STORY - Calling in a Debt - Chapter 11

Apr 12, 2006 11:13

Disclaimers: Neither the idea of Harry Potter nor the characters belong to me in any way. They are the sole property of JKR. I do not make any money of this story either.

Beta: Allzugern, Amber, darkmoore, munchkinofdoom, Christine Pierson

Author's Note: Love to everyone who reviewed, but especially to all my betas.

Allzugern for hooking me on a new fandom (or two, I'm kind of working ( Read more... )

hp, fanfic, debt

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Comments 17

munchkinofdoom April 12 2006, 05:21:37 UTC
Now, see, this is why I adore being a beta. While I enjoy the grammatical stuff, my favourite bit is exactly what I do with you. You send me the chapters, I waffle over them for a few days or so, then bamboozle you with pages of thoughts, questions and demands for explanations. Which then sets you off all over again.

Although we are on the opposite ends of the world, I can almost see the spark in your eye when you take a comment or question and run madly with it.

So I am very glad I can be of help to you, and never doubt how much I enjoy it. *hugs*


ca_pierson April 12 2006, 07:18:19 UTC
Good! I'm glad you enjoy it, otherwise I'd probably feel guilty!

That reminds me: Chapter 12 is getting there, but I still need to fill that one scene out (there's a bit of a gap there, and I'm feeling a little weird about the scene). I'll post it for beta viewing in a moment.

*hugs back*


darkmoore April 12 2006, 12:57:17 UTC
I think this is just loveley, sis and I am sure you will manage the next chapter just as well. I LOVE your work and I fell very honoured to be allowed to be a part of the "making" process.

As for have to love Cass for that, don't you think? I can relate to that phenomenon very's almost like you can see her developing a new idea. It's quite amazing and something I'd never ever want to miss. You know, I might need to try and convince you to beta for me as well, Cass has nothing but praise for you!


ca_pierson April 12 2006, 13:45:20 UTC
*blushes* Bah, look what you did now. Made me blush! *hugs*


ex_housecudd821 April 12 2006, 06:17:55 UTC
Eee! The Mindguard Spell is very intriguing. Fingers crossed that it shan't actually be fatal to poor Severus, and he doesn't descend into madness and what not. But really, Albus keeping secrets? Who'd have thought he'd be capable of such a thing! -rolls eyes- Looking forward to the next installment. Two thumbs up!


ca_pierson April 12 2006, 07:11:34 UTC
I would never kill Severus! Well, not without proper warnings at the beginning of a story anyway ;).

Glad you liked it.


darkmoore April 12 2006, 12:59:35 UTC
You know I would kill you for killing poor Sev, right? So you'd better not plan on doing something drastic to him... well other than incredible, mindblowing sex with his ex-husband...


ca_pierson April 12 2006, 13:46:31 UTC
I'm working on that part, you slave driver!

I know, I know, I would have to get another name to get something past you that Severus doesn't survive ... *sneaky look*.


xena_2001de June 23 2006, 18:24:03 UTC
*squee* You updated, and I didn't notice it until now :( Serves me right for watching out for updates only on Forever Fandom...

*of to re-read the last two/three chapters and the last one of course*


ca_pierson June 28 2006, 09:32:50 UTC
Sorry for the late reply. But how does the saying go? Better late than never :).

Hmmm ... I wonder why I haven't updated there yet. Thanks for bringing that to my attention :).

I'm still a bit stuck on the latest chapter, but munchkinofdoom helped unstick it a little. Right now I just have no time to write due to a lot of work due end of this week and an exam next week.

I hope you like this chapter,


A bit slow on the discovery bit... xikum September 27 2006, 04:55:51 UTC
Yes! I know, I know - only 5 months late... I just discovered this chapter - Brillinat! It only keeps getting more intense! But, I need some happiness to break the stressload now. Any chance of that?

Um...Is Ch 12 anywhere...hmm, I just read the previous comments - foreverfandom? Are you going to update this at FFN?


Re: A bit slow on the discovery bit... ca_pierson September 28 2006, 09:58:26 UTC
Hi :) it happens. Chapter 12 is the one I'm stuck on. I've got most of it done but there is like the last bit of it that I can't seem to deal with. I'm tempted to just blend to black, considering I started writing chapter 13 already :S.

I'm going to update it at FFN and foreverfandom at one point, yes. But I want chapter 12 to be finished, after that I pretty much know where to go.

Yes, there's going to be happiness, at least for a chapter or two :).

Be well,


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