100 Days of Happiness 2020 - Day 90 - Saturday

Apr 26, 2020 13:19

So this was a tricky day. As I was waking up and thinking randomly, as you do, and lazily planning what to do for the day, I suddenly realised that what I might need to do to try and combat the damp in the bedroom was rearrange bookcases... because as I stared at the corner, I realised that I could fit another bookcase along the inside wall, and I ( Read more... )

100dayshappy, spring, 2020 in photos, grrrr, house

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Comments 15

thesmallhobbit April 26 2020, 12:25:55 UTC
I think the flowers are columbines - they do tend to self seed.

I recently had to re-organise some of my books because otherwise the rather heavy wooden bookend was likely to fall on my head in the night.


byslantedlight April 26 2020, 12:34:20 UTC
Ah, columbines! Thank you! That name makes sense when I look at them! (Often I know the names of flowers, but I can just never remember what they are when I see the flower in a way that means I actually know them - if that makes sense... *g*)

And eep for heavy bookends!! The rearranging the books and shelves part of this job was fun and happy-making, cos I always like messing around with books (and fic), it's just the dealing with the damp as the other part of the job - urgh!


macklingirl April 26 2020, 12:50:27 UTC
Booh for the damp and mold and green fluff, but yeah for sitting in the garden. The columbines look great. we have some very old in our garden too and the have random colours. Some are deep purple, some are white-violet.

i wanted to re-organize my bookshelfes too the last days but the weather was so nice that we went to the garden and stayed there all day. Maybe when we have rain. :-)


byslantedlight April 26 2020, 19:56:49 UTC
I don't blame you for staying outside in the nice weather - if I hadn't been dealing with damp, then that's just what I'd do. I got to keep the windows open and the warm air coming in though, and hopefully any damp spores blowing out... I don't know about you guys, but we have rain forecast this week - and the gardens are gasping for it, I have to say!

The columbines are lovely - I love their deep purple...


macklingirl April 26 2020, 20:22:51 UTC
Yeah, the gardens do need water. They say that we'll have rain on Tuesday and I hope they are true this time. Today I was very busy watering the garden and you could see the plants are very thirsty.

Oh, and I have some columbines for you. They are not so deep purple as yours, but I hope you like them.

The first has a white petticoat

... )


byslantedlight April 26 2020, 23:24:06 UTC
These are pretty - the pale ones with the petticoats look very fancy, too! Your purple one is a lovely blue-purple, whereas mine is more deep red-purple I think. They'e all gorgeous though, thanks for showing them to me! *g*


snailbones April 26 2020, 15:25:47 UTC

It all looks wonderful - I love what you've done with your shelves, even if it was forced upon you. Blooming damp is a right pain, but playing with books is always the best fun.

It's too nice to be indoors this weekend, so I've been throwing myself at the garden, hauling out anything that scratches or stings, such is my horticultural knowledge. Heyo!


byslantedlight April 26 2020, 19:58:34 UTC
I must admit I quite like the shelves this way - although I realise I have less space for other bits and bobs that I had around, so that's going to be a conundrum for this week!

My plan was so to be hauling out scratching and stinging things from the garden this weekend - I managed half an hour or so, but time just seems to blow away right now... Next weekend, i swear...


keli April 26 2020, 18:54:55 UTC
You might have less room but it looks really cozy with all the books along the wall like that! Great job!


byslantedlight April 26 2020, 19:59:09 UTC
I do like waking up and seeing them there - and sometimes I work on my bed, so that'll be a nice view too. Books are my cosy-happy place... *g*


keli April 26 2020, 22:01:58 UTC
Mine too for sure!


gilda_elise April 27 2020, 11:56:01 UTC
I know you've moved your stuff around, but isn't your landlord going to do something about the damp? Unless he does the mold will come back, and breathing it in isn't exactly good for you.


byslantedlight April 27 2020, 12:16:19 UTC
Nope. They're planning to sell the place, so apart from anything else (like his broken hip etc.) they're not going to spend more money on it. He did buy me a wee fan heater when his mate said they were better for air circulation than other types, but it was the smallest cheapest one!

He hasn't even bought me a smoke alarm yet, and he's been saying he'd do that since I moved in!

My only thing now is that I'm worried I'm going to have to be here another winter after all - if we're isolating, or even de-isolating in stages, there's not going to be much going to look at houses!


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