SPN - Winchester-Grimm Tales

Feb 06, 2011 19:03

Title: Winchester-Grimm Tales
Fandom: SPN
By: bythedamned 
Rating: PG-13
Wordcount: 2,143
Warnings: Fluff, heavy references to Wincest
Spoilers: developments up to s4
Disclaimer: Not mine, none of it, all characters belong to Kripke and the CW.
A/N: This is just a little siclet ficlet written for my beta, elveys_stuff, when she was in dire need of some cough meds and cuddling.

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slash, wincest, rating: pg-13, fic, spn

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Comments 23

lust_and_liars February 7 2011, 05:08:58 UTC
This is really really adorable. :)


bythedamned February 7 2011, 05:14:10 UTC
Thank you :)


maypoles February 7 2011, 15:11:36 UTC
This is so completely enjoyable! <3

I've recced it here at hoodie_time, btw.


bythedamned February 7 2011, 18:46:22 UTC
That's really really awesome :D Thank you!!


(The comment has been removed)

bythedamned February 7 2011, 18:54:31 UTC
Thanks! Glad you liked it. I had fun writing it :)

Also, yay for hoodie_time!


katsheswims February 7 2011, 18:51:31 UTC

I can imagine that Dean has to be tricked or incapacitated to cuddle....but Sam knows how to take advantage.


bythedamned February 7 2011, 18:52:19 UTC
He sure does :)


callistosh65 February 7 2011, 21:10:54 UTC
I just gotta ask one thing, the shorter-


“-louder one said.” .. where I laughed aloud. Your Sam voice was perfect, and there's nothing I lke better than some enforced stealth-snuggling of Dean.. Lovely.


bythedamned February 8 2011, 07:09:56 UTC
Dean definitely needs a good snuggle, whether he likes it or not :P Glad you enjoyed it!


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