The official c6d_universe mixer - come join the fun!

Nov 01, 2009 16:30

Grab some punch, put on a name tag and join the crowd. Mix and mingle, introduce yourself, make some new friends. No one here bites, unless asked to.

Meet your mods:

sionnain is an water nymph disguised as a fangirl. She is a displaced Southerner living in the midwest (which means she gets to say y'all) near a river and has an absolutely endless supply of enthusiasm. And I do mean endless. If we could figure out how to harness all that energy, we could power everything for the next million years.

She is extremely talented. She can write, she has an eye for graphics, she had a lovely speaking voice that is well suited to podficcing and she has an ear for picking out music and lyrics that go well with other fanworks. I don't think it's fair that she's that talented, but I guess we've all got our burdens to bear, and talent is hers.

Sionn is a true gift to fandom, because her love of all things C6D is contagious, with no cure in sight. She writes wonderfully, in a wide range of styles and genres. Kink, porn, fluff, angst; she writes it all and she writes it well. A study in contradictions, but well worth getting to know.

She's smart, sassy, likes whiskey, has a tattoo of a Baron Samedi and is one of the most generous people in fandom. I am always impressed and not a little turned on by the fact that she has studied Spartan military history. She has a cat named Kowalski.

She is delicate and strong, silly, funny, hot, clever, dedicated, steadfast, flighty and I am so glad she came into the fandom. We are the richer for her presence, and I will write her all the Hugh-related porn necessary to keep her here forever.

She binds us together into a community with her energy and her spirit and she encourages people to be better writers and artists and fans by setting such a good example. She's open, friendly, and welcoming and I'm pretty sure she'd made of goodness and joy. Which truefax sparkles in the sunlight and in the dark.

Her three favoritest things in C6D are Hugh Dillon, Don McKellar, and Callum Keith Rennie, not necessarily in that order. Do not ever think about dissing Sionn's Holy Trinity. You will regret it if you do. Fair warning. \sionnain/!

Sionnography cleverly written by akamine_chan.

sionnain says: I got into C6D fandom through Battlestar Galactica, as I 'shipped Kara/Leoben like a mad, mad thing (OTP!!!), and I lay the blame entirely at Meresy's feet. (Nicely, though. Possibly with candy.) I posted a Sam/Kara/Leoben story (because Kara/Leoben isn't angsty enough, right), convinced about three people would read it. Meresy left the VERY FIRST comment and she had an *icon* for them, okay. I made this face: :D! :D! :D!, and then we had a comment exchange conducted (on my end) entirely in capslocks, and we friended each other. I then dove headlong into C6D fandom and devoured due South in about a month's time, including just about every story Meresy had bookmarked on her site. From there, I pretty much watched everything I could get my hands on. I fell madly in love with Hard Core Logo and decided to go and find myself some music by this "Hugh Dillon" person. I fell in love with Slings and Arrows. I even liked Suspicious River.

The rest, they say, is slashy, porn-laden history.

(Ironically, prior to capslocking my way into C6D--c.f. Meresy--I wasn't really into boyslash. HAHAHA. I also didn't really get into RPS, either. HAHAHAX2. Oh, C6D fandom. ILU <3)

I love C6D fandom for a lot of reasons, but the main one is the people. We're the nicest fandom ever, seriously! I love squeeing over a show that has been off the air for years, and giggling over Eastwick, and watching the video for Voodoo with my hands over my eyes and laughing hysterically. I love that the fandom gives me, Miss ADHD, a variety of media to play with as well as constant new canon, thus keeping me squeeful and engaged. I love that I can write entire capslock posts about Don McKellar (I JUST LOVE HIM OKAY), and that when a new Hugh Dillon interview surfaces, my flist is a suddenly awash in glee. (Especially when if he mentions Callum!) It's so awesome to share all this enthusiasm with similarly enthusiastic people. Who just happen to be awesome, cool, generous and amazingly talented--seriously amazingly talented--too.

