It's a brilliant night for Pros so far - I found Prosfic by a new author, there's Prosfic by an old author being archived (yeay for archivists posting fic that we can't find elsewhere on line - worth a cheer that! *g*) and in just under half an hour, Female Factor is on! Yeay!
Some other ramblings about much stuff )
Comments 17
Well, I recorded the Prom in the sitting room (having only had the YouTube version up to now), then hubby very kindly de-camped to watch Foyle's War in the other room while I watched Female Factor on the laptop in the sitting room. Foyle's War is bound to be on again!
Y'know, I think FF might be my favourite ep. The guys just look so gorgeous, I fall in love with Doyle all over again when I see it. Just enough action, lots of funny bits, a bit of h/c. I could loop that bit where he climbs up to the window of Ann Sleaford's house and kicks the window in and just sit and watch it all day! Sighs, bliss! And it was nice to know I was in good company, girls. Watching the second half of Foyle's War with hubby now!
You sound like you made just the right choice, I'd say - FF is just gorgeous, isn't it? And I do think the schedule-peeps made an excellent decision showing it second of all - no wonder it was slashed right from the start, and took off so quickly, I mean - how gorgeous are our lads together?! *g*
And not heading off to Alaska, eh?? Quite right too - far too bloody cold there, petal. You hanga round in Blighty awhile. And if you're still there in the summer we could even meet up for a pint or three.*g*
LoM - are we buried down here deep enough that I can talk about it I wonder?! Yeah, must be... So... is it just me, or is the idea that life in the 2000s sucks so greatly that it's far better to throw yourself off a roof, because things will be so much better if you do? I mean, clever plot twist in one way, cos once he got back I was wondering where the hell the happy ending could possibly be! But on the other hand... a bit grim really..! I love it as the end of a story - plus, very eighties that, to have the hero dying as the twist! - but what message did the screenwriters think they were sending out? Or is it not about the messsage? But then it'd be okay to put out all sorts of things... Just made me go hmmmn! alot ( ... )
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