WELCOME - Prompts Post Part I

Sep 24, 2010 12:13

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Welcome everybody. How you got here I have no idea but thank you for coming and welcome again, nonetheless . As you may have gathered this is a fic ( Read more... )

prompting part i

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Do fish have fingers? anonymous May 19 2011, 05:12:18 UTC
Arthur: *staring at box of fish fingers* Do fish have fingers?

Just give me some Arthur/Martin fluff based on that. ^_^


Re: Do fish have fingers? elvendork_lee May 19 2011, 16:56:03 UTC
Can't say I'll fill this, but this is what came into my head when I read that. I would love to see this prompt filled!

Arthur: (curious) ...do fish have fingers?

Martin: (patient, but exasperated) No, Arthur.

Douglas walks by & overhears the conversation

Douglas: (...Douglas-y) Well, not anymore.


Re: Do fish have fingers? anonymous May 19 2011, 17:03:42 UTC
Great, Douglas, thanks for undoing the whole educational effort of the past 15 minutes. >:o


Re: Do fish have fingers? anonymous May 19 2011, 17:18:21 UTC
Brilliant pun! :D


OP here! anonymous May 19 2011, 17:51:09 UTC
Thank you /so/ much. Now I'm picturing it being an ongoing battely between Martin and Douglas to convince Arthur that fish don't/do have fingers. XD


Re: OP here! elvendork_lee May 19 2011, 18:44:46 UTC
Hehe, oh I can definitely see that happening. XP


Re: Do fish have fingers? foxtoast May 19 2011, 17:52:04 UTC

I also love that "Douglas-y" is an indication of tone, because a "Douglas-y" manner is precisely how Douglas says things. It's like a distinct, proprietary blend of snark, sarcasm, facetiousness, and charm.


Re: Do fish have fingers? elvendork_lee May 19 2011, 18:45:17 UTC
It is, isn't it?! Haha, I just couldn't think of any other way to describe it.


FILL: Fish Fingers and Custard elvendork_lee May 21 2011, 14:21:07 UTC
I said I wasn't going to do it...but I had to. It wouldn't leave me alone. I hope you enjoy it, and though it's probably not entirely what you were after this is what came into my head.

Anyone else please feel free to add another fill...



Re: FILL: Fish Fingers and Custard anonymous May 21 2011, 14:35:06 UTC
OK, that's just ADORABLE...


Re: FILL: Fish Fingers and Custard elvendork_lee May 21 2011, 15:54:04 UTC
Thank you!! :)


OP anonymous May 22 2011, 16:04:36 UTC
Oh my God! You just appealed to every bit of my DW fangirlishness! (Which is actually where I got the idea. When the TARDIS said it my first thought was "Arthur!") And Martin is /so/ a closet DW fanboy.

And now I really want to read a fanfic where he is and Douglas mocks him mercilessly while, in the same week, old episodes mysteriously start appearing on Martin's desk... XD

Love the fill. Love it sooo much. And everyone was so-so BRILLIANT!

*huggles elevendork*


Re: OP elvendork_lee May 22 2011, 17:29:51 UTC
Thank you!!! I just couldn't resist it - fish fingers are now forever linked to DW in my head and Martin is the perfect candidate for fanboyishness...although...I actually just had another thought on the "Douglas finds out Martin is a fan" front...what if he found out, and teased Martin - but then accidentally revealed that HE'S a fan too?!

Or, Arthur finds out/is also a fan, and insists on a DW marathon to pass the time while they're on standby - Douglas inadvertently finds himself getting really invested in it, like shouting at the TV and stuff...and hilarity ensures.

(Actually, anyone who reads this can officially take either of those as a prompt. It could be standalone or a sequel to this, I don't mind! XP)

*huggles OP back* Thank you for such an awesome prompt.


Re: OP anonymous May 22 2011, 18:47:32 UTC
Exactly! Like, he's teasing Martin, while atbthe same time "lending" Marting his old DVD's of seasons long past (like Doc #4), and then accidentaly makes a reference and Martin stares in shock and just goes "you put thoes old episodes on my desk, didn't you?" YES!

Yes, yes, YESSSSS!!!

(Please? Someone please do that? We'll both forever be greatfull...)

You are very welcome. And don't thank me - thank the TARDIS for saying "do fish have fingers?" in the first place!


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