Some pictures of April - 2nd April

Apr 03, 2022 00:09

Today was supposed to be cold, and I fully expected to want to hunker up inside, which I did for a bit. Then I went out, and it turned out that the sun hitting my thermometer had taken it to 20C! Of course tonight is scheduled for -4C.... we'll see!

Here's a few of the things happening in my garden at the moment...
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2022 in photos

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Comments 8

shooting2kill April 3 2022, 07:46:03 UTC
How attractive and cosy your home looks (I love the blue windows!), it will be very interesting to see what you plant in the trough. And the flowers are so pretty, they've done well to survive the cold nights. (Are the white and pink flowers a variety of fuchsia? They're lovely.)


byslantedlight April 4 2022, 09:14:58 UTC
Thank you! Though I can't take credit for the windowsills colour. *g* It's so nice to see the flowers coming through - and finding things like the not-fuschia flowers (they're pulmonaria (lungwort - horrible name!) - I had to look them up, and I'm not sure I remember planting them either, but I must have - they must be ones my friend gave me last year) buried under all the grass and nettles that spread over winter when it looked like things weren't doing so well! There were lots more bulbs there too - I'm hoping they're the bluebells I planted last year rather than daffs that haven't flowered! And that was probably much more than you wanted to know about the flowers in my garden!

I also now have two troughs on the other side of the building - one will be for shady-plants, and the other maybe for salad-y type veg, I think... *g*


cloudless_9193 April 3 2022, 08:35:53 UTC
Great photos! We had snow here in Vienna yesterday. It is definitely April! ;-)


byslantedlight April 4 2022, 09:15:45 UTC
Thank you! And we're back to rain by the time I've replied too... definitely April! Snow in Vienna sounds very beautiful, though!


gilda_elise April 3 2022, 15:50:41 UTC
Your flowers 💐 are lovely, and now you’ll be able to even more! Your garden is going to be truly beautiful.


byslantedlight April 4 2022, 09:16:15 UTC
Thank you - and yes! I'm really looking forward to sorting them out! *g*


curiouswombat April 3 2022, 18:49:55 UTC
That trough is going to be a real pleasure to plan and fill.


byslantedlight April 4 2022, 09:16:38 UTC
It really is... and in fact a day later, I have two new troughs! *g*


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