Fullmetal Alchemist (Hagane no Renkinjutsushi) was created by Arakawa Hiromu and is serialized monthly in Shonen Gangan (Square Enix). Copyright for this property is held by Arakawa Hiromu and Square Enix. All Rights Reserved
We do, however, own the gmail accounts of armoredalchemist@gmail.com, and uselesswhenwet@gmail.com.
Yes, they are real gmail accounts. No,they do not belong to Alphonse or Edward Elric. They are fictional characters.
Thank you!
Balance of Power
Arc One: Central US ~ 2006
Time travel. Conspiracy theories. Leylines. Pop culture crack and bad movie references. Hackers, ghost hunters and detectives, oh my! When crossing the gate, be sure to look both ways...
Table of Contents: Arc One
*Prologue* *Chapter One* *Chapter Two* *Chapter Three* *Chapter Four* *Chapter Five* *Chapter Six* *Chapter Seven* *Chapter Eight* *Chapter Nine* *Chapter Ten* *Chapter Eleven* *Chapter Twelve* *Chapter Thirteen* *Chapter Fourteen* *Chapter Fifteen* *Chapter Sixteen* *Chapter Seventeen* *Chapter Eighteen* *Chapter Nineteen* *Chapter Twenty* *Chapter Twenty-One - pt 1* *Chapter Twenty-One - pt 2* *Chapter Twenty-Two - pt 1* *Chapter Twenty-Two - pt 2* *Chapter Twenty-Three - pt 1*
*Chapter Twenty-Three - pt 2*
*Chapter Twenty-Four - part 1*
*Chapter Twenty-Four - part 2*
*Chapter Twenty-Four - part 3*
*Chapter Twenty-Five - part 1*
*Chapter Twenty-Five - part 2*
*Chapter Twenty-Five - part 3*
*Chapter Twenty-Five - part 4*
*Chapter Twenty-Six - part 1*
*Chapter Twenty-Six - part 2*
*Chapter Twenty-Seven - part 1*
*Chapter Twenty-Seven - part 2*
*Chapter Twenty-Seven - part 3*
*Chapter Twenty-Eight - part 1*
*Chapter Twenty-Eight - part 2**Chapter Twenty-Nine - part 1*
*Chapter Twenty-Nine - part 2*
*Chapter Thirty - part 1*
*Chapter Thirty - part 2*
Balance of Power:Eden Gate
Arc Two: Amestris ~ 1919
Geekery. Gratuitous character cameos. Explosions. Gunplay. Horseplay. Swordplay. Wordplay -- and foreplay. Bad puns. Steampunk fashions. Worse puns. Hawaiian shirts. AND THE DEATH OF THE NINJAVAN! Not even AAA can find this intersection...
Table of Contents: Arc Two
*Prologue* *Chapter One* *Chapter Two* *Chapter Three* **
Occasionally one of us will get a crack idea, or a drabble that's too good to leave in the files on our hard drives. These may, or may not end up in the story eventually, but they're good and they were fun to write. Hell, some of them may just be a "side story" that doesn't belong in the main story, but adds depth to the slightly altered universe we're playing in. Either way, they're here to be read. Enjoy!
CBS_Crackfic And if you've a mind to join us as we break our own brains along with yours, we have our own forum!
Crackbunny Syndrome: Watch Your Ankles