voting: round two; final challenge!

Jun 27, 2007 10:37

First off, congratulations to toasted_space and ephemerally for making it this far! Obviously, neither of you will be able to vote but you can pimp the vote in your journal (just keep your icons anonymous please!) :)

1. ANYONE CAN VOTE. You don't have to be a member or a participant to vote.
2. Vote for YOUR FAVOURITE icon in EACH section. You don't have to provide a technical reason, but it would be nice.
3. Don't vote for your own entry.
4. Don't tell people to vote for you. Keep your icon anonymous until the results are posted.
5. Voting is screened, no one will know who you voted for, so don't worry about insulting anyone.
6. You are not to vote for a particular style you do or don't like or something like that, but on the quality of the icons. Look at the image quality, the cropping and colouring, and the use of brushes, textures, text and effects.

Here are some examples of how to vote properly:

1g, 2f, 3h

Voting will be open until Friday, June 29th @ 10:00 PM EST. I want to see a lot of votes guys, this is the last challenge of the round and will determine our second round winner!




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