Title: Correspondence
Author: A. Windsor
Rating: PG-ish, for language (you know our Cordy)
Genre: Aw, it's pretty sappy. With some angst thrown in (you know our Angel)
Spoilers: Through Season 3 and some BTVS spoilers from the time period, but not much. AU after Cordy's demonization.
Prompt: Damnskippytoo's dare: It's S3 and Angel and Cordy have just
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Comments 13
You did give me a heart attack with Angel's letter about not coming back. If you had left it there, I would have had to kill you. But, then, wham! Hurricane Cordy! I did not see that coming so bravo to you for surprising me. And you made my day having Cordy and the gang figure out the big bad and destroy it in a matter of hours. LMAO! Go fang gang! And points for bringing up the pool and Caritas.
I'm very, very pleased with your take on my challenge. OH! And I just got how you worked the storm element in. *slaps forehead* Brilliant! :D Thanks so much for playing with us and I hope you'll be posting more of your C/A stories here because we'd love to read them.
Yeah, I put Angel's broodiness in because I felt like it needed a bit of plot, and that being separated from Cordy and surrounded by the Scoobs would make Angel mopey. Also, I knew Angel would never leave without killing the big bad, so I had to wrap it up somehow. I was just like "Well, Cordy can fix it. She can do anything. So, there we go." As for the pool and Caritas, these were things that showed such fun promise in Season 3, but were left hanging when the Hyperion became ground zero for an apocalypse and an Oedipus complex. (gross...)
Yeah, the storm just kinda worked his way in. It wasn't central, but it did turn out to be the big clue.
I've been thinking about posting my other C/A stuff, but it's more plot-based with a side of C/A than anything truly 'shippy.
Thanks again!!!
Great character voices and LOVED kicking ass Cordelia. I love the way she cuts through the bullshit, just like in YW.
I hope we see more from you in the comm. :D
As I said earlier, I may start posting my series soon. And on that note, I really should look into getting a badass Cordy icon to go with my badass Cordy talk. Not that Inara isn't badass in her own right.
Everyone pretty much said what I was thinking. You had awesome character voices. I totally heard Cordelia and Angel's voices as I was reading it. I liked having this POV of their new relationship and how they were dealing with him being in Sunnydale and her in LA.
OMG you so had my heart stopping in Angel's June 11th letter!!!! I was all 0_0 NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!! LOL I was relieved to know that Cordy went right down to Sunnydale and was about to kick her man's ass. She totally wouldn't just let him leave her. Pfft! Great read ♥ I hope to see more stories from you, soon.
I loved that Cordy addressed one of the letters as "Broody". Had a little chuckle over that, loved it. And I was worried like everyone else that Angel wouldn't come back but it was totally IC for the Fang Gang to come in and figure it out and set things right. I adored it.
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