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Comments 41

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c_regalis May 29 2007, 20:04:37 UTC
So pretty, isn't he? *sigh happily with you*


scriggle May 29 2007, 20:20:27 UTC
Who says we want you to stop? huh? More is always better when it comes to Callum.

#67 Woobie!

Dear director,

Please stop with all the scenes in the dark. We can not properly appreciate the hotness that is Callum if we can't see him.

Thank you,



c_regalis May 29 2007, 20:50:01 UTC
Yeah, the filming in the dark is a bit annoying. Maybe when the DVD comes out? I am sure the picture will be more clear then.

(One more post. Tomorrow.)

Hi, Scrig! \c/


scriggle May 29 2007, 23:49:45 UTC
Hi, c! \s/

I guess we will have to wait for the dvd. videoeta.com has an estimated release date of September. *weeps* That's too far away. Maybe it'll get an earlier release as it's been pushed out of theaters by all the summer blockbusters. I never did get a chance tosee it again.

(One more post. Tomorrow.)

I should finish posting the CN:tC picspam one of these days.


c_regalis May 30 2007, 23:14:26 UTC
I never did get a chance to see it at all! *cries*


timian May 29 2007, 20:38:26 UTC
::insert lewd comment here::


c_regalis May 29 2007, 20:48:17 UTC
Will do!

*pats jeans pockets* I... Um, I could swear... just this morning... I had it, just here in my pocket... or, uhm... somewhere... that's... damn...

Oh, LOOK, Garett and Callum making out, right behind you!

*runs off*


_unhurt_ June 2 2007, 00:25:16 UTC
Oh, LOOK, Garett and Callum making out, right behind you!


i have to go to bed now. i will have bad dreams!


malnpudl May 29 2007, 21:00:06 UTC
He is so very pretty in this. *happy sigh*

It was such an incredible treat to see him on the big screen.

(My friends Dan & Suzi went with me. I think they were a bit puzzled over my choice of film. Dan's comment afterwards: "Well. That... wasn't a bad movie, really." Heh.)


c_regalis May 29 2007, 22:22:51 UTC
such an incredible treat to see him on the big screen

I can imagine. *sigh* I missed it? It was in the theaters for two weeks here. The two weeks I was on the last business trip. Also, only the dubbed version. That's the only reason there are these screen caps now. I wouldn't, normally. For a movie that's so new. But... dammit.

Then again? I saw Wilby Wonderful on the big screen. Undubbed. Sadly, I wasn't really a Callum fan back then. I was there for PG. Plus, there were about five people in the theater. So sad. But you saw it too, didn't you? With Di and Joan? Or, wait, not with Joan, she was there later though, right? *jealous again*

Hi, Mal! ♥


aislinn May 29 2007, 21:16:21 UTC
pft. who needs a convention when you have posts like these? ;o) I can sit here in my jammies with a grilled cheese sandwich and oggle without worrying about crowds and lines and nerves and trembling hands.

please don't stop. <3<3


c_regalis May 29 2007, 22:25:55 UTC
He won't show up anyway, la la la. Hmm, grilled cheese sandwich. *wants*

(Say, the question came up in one of the other threads, if he would sign for this convention and no show up, would there be a penalty for breach of a contract or so? *wonders*)


aislinn May 30 2007, 01:15:59 UTC
Come on over, I've got plenty to share.

Well I'm slowly worming my way into the business side of things and will ask that question tomorrow at work. I know that cancellations happen last minute all the time. Michael Biehn cancelled the day before our show last year, but I don't think there was a penalty or anything. The $$ my company was out was probably limited to airfare and maybe something from the hotel for cancelling the reservation last minute (though I kinda doubt that considering all the business we bring to it), but whether or not he's contractually obligated to pay that back, I'll have to ask.


scriggle May 30 2007, 13:44:09 UTC
Looking at wolf's page, it has the disclaimer (Please note as always appearance is and will be subject to work commitments). so I doubt the guests would be penalized in any way for not showing.


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