SPN - Starving

Feb 10, 2011 20:12

Title: Starving
Fandom: SPN
By: bythedamned  
Rating: PG
Wordcount: 1000
Genre: Gen
Warnings: fluff and mentions of torture
Spoilers: Up to an including 6x12
Disclaimer: Not mine, none of it, all characters belong to Kripke and the CW.
Summary: Did anyone else think that when Sam says he's starving in 6x12, Dean looked like he was about to break out his very best ( Read more... )

gen, rating: pg, fic, spn

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Comments 12

lovetheguys February 11 2011, 14:20:02 UTC
What a beautiful fill-in story. Sheer perfection, and written so well and seamlessly into the actual story.

Loved every word.

Love and admiration,


bythedamned February 14 2011, 00:05:04 UTC
thank you! I was so disappointed to not have a shot of Dean's smile there, I thought it was just begging for a missing-moment fic :)


borgmama1of5 February 11 2011, 23:19:45 UTC
Ahh, nice and non-angsty!


bythedamned February 14 2011, 00:06:31 UTC
thanks! I definitely thought the boys (and the fans!) could use a little happiness after the season so far :)


yellowbulma March 21 2011, 21:07:43 UTC
This was great!! ^^


bythedamned March 21 2011, 21:31:29 UTC
Thanks! Just a little self-indulgent happiness to celebrate gettin our Sammy back :)


amberdreams February 16 2012, 09:19:12 UTC
I wish we'd seen that Dean grin too, but this more than makes up for the omission! Loved all the little affectionate details - like Bobby slicing the sandwich into triangles, the crinkle on Sam's forehead at his stomach ache, the understated horror in Dean's memories of Hell food.



bythedamned February 16 2012, 17:27:47 UTC
thank you! glad you liked this one too :) I love writing this sort of 'and then the boys were happy, if only for a moment...' fic


embroiderama February 16 2012, 12:17:17 UTC
*happy sigh* This is lovely.


bythedamned February 16 2012, 17:24:20 UTC
::grin:: thank you!


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