theme challenge: weather

Feb 17, 2010 22:12


Wikipedia has the following non-useful definition: Weather is a set of all the phenomena occurring in a given atmosphere at a given time.

We all know what weather means, though. Rain, sleet, snow, graupel and all the other forms of precipitation. Clouds, fog, mist. Thunderstorms, downbursts, tornadoes, waterspouts. Auroras technically count as "space weather." Duststorms and sandstorms and blizzards and hurricanes.

What about the urban legend about Eskimos having a large number of words for snow? Which as a sci-fi geek just reminds me of the Fremen and their large number of words for sand...

So, here's your opportunity to make a fanwork around the theme of weather. Put your characters in the rain, or have them snowbound. Have the boys from due South watch the auroras of the North, or put Rollie in a dust storm in Whiskey Echo. I can imagine Brian Larson in the rain in The Invisible. What can you imagine?

Draw, write, manipulate, fanmix, rec fanworks, vid. Do something.

This challenge is going to run until March 8th. It's a week short, but if you miss the deadline, there will be an amnesty.

Questions? Comments? Praise? (yes, please!) Leave 'em in the comments. \o/

modpost, theme challenge: weather

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