SPN - Your Version of Fine

Mar 21, 2012 22:08

Title: Your Version of Fine
Author: bythedamned
Rating: R for gore and violence
Word Count: 2500
Warning: descriptions of disturbing violence and imagery. Also: SPOILERS up to 6x08, All Dogs Go to Heaven, in the fic, summary, and even the A/N. Seriously, stop now.
A/N: I wrote this as a coda to 6x08, which ends with Sam and Dean sitting at a picnic table on the ( Read more... )

gen, fic, spn, rating: r, h/c duh

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bythedamned March 23 2012, 01:38:14 UTC
Aww, sigh, you're right. It isn't really doing Sam any good at all. (Dean, on the other hand, I think is still waaay better off now that Sam's moral compass isn't pointing towards Hell anymore)

So glad you liked it :)


emmram March 22 2012, 05:46:53 UTC
This is a great, well-written look into Robo!Sam's head. One thing I do have an issue with, however, is the murder of the infant. I know you were going for the shock value, but wouldn't it have been more logical for Robo!Sam to knock out the lady and try an exorcism first? After all, the demon's in a baby's body; it's not like it can fight all that much. I'm sorry - it's just that I'd always thought that while killing didn't weigh all that much on Robo!Sam, he always inclined toward pragmatism and efficiency. :)


bythedamned March 23 2012, 01:42:48 UTC
Hrmm, so, you know. I agree with you that he's all about the efficiency, which is exactly why I think he would kill them. Both. He's got Ruby's knife, so that means he has the quick an easy way out (especially against a baby) of two glowy stabs and they're gone vs the devil's trap required to keep the demon from fleeing the body while he performed the exorcism, and having to be quick in case the mom woke up, etc etc. Plus, I think he'd choose truly dead demons over just sending them back to Hell.

So, anyway, just so you know I didn't just throw in a dead baby for kicks. :) Regardless, I'm really glad you liked the look into Sam's head.


emmram March 23 2012, 02:50:11 UTC
Thank you for the thoughtful reply! I really appreciate it. :) However -- and I hope that you don't find me overly pedantic, belabouring this point -- but the baby can't exactly run; he wouldn't have needed a Devil's Trap. And considering that the demon's not in her, knocking out the lady would've been enough; he does know the exorcism by heart. Also, according to canon, he doesn't have Ruby's knife with him -- Sam and Dean retrieve it from Meg in 6.10, so it seems here like he just killed the two of them for kicks.

I'm so sorry! It's just that I really enjoyed the rest of your characterisation, so this was more jarring than it would've been; it seemed a wee bit out-of-character, even for Robo!Sam. :)


lyryk March 22 2012, 06:42:18 UTC
Oh, man. This is so raw and painful and sweet and beautiful. Loved every bit of it.


bythedamned March 23 2012, 01:42:58 UTC
Thank you :)


borgmama1of5 March 22 2012, 08:33:52 UTC
Love this!

Fascinating look into Sam's head, and you really present the 'soulless looking at past emotions' believably! Understanding why Sam wanted to be with Dean at the time is hard to fathom, and you explained it very well!


bythedamned March 23 2012, 01:45:06 UTC
Thank you. That was definitely the hardest part. Having an emotionless Sam portray emotions strong enough to make him want his soul. Of course, this was before the whole theory was debunked and Robo!Sam turned out to be a dirty dirty liar :P Anyway, glad you liked it!


askellington March 22 2012, 15:18:05 UTC
I like the way Soulless!Sam explained to himself why he wanted Dean near. I thought this was a *very* interesting look into his head--well done!


bythedamned March 23 2012, 01:43:24 UTC
Thanks! Dunno why I let it sit around on my hard drive for so long. Glad you approved :)


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