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Comments 93

scriggle August 11 2008, 18:43:20 UTC

*fixes his sleeves*

I adore the picture CKR's autograph in buckbeakbabie's post. Way to take up the whole page, Callum. *g*

I've been searching all day for con reports. And nothing. Zilch. Zip. Zero. I know some of the regulars who post on capricacity went. BUt there haven't been any updates there either.


c_regalis August 11 2008, 18:49:27 UTC
*fixes his sleeves*

Noooo! Leave them be! *g*

I adore the picture CKR's autograph in buckbeakbabie's post. Way to take up the whole page, Callum. *g*

Heh, yes, me too!

And yeah, me neither. I was hoping that your SciFi connections would yield something. No luck, hm? I, uh, actually checked Caprica city myself. Pretty much for the First Time Ever. Hmpf.


scriggle August 11 2008, 18:59:45 UTC
*wonders idly if the short hair is for a role. Like Billy maybe?*

There's been nothing posted about the con on skiffy either.


c_regalis August 11 2008, 19:10:18 UTC

And yeah, no. Weird. I found a few comments by buckbeakbabie, nothing too exciting. Callum making a fuss about singing Jamie's crotch on the poster or something.


roadrunner1896 August 11 2008, 18:44:51 UTC
I love that picture!

the4ts promised me a detailed report on Callum, but she also said it will be a while until she gets around to type it up and post it.

And no, I am not obsessively checking her journal, even though I am tracking it already. ;)


c_regalis August 11 2008, 18:52:46 UTC
It's just made of puppies and awesome, isn't it? Or, in your case, apples. *g*

the4ts promised me a detailed report on Callum, but she also said it will be a while until she gets around to type it up and post it.

Ooooh, oh, oh, oh. Eeeee! That's awesome, that's good. That's VERY good. \c/

And no, I am not obsessively checking her journal, even though I am tracking it already. ;)


*tries to find tracking button for the4th journal*


roadrunner1896 August 11 2008, 19:11:20 UTC
Puppies and awesome works. I want to feed him an apple, though. But mostly because I want to see him eat one again. It's been far too long since the last time!


c_regalis August 11 2008, 20:50:16 UTC
Well, maybe in Californication? I have high hopes for this one. On a lot of levels. Don't CRUSH them this time, universe. Like the last time, and the second to last. And the one before. And before that one. Hmpf.


zabira August 11 2008, 18:49:24 UTC
that pic just makes me GRIN.

also very 12-year-old-girl? the little CIRCLE where the "i" would be in his signature. oh, callum. &hearts


c_regalis August 11 2008, 18:53:51 UTC

It's just so... HAPPY, and CUTE, and DORKY and and and... CALLUM. ♥

also very 12-year-old-girl? the little CIRCLE where the "i" would be in his signature. oh, callum. ♥

Oh yes. Oh man. Oh Callum.


bluebelle789 August 11 2008, 18:56:41 UTC
Heeeeeee! It definitely doesn't hurt to look at it again. HIS SLEEVE. Awww. ♥

I was searching around the interwebs for con reports (obsessive? Moi?) and I did find this and this? No pictures but pretty good recap where Callum is concerned. :)


c_regalis August 11 2008, 19:02:30 UTC
Oooh, thank yoooouuuu!

obsessive? Moi?

Ha! NEVER. *g*

*runs off to read*


zabira August 11 2008, 20:02:01 UTC
CCCCCCCCCCC!!! HARD CORE LOGO! in november!!! o_O and he talked about how the film mirrors life??? is that what the second one is saying?



c_regalis August 11 2008, 20:05:59 UTC
I... I don't KNOW. Was that something HE said? I am confused now! But... but but but it SEEMS like it was something he said, right? RIGHT?


meresy August 11 2008, 19:08:16 UTC



c_regalis August 11 2008, 19:58:55 UTC
I KNOW! Uhm, I mean, ME TOO. How does he DO THAT?


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