SPN/Avengers Fic: For the Love of God and Hammer

Oct 13, 2012 17:16

Title:For the Love of God and Hammer
Author: bythedamned
Fandom: Supernatural/Avengers crossover
Rating: PG
Word Count:1500
Spoilers: Everything current. Supernatural events from 8x02, the Avengers movie. 
A/N: Inspired by a certain moment of awesomeness in Supernatural 8x02, and because I couldn't find any fic on it so I wrote my own. And don't let the fic fool ( Read more... )

gen, crossover, ps!art, avengers, rating: pg, fic, spn

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Comments 41

auntmo9 October 14 2012, 00:44:50 UTC
ROFL! This is hilarious! I was laughing out loud in RL! Loved it.

I think it would also be a good fit over at spn_bigpretzel. But with our spoiler policy (no information from new episodes for up to two weeks after they have aired in the US) you might have to put even your A/N and Summary behind a spoiler tag or cut as well.


bythedamned October 14 2012, 00:57:31 UTC
Thank you! Nice icon, btw ;) And thanks for the suggestion - I left something vague at spn_bigpretzel, and ran around making my other posts less spoilery. Glad you lol'd!


auntmo9 October 14 2012, 01:09:30 UTC
You're very welcome for the suggestion! And I saw your post at spn_bigpretzel. Changing "Thor" to "some guy" just wants his hammer back makes it that much funnier :D


bythedamned October 14 2012, 01:14:27 UTC
Ha, thanks! It kept nicely with the theme of the fic too :p


margi_lynn October 14 2012, 01:34:00 UTC
here via spn_bigpretzel and I loved this! *dies laughing* Everything was perfect; thank you for sharing


bythedamned October 16 2012, 04:22:33 UTC
Thank *you* :) I'm glad you liked it! I felt like the world needing spn/avengers pretty damn quick after that episode.


twisted_slinky October 14 2012, 01:46:26 UTC
Heeheehee--followed the link over from spn_bigpretzel. This was a delight to read! Thanks for sharing :D


bythedamned October 16 2012, 04:23:09 UTC
wooo, spn_bigpretzel again! I may have to spend more time there :) Anyway, glad you liked it!


rince1wind October 14 2012, 01:47:35 UTC
This was very, very funny. I was thinking Sam should've kept the hammer; it looked good on him, and he used it very aptly. But then, I guess this is what would have happened...


bythedamned October 16 2012, 04:24:21 UTC
Man, I *hope* Sam kept the hammer. How could you not? Especially if it means they can make Thor's appearance canon :) Anyway, glad you enjoyed it


backrose_17 October 14 2012, 01:51:13 UTC
*Snickers.* Oh that was brilliant and hilarious! I was think Thor needed to show up and reclaim his hammer all through that part.

Now I'm craving Thor/Sam because that would just be freaking awsome.


bythedamned October 16 2012, 04:25:48 UTC
Mmmm, Thor/Sam. Just... yes. I really really hope someone (else) writes it. Because if I did a sequel to this, it'd be just as cracky with Sam showing up at Stark Tower asking Thor 'Can I touch it?' And maybe feeling a little funny in his pants when he did :P


elsecarlass October 16 2012, 08:03:54 UTC
Think you should write that, I'd definitely read it! :D


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