Where I Stood

Nov 28, 2007 14:27

Title: Where I stood
Pairing: Jared/Jensen, Jared/OFC
Rating: PG 13
Summary: What do you do when you love someone too much?
Warnings: Angst, cheating.
Disclaimer: If you think it's real you need to get your head read.

'Cos I don't know who I am, who I am without you
All I know is that I should
And I don't know if I could stand another hand upon you
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Comments 28

jennygeee November 28 2007, 07:49:42 UTC
That was so good I just love the angst, is there any chance of any more of this?


c_ntbucket November 28 2007, 10:26:33 UTC
Thanks darl.
I haven't thought about writing more, maybe I'll write Jensen's POV one day *shrugs* lol.

Thanks for the wonderful comment.


agt_league November 28 2007, 10:08:40 UTC
c_ntbucket November 28 2007, 10:29:15 UTC
*hands you soem sticky tape*
Stick your heart back together babe, sorry.

Jard needs a wake up call but well the poor guy is suffering too.

Thanks for the wonderful comment darl.


agt_league November 28 2007, 10:44:04 UTC
*attempts to put her heart back together*

He is, and he needs his Jensen BAD.

My pleasure. <3


kezz_14 November 28 2007, 11:44:11 UTC
I love that song. I've never been in love so it always makes me wonder what that feeling of being too in love is and your story elaborates on that perfectly.


c_ntbucket November 28 2007, 11:48:21 UTC
I've never been in love either so I was kinda writing blind but the song sure helped. I really love that song it really beautiful written.
Thanks for the wonderful comment.


bonbonschnecke November 28 2007, 12:17:42 UTC
This was so angsty! Please write a sequel and and let them start again...


c_ntbucket November 28 2007, 12:26:22 UTC
I can only try darl LOL but at the moment its not on the cards since I'm working on other fics. Maybe one day .
Thanks for reading and the awesome feedback.


kes1807 November 28 2007, 13:35:03 UTC
Aww just so sad this line "Jared wanted to beg for Jensen’s forgiveness, wanted to burn his knees and plead but there wasn’t a point when he couldn’t even look himself in the mirror." poor broken boys!

I hate it when they are broken, but you write it so well.


c_ntbucket November 28 2007, 21:21:49 UTC
Thats probably my favourite line, it really shows how Jared is hurting and doiesnt know how to stop it.
Thanks for the wonderful comment.


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