Sticky Post of Ultimate Stickiness!

Dec 19, 2015 20:30

A list of all my fiction, separated by fandom.
All SPN works can now be found on AO3
Last updated: 11/20/2012


Didn't Know - Only someone who's lived without one, knows the true burden of a soul. Dean thought Sam would be better off with one in him, but he didn't know.
Gen / PG-13 / 419 words

Family Name - Sam had been Sammy since the beginning, since before Dean even knew there was a Sam and that Sammy was just his family name, like kiddo or sweetheart.
Gen / PG / 5,438 words

Winchester-Grimm Tales - Instead of lazy morning sex, Sam finds himself entertaining a sick and irritable Dean.
Wincest / PG-13 / 2,143 words

Starving - Sam's back, he's hungry, and Dean's ready to celebrate. A drabble for Dean's almost-smile in 6x12 when Sam says he's starving.
Gen / PG / 1000 words

Cotton Candy - two drabbles written for the prompt: Cotton Candy. one Gen, one Wincest
Gen and Wincest / PG-13 / 900 words

Riding Shotgun - "Sam doesn’t know how he can say his brother is dead when there’s still someone on this earth who looks at him like that."    For the Winchesters, death is never the end.  Written for the spn_gen_bigbang 2011.
Gen / PG-13 / 32K

Your Version of Fine - Sam say he wants his soul back. Dean wants to know why. Coda to 6x08
Gen / R / 2500 words

Can't Have Both - Five year olds love Halloween. And now, so does Sam. It's like one big cosmic joke. Dean's learning how to make his mentally regressed kid brother happy again, and smile while he does it. Goes AU from early season 7. Not a de-aged fic. YMMV on whether this is actually a happy story. 
Gen / PG / 4900 words

Paradise by the Dashboard Light - Dean does what he can to alleviate Sam’s growing pains, but it’s probably not enough.
Gen / PG / 1330 words

Five Times Dean Tied Sam's Shoes - Just what it says on the tin, five times throughout Sam's life Dean ended up tying his shoes. A mix of angst, humor and h/c. Written for the spn_gen_bigbang 2012.
Gen / PG / 6800 words

One to Sell - Early S4 fix-it. Sam's whole life was decided when his mother sold him to a demon, and it takes Dean a long time to figure that out.
Gen /  PG-13 / 4300 words


SPN/Avengers: For Love of God and Hammer - Inspired by a certain moment of awesomeness in Supernatural 8x02, and because I couldn't find any fic on it so I wrote my own.
Gen / PG / 1500 words

Your Biggest Fan - Throughout high school, the shy and over-burdened Edward Masen threw himself into work and raising his baby sister. He's always felt lucky just to be friends with track star Jasper Cullen. Now, he doesn't know if just friends is enough.
E/J Slash, AU, AH / NC-17 / longer than the Mississippi

Copperhead- Major Jasper Whitlock feels too young to be an officer in the War Between States, and can hardly stomach the killing. When he runs across a like-minded soldier hiding in the darkness, he finds the companionship he never found with his own men.
E/J Slash, Civil War AU, AH / NC-17 / 11,597 words

Power - Jasper is tired of Edward boasting about his mind-reading, and tries to prove that his empathic abilities are more powerful. Judge's Pick for Best Vamp in the Slash Backslash Contest.
E/J Slash, Canon / NC-17 (very) / 7,045 words

Flip Flop- Jasper has an opinion about Edward's 'soul issue' that he can't ignore.
E/B Canon / PG-13 / 4,809 words

avengers, masterpost, big bang, h/c duh, your biggest fan, slash, can't have both, rating: pg, spn, rating: r, gen, riding shotgun, twi, mini bang, rating: g, crossover, wincest, fic, rating: pg-13, rating: nc-17

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