\c6d fandom/

C6D also brought me the SHOW OF MY HEART, Durham County. I'm *obsessed* with it, okay? It's the most brilliant example of gothic horror I've seen in ages, it's compelling, the writing is phenomenal and the performances are *outstanding*. Oh, and Mike Sweeney is my television boyfriend. Look, he's so hot I have trouble breathing correctly when he's on screen, and I honestly sometimes forget it's Hugh Dillon because he sells Mike Sweeney so convincingly. (Also if you would like a cap of him looking hotter than the sun, just ask and I'm happy to provide one. Or eight.) Anyway, I'm terribly invested in this show, and I will go on and on about it at a moment's notice. (Y'all are like, "Yes, Sionn, we see that.") I'm also extremely giddy when anyone posts fic for it. (Right, I'm extremely giddy most of the time.) In case you were reading this and going, "I wonder how to make Sionn giddy?" Really there are a lot of ways (I'M SUPER EXCITABLE Y/Y?) but that is definitely an easy one. I'm just saying.

In conclusion, (Ray?) I am very fortunate to have found C6D when I did--I really needed a happy, supportive and enthusiastic fandom. \c6d/ Yay!!!!! I feel I've found my fannish home, and I've got absolutely no plans to leave anytime soon. MY CAPSLOCK SQUEE AND OVERUSAGE OF EXCLAMATION MARKS ARE HERE TO STAY, Y'ALL, SRY2SAY.


Sionn <3

waltzforanight, Jen to her friends, is a delightful Canadian fangirl who says "sorry" incorrectly. And also "about". And she doesn't know what real Smarties are, the poor dear, she thinks they're made out of chocolate. Despite these language shortcomings, she is perhaps one of the most laid-back, cheerful people you will ever have the pleasure to meet. She also has fabulous taste in music, and is a vital resource in any fanmix undertaking. Jen is a fantastic writer and *also* makes amazing graphics (which is totally unfair that she's awesome at both), in addition to being a top-notch squee-r and all around lovely person to know. She currently suffers from a near-fatal case of the Hugh-flu, and was recently lucky enough to attend Hugh's taping of The Hour. Being Canadian, she was too polite to rush the stage, but there is no question that she might have entertained thoughts of doing just that. Jen will watch just about anything C6D related on fangirl!chats, no matter how bad (Slap Shot 2) or depressing (Down to the Bone) it might be. You can find her around at all hours of the night, being a trufax nightowl, and she enjoys spending time with her adorable fangirl!mama and cheering for yelling at Windsor in the OHL. (Which is the Ontario Hockey League).

C6D fandom is lucky to have Jen, and will absolutely not let her out of its clutches without a fight. She might like Supernatural and SGA, which is all well and good, but any attempts on her behalf to defect will be dealt with in a swift and brutal fashion (i.e., Hugh Dillon picspam and repeat viewings of certain scenes in Durham County, until she comes back to her senses).

In summation, Jen wants everyone to be groovy, get along, and have a good time. Which is awfully Canadian of her, eh?

(Also, yes, she really says "eh").

Waltzography cheerfully written by sionnain.

waltzforanight says: After being without a fandom home for years and years, I stumbled across the DS/C6D fandom in summer 2008, after rewatching the entirety of Due South on DVD in about, oh, two weeks. (Oh, the days of unemployment. You had your benefits.) Due South was a show I grew up watching, one that still filled me with endless glee, and I was absolutely thrilled to find that there were other people who not only remembered the show, but loved it like I did.

Through my poking around the DS fandom, I discovered that these same people loved other stuff from my growing-up years as well: Hard Core Logo. Headstones. Men With Brooms. I was thrilled that people not only knew about this stuff, but appreciated how awesome it was, just like I did. I eventually worked up the courage to say hello and join a few chats (previous fandom experiences
had kind of scarred me about being social), and that's how I discovered my favourite thing about this fandom, and the reason I have no intentions of leaving:

Everyone is so nice. There are disagreements and little dramas, but there was so much positive energy to be found and shared. It was incredible, to me, that such an active fandom could get along so well.

C6D is, to me, a place to share all my fannish joy, crazy or otherwise, with people who get it. Not to mention the fact that it is so broad, with a seemingly never-ending amount of media to watch and squee and WTF over. I love this fandom for reinvigorating my passion for writing, and for introducing me to such fascinating, amazing, incredible pieces of work: Durham County, Slings & Arrows, Suspicous River, Highway 61, and more.

