SPN - Drabbles: Cotton Candy

Feb 17, 2011 23:13

Title: Drabbles: Cotton Candy
Fandom: SPN
By: bythedamned 
Rating: PG-13
Wordcount: 900
Genre: one Gen, one Wincest
Warnings: none
Spoilers: none
Disclaimer: Not mine, none of it, all characters belong to Kripke and the CW.
Summary: Two brief drabbles off the prompt: cotton candy

A/N: Love to elveys_stuff for betaing and cheerleading

1.   ( Gen )

slash, gen, wincest, rating: pg-13, fic, spn

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Comments 6

peepingdru February 18 2011, 08:37:52 UTC
lovin that::))))


bythedamned February 18 2011, 19:08:59 UTC


borgmama1of5 February 18 2011, 13:55:25 UTC
That first one--I could see it exactly happening!


bythedamned February 18 2011, 19:10:47 UTC
I'd bet Dean let loooads of stuff slide when they were kids :P Glad you liked it!


hey_amsterdam March 11 2011, 18:18:22 UTC
I love that drubbles
especially the second one ♥
may I translate them into russian?


bythedamned March 21 2011, 04:48:29 UTC
Wow. I didn't even know what to say. I've never gotten that offer before! And honestly... sure! Why not? So long as you credit with a link back to the original english. That would be so cool! I'm glad you liked them! :)


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