
Feb 03, 2008 21:13

Remember this test post I did a while ago? For A Filmography Of CKR But With Useful Information For A Fangirl? Because china_shop asked for it?
I've decided by now that I am going to make a comm for this, because it's more fun that way. And less work for me. And now I need (among other things) a name.

So, poll. )

ckr, poll, the_ckr_files

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Comments 52

_unhurt_ February 3 2008, 20:51:26 UTC
Memento: Christopher Nolan's first choice for the role of Leonard was Alec Baldwin. (/c\)



sorry. for some reason i was amused.

*thinks about poll for a while*


c_regalis February 3 2008, 21:08:09 UTC
What, what, what? Now you like the_ckr_files all of a sudden? *glares*

sorry. for some reason i was amused.

*glares more*


_unhurt_ February 3 2008, 21:10:51 UTC
well, i had to pick ONE, right? if i didn't vote you would give me that look. that one. the one you are giving me now. meep! of the voting choices, i like it best, i think?

la la la baldwins la la la


c_regalis February 3 2008, 21:13:21 UTC
You don't have to pick ONE. It's CHECK BOXES.

la la la baldwins la la la



lovelokest February 3 2008, 20:51:53 UTC
Due South (Dead Guy Running): The drunk in the wedding dress in the episode "Dead Guy Running" was played by Paul Gross' brother-in-law, Donny Burns. HEE. Oh Paul, I love you. First this and then your wife as your mother.


c_regalis February 3 2008, 21:10:08 UTC
First this and then your wife as your mother.

He is... quite remarkable, isn't he?

And Callumpedia is good, just like CKR-pedia, but, um. Since China_Shop told me that it makes her think of 'pedophile'...? Um, yeah. /c\


callumvixen February 3 2008, 21:28:03 UTC
i think it should read:

"Slap Shot 2: The film was written in two weeks then filmed in 15 days."

except even THAT cant be true. i think a desperate person wrote it overnight while having a fever. and then it was filmed in three days. and stephen baldwin had a staring contest with Callum and lost horribly.

alec baldwin in memento? hahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahahhahaa. mr nolan, i do hope you realize how much respect you just lost there.


c_regalis February 3 2008, 21:47:21 UTC
and stephen baldwin had a staring contest with Callum and lost horribly.

AHAHAHA! YES! And yes! And yes!

And yeah, AB in Memento? Is just weird. What was he thinking? *puzzled* Although, I have to admit, he's still the best one. Out of Dick, Trick and Track. (Oh, and there was also mentioned that they considered Brad Pitt at some point? Better.)


callumvixen February 4 2008, 03:25:41 UTC
and then stephen baldwin whined like a bitch and ran around with his tail between his legs for the rest of the movie shoot. *nods*

AB in memento just sounds so... mainstream. and old. and 'straight to DVD'. i mean, Glengarry Glen Ross was amazing with him. the Departed. Notting Hill. The Cooler. and 30 Rock too. hes SO good hosting SNL. but such a quirky, interesting, THINKING movie needs a lead that is ALSO quirky, interesting, and THINKING!


isiscolo February 3 2008, 21:38:28 UTC
This is a reference to the actor Ralph Fiennes, whose name is pronounced "Raif Fine." (Er. I doubt that? I really do.)

Nope, I've heard this before. (The pronunciation, not the tribute.)


c_regalis February 3 2008, 21:50:59 UTC
Ooh, the pronunciation? Yeah, I don't have problems with that. But the reference? Um. No.

Er, and about your question? I loved ckr-pedia. Until China said that it made her think of pedophile? And of COURSE now I can't get that out of my head. So, uhm, yes. No ckr-pedia. *sigh*


isiscolo February 3 2008, 21:53:28 UTC
Okay, don't judge me, but ckr-pedia (and Wikipedia) make me think of centipedes.


c_regalis February 3 2008, 21:57:53 UTC
HEE! Centipedes? Are GOOD THINGS. *totally doesn't judge*


neu111 February 3 2008, 22:14:22 UTC
callumography? brr - now thingking radiography, mammography

I actually liked ckr_suspicious_files but is too long a name.
callum_on_top sounds good too.

I see many headaches looming ahead... Still thinking...


callumvixen February 4 2008, 03:27:16 UTC

!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! YES!

you know... i like that one :)


c_regalis February 4 2008, 20:17:29 UTC
*tries to look surprised*

...ah. never mind.


c_regalis February 4 2008, 08:08:07 UTC
now thinking radiography, mammography

Waaaah! Why not think, like, biography, filmography. Pornography? Photography? Um. Stenography? Oceanography? Er.


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