Jan 27, 2012 16:35

We don't usually do this, but this time is extra important. Please say extra prayers for Craig's cat Tommy, who has been with him for 11 years now. Tommy has become quite ill and is at an ER vet hospital being tested and treated. They think he may have pneumonia with complications. This is Craig's baby boy, and I know many of you have a very very special baby, or have had one that means the world to you, and would understand Craig's heartache.  So please take a moment and ask God to wrap his loving healing arms around Tommy today and everyday until he is well and strong and healthy to come back home.
Thank you

UPDATE: 02/16/2012
Hi folks! Well another week has passed and Tommy is eating like a horse and walking the rounds with Papa! He has put back on all but one pound of the weight he lost while sick! He still looks a little rough around the edges, but he had alot of blood tests done, so alot of hair was shaved, and the tube in his nose for feeding etc. But he is still big beautiful Tommy! Thanks to all your prayers you have pulled this very special baby thru a very hard time. We don't know how much time he may have, but we do know it is quality time,and we are so grateful for that! Purrs and blessings to all of you and your babies too!

Update 02/08/2012
Thank you everyone for all your prayers and encouraging words! It is helping! Tommy ate on his own for the first time in a couple weeks, and has been eating heartily every few hours! And today he started to drink on his own as well! For a kitty who could not stand up at the vets office a week ago, he walked the rounds with Papa Craig today! He enjoyed his day in the sunshine and napped with his friends. Each day has been a milestone for Tommy and Craig has him under round the clock care. Tommy has also gone up stairs to bed down with Papa, just like 'normal'. !!
UPDATE: 02/04/2012
Craig took Tommy back to the hospital and he stayed another 3 days. Looks like it is FIP, which is a fatal virus that has similar symptoms to upper respiratory but with many other complications. So Craig chose to bring him home and keep working with him and keep him comfortable. He did not want him to die in a vet cage. Tommy was VERY happy to be home, again, and for the first time in a couple weeks, he ate! Not alot, but its a great sign! So we are keeping hope alive. Tommy is home and happy to be back in Papa's arms. And for tonight, we are thankful for that....
UPDATE 01/30/12
Tommy was able to come home last night! He has a feeding tube in his nose but Craig said it doesn't bother him. He said Tommy is happy to be back home and he that he looked much better than he did 5 days ago. He will be under the care of Dr. Lewis again but be able to stay with Craig. Craig feeds him several times a day and has medications to give him and his breathing is much better. The next big step will be to have Tommy eating on his own. Your prayers have kept this precious boy strong, keep them coming and thank you!!!!!!
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