So nice to have an extra hour with the clocks going back - not to sleep in with, but to get up earlier than usual with! *g* So before settling down to Job 2, I went for a walk since it hadn't started raining yet, as forecast.
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Thank you! I do like a spot of darkness in pics sometimes... *g*
The cow is very happy, I think! She's green-and-white patched, and gets to be visited by everyone who comes to buy milk or butter or cheese from the milk station. She's have a well-earned moment of peace in the twilight... *g*
Lovely photos! You really do live in an idyllic place... Thank goodness there was some respite in the rain. Autumn can have some wonderful light and colours :)
Comments 4
The cow is very happy, I think! She's green-and-white patched, and gets to be visited by everyone who comes to buy milk or butter or cheese from the milk station. She's have a well-earned moment of peace in the twilight... *g*
Autumn can be so beautiful - it's raining again today, but I'm looking forward to the next sunny one in particular! *g*
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