Title: Took Ill on Thursday
Fandom: Buried on Sunday/Whiskey Echo
Pairing: Augustus Knickel/Rollie Saunders
Rating: R
Word Count: ~6000
Notes: I can't thank
ifreet enough for requesting this pairing. They were a joy to write. Many thanks, too, to
tx_cronopio and
keerawa for their fast and helpful betas. This is set perhaps a year or two after the events of
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Comments 13
Because I do!
Rollie/Gus is one my all time favorite C6D pairings. You've captured them both beautifully.
God or no, there was still this - the ability to be present for another human being, to listen with true attention and compassion, to offer the comfort and kindness of a gentle touch. If in the end it should turn out that he'd done nothing else worthwhile with his life, he could still die easy, because this one thing was enough.
Gus couldn't even manage to feel any shame at praying to a God he wasn't sure he believed in for a chance to get laid. He was that far gone.
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