ranch. The ASPCA is going to insure that that will never happen. They're not going to lose. They can't now... think of how bad it would look for them to return the cats back to their home after what they've done.

The latest reports of 100s of cats with open wounds is proof they don't plan to. 100s of cats with open wounds... This is new, because three days into the raid on Caboodle Ranch, the ASPCA stated in article for the Tallahassee Democrat that the majority of the animals were not in dire need for immediate medical attention. So what happened?

Craig would never let 100s of cats walk around with open wounds. Dr. Lewis, who was at Caboodle Ranch one week before the raid, would never let that happen, animal control would never let that happen, and PETA, who was there for 5 months... certainly they wouldn't have let that happen. (Would they?) Yet somehow it did. That's what's being reported now.

An ASPCA volunteer was quoted on their website saying that four hundred cats just walked right into their carriers. Really? Well even if four hundred (mostly feral) cats did walk right into their carriers, what about the 300 that didn't? The ones that were terrified and ran for their lives... Into and under buildings, up trees, through the brush and prickers, over and under gates and fences, because they were being chased by a calvary of people who had suddenly raided their home.

The ASPCA were trapping cats for three days at Caboodle Ranch, so apparently the cats didn't make it too easy for them. It's very hard to believe that every one of those few hundred cats came away from that ordeal completely unscathed.

There was a cat on the PETA video with blood on it. The blood had leaked from stitches. Stitches are what's given to cats that have wounds at Caboodle Ranch. These stitches are given by Dr. Lewis... The Caboodle vet that everyone seems to keep forgetting about.

The ASPCA would never accept responsibility for any wrong-doing though, because it'll make them look bad. If a cat was wounded because it was chased... we'll never know about it, will we?

That may be speculation, but previous facts given to you through these posts, can easily be proven true:
  • The dirty (boarded up) trailer and refrigerator that were not in use, but were shown in the PETA video... They're still available on the property for you to see.
  • The three-legged cat on the PETA video... He came to the ranch that way. Somebody sent him from West Virginia. Easily proven.
  • The cat with one eye... He has veterinary records that show he was being treated.
  • The cats with Upper Respiratory Infection... they were being treated. 
  • The cats were never confined to buildings as PETA suggested. Multitudes of video and photos prove it.
  • Caboodle Ranch was inspected by animal control every three months. Here's a statement online showing no violations in March 2011. They can be contacted for additional reports.
  • Animal control has documented proof that Caboodle Ranch was conforming to new EAH regulations. So how could it be said these cats were living in deplorable conditions?

Craig's daughter-in-law tried to share some of this information  (and more) on the ASPCA's Facebook page to defend him, and they banned her. They have no intention on listening to these facts... facts that can backed up with proof. Their mind is made up because they'll look bad otherwise.

It's important to remember that the wheels to shut down Caboodle Ranch were set in motion by a handful of people who don't like Craig. They'll have you believe they had the well-being of the cats in mind, but they didn't. They destroyed Craig's life and they're still kicking him while he's down.  
One of them recently posted that she hopes he kills himself. Another once threatened to slice Nanette's throat. This was vendetta... and these are the type of people the ASPCA listened to.


Here are all the sick, wounded and dying animals living in deplorable conditions just two weeks before the raid. They're all evidence in cages now. (Yes, even the two watchdogs.)

Please help Craig continue his fight to get his Caboodles home again. Donations for legal fees can be made at www.CaboodleRanch.org 
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