PODFIC!! Five Times Dean Tied Sam's Shoes

Feb 20, 2014 20:36

Podfic! I suddenly need a podfic tag! How very cool is that :D

The talented and incredibly generous colls has spent her precious time making a podfic of my spn_gen_bigbang fic, Five Times Dean Tied Sam's Shoes. Not only is this an exciting first for me as an author, but it's done beautifully and you all should have a listen. Really. Really really. I was blown away. ( Read more... )

gen, podfic, rating: pg, fic, spn, mini bang

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Comments 1

sammycolt24 February 21 2014, 05:42:21 UTC
I was pretty thrilled when she came by and asked to use my art for the podfic. Can't wait to listen to it. :)


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