STORY - Calling in a Debt - Chapter 12

May 19, 2007 13:30

Disclaimers: Neither the idea of Harry Potter nor the characters belong to me in any way. They are the sole property of JKR. I do not make any money of this story either.

A/N: As always I wish to thank all my betas, without whom I’d be helpless. allzugern, darkmoore, munchkinofdoom and Christine Pierson ( Read more... )

hp, fanfic, debt

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Comments 6

darkmoore May 19 2007, 11:58:31 UTC
*squeee* Finally! This was hard work for all of us, love. *wink* But it was well worth the wait. It's wonderful, really. I am sooooooo proud of you for not giving up. I knew you could do it. Great chapter. I LOVE it. Quite hot, too. *grin* Keep it up, I'm so looking forward to more!


ca_pierson May 19 2007, 15:16:07 UTC
*laughs* Huge thanks to you, sis. Don't think I could have done this on my own.

*huggles dark tightly*


pervert_bitch May 19 2007, 15:10:00 UTC
YAY More! :D
So what the hell is happening with Severus to suddenly manisfest all these problems? :P


ca_pierson May 19 2007, 15:15:26 UTC
Well, why don't you go to the next chapter and find out a bit more? Sorry, I had a few problems with some of the tags and then got pulled into writing and forgot to turn the private tag into a friends tag.

Be well,


ivylady May 19 2007, 17:52:58 UTC
Yay! A new chapter. I feel sorry for Severus--it's like his life is spinning out of control and everyone is butting in. I know they have only his best interests at heart, but I wouldn't want Hermione researching anything either. Good chapter, although I don't think Hermione is as brilliant a researcher as presented, but that's just my personal opinion. Off to read chapter 13...


ca_pierson May 19 2007, 18:01:43 UTC
Yeah, I feel sorry for Severus, too. It must be really awkward to have your life laid open like that in front of so many people. I wouldn't want Hermione anywhere near me either, she's way too nosy and she's too opinionated.

Be well,


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