SPN - Can't Have Both

Apr 26, 2012 20:02

Title: Can't Have Both
Author: bythedamned
Genre: Gen
Warning: Permanent brain damage
Rating: PG
Word Count: 4,900
Beta: elveys_stuff
A/N: So, I wrote a halloween fic in April. Go figure. And I kind of want to make this into a verse, just 'cause... oh, the possibilities. Also, I want to state that any views in this fic belong to Dean Winchester, the fictional character from No ( Read more... )

gen, can't have both, fic, spn, h/c duh

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Comments 34

katsheswims April 27 2012, 03:27:28 UTC
This was great! Sad, but sweet too. I can imagine so many more hardships, but at least they're together.


bythedamned April 29 2012, 19:52:07 UTC
thank you! and yeah, so many hardships... I've even got a few in mind. but at least they don't include the risk of death every week :) glad you enjoyed it!


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bythedamned April 29 2012, 19:52:53 UTC
hehe. I hope the pieces aren't *too* little. it was hard to get the right balance of bitter-sweet. glad you liked it anyway though :)


cindyls1969 April 27 2012, 04:20:15 UTC
An absolutely beautiful story. Thank you.


bythedamned April 29 2012, 19:53:08 UTC
and thank you for reading it :)


brianshanelvr April 27 2012, 04:22:14 UTC
are you trying to kill us with all these feels


bythedamned April 29 2012, 19:54:05 UTC
muahahaha. you have discovered my evil plan :P but... no, not trying to yet, cause I have a sequel in mind (down the road) that will make this look like a cakewalk.


ayane42 April 27 2012, 04:54:59 UTC
Wow, really awesome story!!


bythedamned April 29 2012, 19:54:13 UTC
thank you!


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