So, Measure of Salvation (BSG, of course).

Nov 11, 2006 23:45

I... am not really happy with that episode. I am not. And it's not even about Callum, not really...

Okay, maybe it is.

From the TwoP BSG forum:
Ron Moore said that Starbuck and Leoben had this huge scene before but they cut it in favor of getting some characterization to Simon whose been a body on the ground pretty much since "Farm."


from the SciFi forum:
They filmed a scene in which Kara interrogated Leoben and she hurt him so bad that it made Simon offer the information in exhange for the cure.

First... See, Ron Moore, I really don't want to tell you how to do your job. But.
What. The. Fuck?

You actually thought that people have no interest in the Starbuck/Leoben story? So you took it out? Let's just forget the CKR thing for a moment, but you thought nobody would be... well, surprised that Starbuck doesn't show any interest in the fact that they took a Leoben prisoner? Considering that just two eps ago she was ready to kill Gaeta because of her... her situation on New Caprica? You thought the fans would be much more interested in some more screentime for Simon?

I don't want to be unfair here, I am sure there are two or three Simon fans out there. But. Just. I mean... *sigh*
I guess I should be glad that you didn't take out the Baltar storyline and replaced it with some in-depth characterization for Boxey?

Because. I just don't get it. You know?
One of the big problems here is, well. It didn't work. Right? Simon still doesn't have a character. The other problem, or maybe actually the same problem is, Simon would have more character now if you had included the Starbuck/Leoben storyline.

And wtf is up with Apollo? I don't even really care about him, really, but What. The. Fuck?

I... I just don't understand, you know?

And also. Also! Okay, so this is about CKR.

Because, and I am sure you noticed that before, you have an excellent actor here to work with. And you put him in the background for two whole episodes and not even tried to get one clear shot of him? Not even once? In two eps? You have fucking Callum Keith Rennie and put him in the background for two eps? I... I don't know what you are doing here, but I really, really hope you still do. Please? You did too good a job with this series to fuck it up now. Right? Right? Please?

Not so much love today.

ckr, bsg, leoben

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