Hoggywarty recs

Jan 07, 2021 14:38

Good day, dear friends. Sometimes I return to this journal. Long story short, so far my family and I made it to 2021 without Covid accidents. We are also living in a very retired way, so much that I haven't met anyone apart from my husband (and the supermarket cashiers) during all the holidays. I haven't met my parents since the end of October!

Anyway, I'm here today to recommend you my favourites hoggywartyxmas entries! The fest is finished now and I have read all entries but one. My favourite pieces are:


The Unofficial Minutes of the Hogwarts Knitting Society (Irma Pince with a supporting cast of Hogwarts Staff Members. Also, the owner of a knitting shop.)
Summary: When Gilderoy Lockhart announces his plan for motivational lectures that will bring the fun back into teaching, his colleagues have to do something. But who would have thought it would involve needles and yarn?
A stellar excerpt from Irma's diary, featuring an OC who isn't what she seems to be and above all KNITTING.

Extracts from 'Letter Collection P' (Irma Pince, her correspondent 'M', Wilhelmina Grubbly-Plank, plus various incidentals, some of whom will be familiar...)
Summary: Selected correspondence from the Hogwarts Archives, in the form of personal letters between Librarian Irma Pince and a schoolfriend she refers to only as 'M'. These extracts span the years Pince spent training at the National Library of Magic, and are a window into the lives of two young witches in the mid 20th century. (HA 144/5 .k17 1961-1964 passim)
A beautiful after-Hogwarts corrispondence between Irma and "M".

Within a Forest Dark (Severus Snape/Minerva McGonagall)
Summary: Severus expects his journey at Hogwarts to be dark and lonely. He’s right. Mostly
One of those SS/MM that makes an unbeliever believe in Severus/Minerva.


The Gift (Severus Snape, Minerva McGonagall, Albus Dumbledore)
Summary: The year is 1993, and the presence of one Mr Remus Lupin at Hogwarts means that this isn't the Potions Master's favourite Christmas ever. Maybe, just maybe, Minerva McGonagall can lift his gloom.
A brilliant watercolor comic about a sweet revenge.

Season’s Greetings from Hogwarts! (Pomona Sprout, Filius Flitwick, Minerva McGonagall, Severus Snape, Hermione Granger, Neville Longbottom and Irma Pince)
Summary: The Hogwarts Faculty tries to keep it together for the annual Yule card photo.
An hilarious animated cardboard by a beloved HP artist.

Christmas in the Hospital Wing (Rubeus Hagrid, Poppy Pomfrey, a team of Hogwarts House Elves)
Summary: No place in Hogwarts is immune to holiday preparations. Certainly not the Hospital wing. Regardless of whether there are any students (or staff members) in residence under Madam Pomfrey’s care. Not even if there are no students even spending the holiday break at Hogwarts. The Hospital Wing *will* be decked out for the season.
An illustration of a far better hospital than the ones we got used to this year.

(all entries are still anonymous)
I also have to thank the Anonymous author of the gift for me! Thank you for ‘Twas the night before Christmas, a pome (Snape, Minerva, Santa)
Summary: Bertie Bott’s Christmas Baubles aren’t universally admired

Thank you! Happy 2021 everyone! Good reading!

fic recs, fests, fanfiction, hoggywartyxmas

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