SPN - Paradise by the Dashboard Light

May 15, 2012 22:45

Title: Paradise by the Dashboard Light

Author: bythedamned

Genre: Pre-series, gen or (pre-)wincest depending on which goggles you wear

Word Count: 1,330

Beta: elveys_stuff

A/N: Title taken from, and fic inspired by, the Meatloaf song of the same title. This started off way more wincesty in my head (listen to the song, you’ll know why) but I don’t really write wincest and ( Read more... )

gen, rating: pg, fic, spn, h/c duh

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Comments 10

peepingdru May 16 2012, 07:20:01 UTC

... )


bythedamned May 18 2012, 03:52:15 UTC


dont_hate_me01 May 16 2012, 18:46:53 UTC
Loved it!


bythedamned May 18 2012, 03:52:44 UTC
thank you!


celtprincess13 May 16 2012, 22:56:25 UTC
Oh this is both sad and beautiful. Excellent job!


bythedamned May 18 2012, 03:53:35 UTC
Aww, I'm glad it could be both :)


ash48 May 17 2012, 13:15:17 UTC
Lovely. I love this little snap shot of the way Dean cares for Sam. *happy sigh*. It's tender with a touch of heartbreak.

Sometimes - sometimes - Dean thinks this is what Sam gets for using his deceptively strong legs the way he does. For kicking at the door after Dad’s stormed out, for walking to school when Dean’s told him full well that he’ll drive him. For carrying himself away, out of the protective reach of family, all the way to California. Just this week, Sam got the big envelope in the mail that says he will.


I loved Dean's voice in this. And of course some hurt!Sammy...;)

Thanks for sharing hun.xox


bythedamned May 18 2012, 04:04:24 UTC
hurt!Sammy forever <3 and I'm glad you liked the voice! I knew it came out different from my usual, but I decided to risk it.

thanks for reading! :)


sailoreyes67 December 5 2012, 09:05:37 UTC
Wow. This is so, so beautiful. I'm sort of in tears. Absolutely perfect.

Poor Sammy. Poor Dean, being left. Poor everyone... <3 ("poor everyone" shouldn't make me happy. But it kind of does...)


bythedamned December 9 2012, 02:51:30 UTC
uh oh, almost-tears! but remember, Sam comes back :) when his girlfriend dies... and then his Dad... and then all of s4 happens... yeah ok, tears make sense :P in the happy 'poor everyone' way - I definitely understand that.


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