Whizzing through the countryside...

Jul 25, 2017 17:58

...in Germany. *g*

I'm on my way to Friedrichshafen, to visit a museum that I've wanted to see since I heard about it - The Zeppelin Museum! Airships! I'm also going to meet Roven for the second time, which will be fab.

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germany, holidaaaaaay

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Comments 7

loxleyprince July 25 2017, 17:17:45 UTC
Willkommen zurueck! :-)
I do hope you managed to avoid the torrential rain. It was definitely a good day to be inside a museum.


byslantedlight July 25 2017, 20:04:36 UTC
Danke schön!

There was definitely rain, and definitely wind, and I even got cold at one point - and everyone and their husbands thought it was a good day to be at the museum, unfortunately... but it was still a cool museum. *g*

I have to confess that yet again I ended up planning nothing for this holiday, because I didn't have a chance to email anyone (or reply to your comment about it... I'm sorry!) before I was coming. I have ended up being planned for, which is lazy but cool for me, and seems to have filled up my days very quickly... I'm hoping maybe a weekend in Munich sometime later this year...? *g*


loxleyprince July 26 2017, 05:29:15 UTC
Being planned for - it's nice to be pampered like that, sometimes!

Yes! Yes! You'd be very welcome to come and stay for a weekend later in the year! There are some very nice places to see in Munich (besides the zoo.) :-)


milomaus July 25 2017, 17:29:10 UTC
I am so glad you had a good time and enjoyed it so much!
And I hope you had a good trip!
See you soon!


byslantedlight July 25 2017, 20:05:34 UTC
It was fab. I'm hoping there will be pictures at some point - though there sadly weren't any in the sky today :(

And hallo!


golden_bastet July 26 2017, 00:18:05 UTC
Hunh - I was listening to them in the car the other day. oh, waitaminute...

It sounds like a great vacation! The 50th anniversary of the Hindenberg disaster was a couple weeks back, so I was reading about zeppelins around that time - they are fascinating. Did you get to go into one at all?


silver_cyanne July 26 2017, 23:20:31 UTC
Ohh, zepplins sound so cool. I've been to several air museums but I've never seen one. Glad you had a good time.


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