SPN: One to Sell

Nov 20, 2012 00:37

Title: One to Sell
Author: bythedamned
Genre: Gen
Rating: PG-13
Word Count: 4,272
Beta: elveys_stuff
Spoilers: 4x03 - In the Beginning, and canon conversations that follow up on it
A/N: I wrote this for an anon-meme a long while ago, for someone who said that with all the focus on Dean's daddy issues, no one really remembered that Sam might have issues about the mother who sold ( Read more... )

gen, rating: pg-13, fic, spn, h/c duh

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Comments 15

cappy712 November 21 2012, 03:17:31 UTC
That was beautiful and you had me in tears. The Things that were going through Sam's head after learning that Mary made a deal. Yeah she might not have known what it was going to entail but she knew and it must have really hurt Sam in ways that are so hard to imagine. Thank you for sharing.


bythedamned November 21 2012, 20:10:48 UTC
Thank you for reading! I agree that Mary's responsible, and I really wish canon!Sam had gotten some slack for that. I'm glad you enjoyed it though :)


moonlite29 December 2 2012, 04:27:43 UTC
I'm glad I'm not the only one who thought it odd that no one got mad at Mary (In my mind she's called the Woman, that's how mad I am at her) for making the deal.

Loved you story, everything was just pefect!


bythedamned December 9 2012, 02:46:32 UTC
Thank you! glad you liked it :) I'm personally more pissed that everyone wanted to blame Sam, than that they didn't blame Mary, but either way it was definitely a niche that I thought need to be filled.


meus_venator September 7 2021, 06:50:57 UTC
That was so achingly sad, Sam thinking he was so unworthy. I loved Dean's answer, it was so perfectly in character. Dean's world is so simple, and pure. I love his rough innocence. And I'm so happy Sam could see the truth in his answer. Just lovely.


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