This fandom is my internet!home, and I will be here until the porn runs out someone drags me away, kicking and screaming.

(And yes, I really do say eh. \canadians/)

Jen <3

akamine_chan, Ms Awesome to her admirers (read: everyone), is a darling woman and the mastermind behind c6d_weekly. She lives somewhere in America (but we won't hold that against her) and has two precious kitties, both of whom she adores. She loves everything there is to love about Canada, especially its media output, and she graces us all with her incredible ability to pack an emotional punch in 300 words or less.

It is believed in some circles that Aka is actualfax made of confetti and shinyness, but sadly there has been no scientific proof of this yet, only heart-shaped plastic stuck to floors all across the world.

Aka is one of the most helpful people I have ever met. She is always, always willing to lend a hand (or an ear, if you need to vent), and she continually offers endless support to each and every member of this fandom. Her enthusiasm and kindness towards fans new and old is unparalleled, her passion for making fandom a community is unmatched, and her ability to write smokin' hot porn is.. well, smokin'.

On the requisite shallow note, Aka really loves some guy named Callum Keith Rennie (though she does not always love his career choices), but her appreciation for extreme hotness does not end there, oh no. She also likes this Paul Gross character, and her love of Hugh Dillon and Headstones cannot go unmentioned.

She is friendly, honest, talented, nerdy, gorgeous, and in a word, awesome. Fandom is lucky to have her for all of these reasons and more. \aka/

Akaography smartly written by waltzforanight

akamine_chan says: I came into C6D through the front door of due South. I started watching various media at the C6D chats and learned how small the community of Canadian actors really was. Up until then, I hadn't read very much C6D fanworks, because I didn't want to spoil myself on any particular media.

Hard Core Logo was the first movie that made a significant impact on me - I watched it without knowing how it was going to end and got the surprise of my life. I mean, you could tell it wasn't going to end nicely, it was a train wreck about the happen the whole way, but...yeah.

I was already in love with Callum Keith Rennie and Paul Gross.

But I fell in love with Joe and Billy and Pipe and John and the fucked-up band and the twisted dynamics and the Billy-n-Joe thing. Mad, mad love. I fell in love with Hugh Dillon and the Headstones. And Martha Burns. And Don McKellar and Bruce McDonald and Daniel MacIvor. And Joanne Kelly and Peter Outerbridge and Molly Parker and James Allodi.

I watched Paul Gross in Murder Most Likely, and Cold Comfort, and Aspen Extreme. I watched Masterminds and *shudder* Slap Shot 2 (though I did mute it) and Wilby Wonderful and Whiskey Echo. I watched Slings & Arrows and Elimination Dance and Frank's Cock and Last Night. With every movie or television show, I found myself drawn closer into the web of C6D. Flashpoint and Durham County and Eastwick and Pontypool.

And after a certain point, you can't ever untangle yourself. Sometimes, you don't want to untangle yourself. Canada has a hold of my heart and I don't think I'll ever get it back.

The C6D fandom means a lot to me; it means love and talent and friendship and warmth and life. It means I am not alone. It means if I reach out, someone is there to hold my hand. If I fall, someone will catch me.

C6D means love.

Aka <3

Some of things we have planned for the future include C6D fandom overviews, a C6D LOL contest, monthly pan-fanwork challenges, occasional fen chats, discussions, recs lists and much, much more.

We want this to be a close-knit, active community, with people participating however they can, whether it's by creating a fanwork, pimping a fandom, commenting or adding their opinion to a discussion. And in the spirit of participating, please introduce yourself to the community. Copy the coding from the block below, paste it into a comment and fill it out. Welcome. *twirls everyone*

LJ (or DW) user name?
How do you participate in the fannish community?
What C6D fandoms are you in?
How did you get into C6D?
List (and link to, if you'd like) three of your favorite C6D fanworks:
Can I friend you?

So jump in, have fun, make new friends, laugh, squee, and create.


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